

reason to pick which points

    • these points are where the extra meridians connect with the twelve primary meridians. these extra points take the overflow from main channels absorb the energy and transfer it back to the primary channels when that energy is needed by the primary channels

    • sp4, pc6: chest, heart, stomach, blood stagnation, indigestion

    • gb41, sj5: outer canthus, cheek, shoulder, blood stagnation, indigestion

    • si3, ub62: inner canthus, nape of the neck, ear, shoulder, back problems

    • lu7, kd6: lung systems, throat, diaphragm, yin deficiency

    1. these points are for treating yin diseases - zang organs, deficiency, and cold syndromes.

    2. used to drain excess conditions

    3. lead the disease out through the back

    4. more rapid effects than front mu points

    5. treat acute or chronic conditions

    ub21 (rebel qi) or ub18 (lv qi stag.): most used to tonify organs but are very good for treating rebellious qi (ub21) or liver qi stagnation (ub18)

    above ub17: back shu points above ub17 are better for treating yang conditions

    outer shu points except ub43 (eg. ub52 with ub23):

    • outer shu points are used for mental issues associated with points

    • eg. ub52 is very good for mental issues when used with ub23.

    • (exception is ub43 - lung deficiency)

  • treating yang diseases...

    • these points are for treating yang diseases - fu organs


    • used to supplement or tonify deficiencies

    below ren 8

    • better for treating yin conditions

  • draining or...

    • draining or supplementing the channels

    flow of the qi moving freely...

    • used to keep energy flow of the qi moving freely from one meridian to the next.

    energy starts at the entry point...

    • energy starts at the entry point and ends at the exit point to continue to the next channel

    • systematic: systematic conditions

    • therapeutically helps...:

      therapeutically helps some tissues, organs, qi and blood

    • a specific influential function...:

      each point has a specific influential function as well as its own traditional function.

  • balancing yin & yang...

    • balancing yin & yang to upper & lower parts of the body

    excess yin on the lower part...

    • excess yin on the lower part of their body (varicose veins, cold feet) and excess yang in the upper part of their body (heat in the head, anger, red eyes, headache)

    open the channels...

    • open the channels in the neck area that permits the ascent or descent of either yin or yang

  • yang organs for pain...

    • yang organs for pain (excess conditions). yin organs for pain & bleeding

    • used when all three channels are concurrently in disarray

    • help with qi and blood between the three channels, and regulate any differences of yin and yang

    • also function of dispelling pathogen from channels and promoting ying & wei

    • similar to sea points - treat yang problems

    • treats disease of the 6 fu organs

    • good for partner diseases

    • run form the luo point of one meridian to the yuan - source point of its coupled meridian.

      • the points are therefore used as a safety net for draining excess energy or replenishing a deficiency.

    • balance energy from one side of the body to the other

    • tonify yin organs (and if you add luo to source it can enhance the treatment)

    • treats superficial channel problems

    • expel excess type pathogenic factors from the yang organ

    • have a direct bearing on the prenatal qi (original qi) and tonify the yin and yang organs.

    • yin are used to tonify, and come from original qi. yang are more for excess, however they can tonify just not the best.

    • you can also use these points to evaluate the state of qi of an organ


  • (shallow to deep depth order)

    • cutaneous 12

    • sinews/tmm’s 12

    • luos 12

    • primaries 12

    • divergents 12

    • extras 8

  • superficial layers of the skin

    places where qi & blood of meridians nourish muscles, tendons and skin

    signs of internal and external disease on skin:

    1. bluish/purple > local pain

    2. darkish color > local pain

    3. yellow to red > heat

    4. pallid (white) cold or deficiency

    5. lumps, nodules beneath the skin, or abnormal skin sensations

    clinically = extensive


    1. use of cutaneous needles (stimulates protective qi in affected cutaneous regions)

    2. medicinal ointments

    3. lancing bolts

    4. moxibustion

    1. distribute qi & blood of 12 regular meridians to nourish muscles

    2. connects all bones & joints of body and maintain normal range of motion

    3. originate from extremities of limbs & ascend to head & trunk

    4. do not penetrate zang-fu

    5. contain wei qi energy and make the body’s first line of defense

    6. sinew channel problems do not register on the pulse


    • impaired movement (pulled, twisted, strained, or atrophied muscles). dermatitis, eczema, warts, urticaria, uritis, trauma, neuralgia, herpes zoster, bi syndromes, stiffness, spasms, atrophy, sciatica, or any superficial pain

    yin and yang

    • not balanced or regulated


    1. stimulate area contiguous to pain the main points are all ah shi

    2. use of acupuncture point on related primary channels

    3. possible treatment protocol uses jing well points, then meeting points, then ah shi points. finishing with main meridians (shu stream, jing river and tonification points)

    4. ling shu ch. 13 states, "each mai corresponds with a specific month and is most likely to exhibit signs of disturbance during that month


    • restore balance of yin & yang

  • 3 hand yin

    • lu: 1st finger

    • ht: 5th finger

    • pc: 3rd finger

    • converges: thoracic cavity: gb22

    3 foot yin

    • sp: 1st toe

    • kd: beneath 5th toe

    • lv: 1st toe

    • converges: genital region: ren 3

    3 hand yang

    • li: 2nd finger

    • si: 5th finger

    • sj: 4th finger

    • converges: forehead: gb13

    3 foot yang

    • st: 2nd, 3rd, 4th toes

    • ub: 5th toe

    • gb: 4th toe

    • converges: eyes: si18 or st3

  • lung

    • cramping & pain along channel, severe would have accumulation of lumps below the right costal region, tension along the lateral costal region and spitting of blood

    large intestine

    • cramping & pain along channel, inability to raise shoulder, & turn neck to left or right


    • strained middle toe, cramping of lower leg, spasmodic twitching and hardness of the muscles of the foot, and thigh, swelling of the anterior inguinal region, abdominal sinew spasm that extends to supraclavicular fossa region and cheek, sudden deviation of the mouth. if there is cold, inability to close the eye, deviated mouth. if there is heat, flaccidity of muscles and the eye cannot be opened, and also deviated mouth


    • strained big toe, pain in the medial malleolus, medial aspect of the knee, medial thigh that reaches the inguinal region, pain and cramping along the channel, twisting pain of the genitals that may reach the navel and the lateral costal region or lead to pain of the chest and interior spine.


    • internal tension, accumulation below the heart, pain, cramping and strain along the course of the channel

    small intestine

    • strained little finger, pain along the medial aspect of the elbow and upper arm, pain below axilla and on the posterior aspect, pain of the scapula that reaches the neck, tinnitus, pain of the ear that reaches the submandibular region, a need to close the eyes for a long period of time before being able to see clearly, tension of the neck sinews that leads to sinew atrophy and swelling of the neck.

    urinary bladder

    • strain of the little toe, pain and swelling of the heel, spasm of the popliteal region, opisthotonos, spasm and tension of the nape of the neck, inability to raise the shoulder, strain of the axilla, pain and strain of the supraclavicular fossa


    • cramping of the bottom of the foot, cramping and pain along the channel, convulsions and spasms associated with epilepsy. external disease patient cannot bend forward (yang disorder), internal disease means the patient can't stand backwards (yin disorder)


    • strained and cramping along the channel, pain in the chest with urgent breathing and an inverted cup sensation below the lower right ribs

    san jiao

    • strained and cramping along the channel, curled tongue

    gall bladder

    • strain and cramping of the fourth toe which leads to cramping of the lateral aspect of the knee, inability to extend and bend the knee, spasm of the popliteal region in the front leading to spasms of the upper thigh, and in the back, spasms of the sacrum, radiating to the lateral costal region and below the lateral costal region, spasm of the supraclavicular fossa, and all areas of the neck. if you look to the right then the right eye will not open and vice versa.


    • strain of the big toe, pain anterior to the medial malleolus, pain of the medial malleolus, pain of the medial aspect of the knee, spasm and pain of the medial aspect of the thigh, dysfunction of the genitals (with internal injury there is inability to have an erection, with injury by cold there is retraction of the genitals while injury by heat there is a persistent erection.

point therapeutics

    • lung 1 (central treasury): front mu & entry point. clear any type of excess from the lung exterior or interior. disperses fullness in the chest, stops cough, stops pain. paired lu1 & ub13 back shu, front-mu, regulate lung passage and descending lung qi

    • lung 2 (cloud door): scatter fullness from the chest, stops cough, promotes the descent of lung qi

    • lung 3 (heavenly residence): powerful point for many emotional problems coming from lung disharmony

    • lung 5 (cubit marsh): he-sea point. expels phlegm from the lungs, clears lung heat (excess or deficient). paired lu5 & sp9 & ren3 benefits water passages. paired lu5 & st40 phlegm

    • lung 6 (biggest hole): accumulation point. normalizes and descends lung qi, clears heat, stops bleeding

    • lung 7 (broken sequence): luo-connecting, exit, command pt. of back of neck, master pt. of ren. tonifies lung qi & stimulates lung function, opens water passages. releases exterior, expels wind cold, opens nose, opens directing vessel. paired lu7 & kd6 nourishes yin, dry throat, lung dryness. paired lu7 & st36 difficulty breathing. paired lu7 & li4 & ub13 strengthens functional activities of lung, removes wind

    • lung 8 (channel canal): river point, metal point. helps with cough, asthma, throat problems

    • lung 9 (great abyss): yuan-source and shu-stream. influential point of vessels. tonifies lung qi, lung yin, clears lung and liver heat. regulates lung qi, stops cough. more for deficiency than excess, more interior than lung 7. good for chronic cough with yellow-sticky sputum. paired lu9 & ub13 tonifies lung qi (chronic bronchitis)

    • lung 10 (fish border): ying-spring point. clears lung heat, benefits the throat, loss of voice. paired lung 10 & san jiao 2

    • li4 (union valley): yuan-source point, command point of the face & mouth. expels wind, releases exterior, disperses function of lungs, stops pain. tonifies qi and consolidates exterior, balances ascending and descending. paired li4 & lv3 four gates - stagnant qi. paired li4 & sp8 acute dysmenorrhea. paired li4 & li11 releases exterior, clears heat

    • li6 (verrying passageway): luo-connecting point. opens lung water passages

    • li11 (pool at the bend): he-sea point, sun si miao ghost point. clears heat, cools blood, regulates qi & blood, activates the channel, stops pain

    • li20 (welcome fragrance): opens nasal passages, expels wind & clears heat

    • st4 (earth granary): stops pain, eliminates wind from the face. paired st4 & st6 or st4 & st7 deviation of the mouth.

    • st6 (jawbone): eliminates wind, activates channel & alleviates pain. paired st6 & li4 mumps

    • st8 (head corner): eliminates wind, stops pain, benefits eyes, headaches

    • st12 (empty basin): subdues rebellious qi, is used for the mind by sending qi downward (anxiety, nervousness)

    • st18 (breast root): mastitis, insufficient lactation, difficult labor. paired st18 & st16 & st39 & lv3 & kd7

    • st21 (beam gate): regulates stomach & intestines, pain, vomiting, subdues rebellious qi. paired st21 & ren12 excess in st. channel/burning pain in epigastric area

    • st25 (celestial pivot): front-mu point of large intestine. regulates qi & blood, and intestines, spleen and stomach. resolves dampness and damp heat. paired st25 & ren3 ceaseless diarrhea. paired st25 & sj6 vomiting and sudden turmoil disorder. paired st25 & st36 acute diarrhea. paired st25 & st37 dysentery.

    • st28 (water way): regulates lower jiao, benefits bladder and uterus. paired st28 & ren9 & ub22 stimulate spleen to transform & transport and resolve damp

    • st29 (return): amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine prolapse. paired st29 & st27 moves qi in lower abdomen, stimulates si function, stops pain. paired st29 & sp6 dysmenorrhea.

    • st30 (penetrating qi): sea of food, essence, regulates stomach qi, regulates penetrating vessel

    • st34 (beam hill): xi-cleft point: pain & numbness in the knee, harmonizes the stomach, activates channel

    • st36 (leg three mile): he sea, command of abdomen, lower he-sea of stomach, sea of nourishment. harmonizes the stomach and intestines. benefits spleen and stomach, stops pain, tonifies qi and blood, and original qi. paired st36 & sp3 & ub20 & ub21 tonifies spleen. paired st36 & ren6 strengthens the spleen/stomach

    • st37 (upper great emptiness): lower he sea point of li, sea of blood, regulates stomach and intestines, rids damp heat, dispels retention of food.

    • sp1 (hidden white): jing-well point. uterine bleeding with moxa. sleep disorders.

    • sp3 (supreme white): yuan-source point, shu-stream point. strengthens spleen. resolves damp, regulates qi. vomiting, constipation, dysentery, gastric pain. paired sp3 & ub20 & ub21.

    • sp4 (yellow emperor): luo-connecting point, master point of the chong, harmonizes middle jiao, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, gastric pain, regulates chong meridian, food stagnation, paired sp4 & pc6 menses, or food stagnation, chest pain.

    • sp6 (three yin intersection): group-luo point. expels damp, strengthens spleen, promotes function of liver & smooth flow of liver qi, tonifies kidneys, liver, spleen, menses problems, invigorates blood. paired sp6 & sp9 resolves damp & damp heat in lower jiao. paired sp6 & kd6 & ren12 promotes body fluids. paired sp6 & ren4 tonifies yin and promotes fluids.

    • sp8 (earth crux): xi-cleft point, irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, abdominal masses, regulates qi & blood, stops pain

    • sp9 (yin mound spring): he-sea point, removes damp, cold, pain, regulates waterways, dispels wind/cold, benefits lower jiao

    • sp10 (sea of blood): tonifies blood, cools blood (rashes, leucorrhea), moves blood, clears heat in the blood

    • sp12 (rushing door): removes obstructions from the channel

    • sp21 (great embracement): group luo point. pain in the whole body. flaccid muscles, chest pain, cough

    • ht3 (lesser yin sea): sea point, water point, removes obstructions from channel, calms the mind, clears heat

    • ht5 (connecting li) luo-connecting point, calms the mind, tonifies qi, removes obstructions from the channel, opens into tongue, paired ht5 & sj17 sudden loss of speech.

    • ht7 (spirit gate): yuan-source point, shu-stream point. nourishes heart blood, calms mind, opens the orifices

    • ht8 (lesser mansion): ying-spring point, clears heart fire, calms the mind, deficiency heat and heart phlegm fire, clears heat from the heart and intestines, paired ht8 & li11 clears heart fire.

    • ht9 (lesser surge): jing-well point, phlegm misting the heart, clears heat, subdues wind, revival point, paired ht9 & li11 fever, paired ht9 & st40 phlegm misting the heart, phlegm fire harassing the mind

    • si1 (lesser marsh): jing-well point, clears heat, revival point, expels wind heat, promotes lactation and benefits the breasts, paired si1 & li4 & ren17 insufficient lactation

    • si3 (back ravine): master point of the du, shu-stream point, benefits the occiput, neck, and back, activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears wind, heat and treats malaria, night sweating, calms the spirit and treats epilepsy, regulates the governing vessel, paired si3 & sj6 stiffness of the neck with inability to turn the head, paired si3 & sj5 pain of the head and eyes

    • si6 (nursing the aged): xi-cleft point, benefits the eyes, benefits the shoulder and arm, helps acute conditions

    • si7 (branch to the correct): luo-connecting point, clears heat and releases the exterior, calms the spirit, benefits finger joint, paired si7 & li6 helps resolve thyroid swellings

    • si19 (auditory palace): benefits the ears, paired si19 & sj3

    • ub1 (bright eyes): expels wind, clears heat, brightens the eyes, stops pain, itching, lacrimation, paired ub1 & lv2 night blindness, paired ub1 & kd6 (tonify) & ub62 (reduce) insomnia, paired ub1 & ub62 (tonify) & kd6 (reduce) for somnolence

    • ub11 (great shuttle): influential point of bone, sea point of blood, nourishes blood, strengthens bones, expels wind, releases the exterior, paired ub11 & gb39 & kd7 & ub62 for coldness and pain of the bone marrow

    • ub12 (wind gate): expels and prevents exterior wind, releases the exterior, stimulates the lung dispersing function, relieves cough, regulates nutritive and defensive qi.

    • ub13 (lung shu): back-shu lung, stimulates lung dispersing and descending function, regulates & tonifies lung qi, stops cough, clears heat, regulates nutritive and defensive qi, exterior and interior patterns, paired ub13 & du12 chronic deficiency of lung qi, paired ub13 & ub43 to tonify lung yin, paired ub13 & st40 clear lung phlegm, paired ub13 & lu9 lung distention

    • ub14 (pc shu): back-shu pericardium, opens the chest, stops chest pain and palpitations

    • ub15 (heart shu): back-shu heart, calms the mind, clears heat, nourishes heart, stimulates the brain, invigorates blood

    • ub17 (diaphragm shu): influential point of blood, nourishes blood, invigorates blood, opens the chest, clears heat, calms the mind, tonifies qi and blood, diaphragm point to remove obstructions, pacifies stomach qi, paired ub17 & ub18 nourishes liver blood or removes stasis of liver blood, paired ub17 & ub15 nourishes heart blood or removes stasis of heart blood. paired ub17 & ub20 promotes the spleen function of making blood, paired ub17 & ub19 tonifies qi and blood of the whole body (called "four flowers"). paired ub17 & ub18 & ub20 tonifies qi & blood in general with moxa (called the magnificent six)

    • ub18 (liver shu): back-shu liver, benefits liver & gall bladder, resolves damp-heat, moves stagnant qi, benefits the eyes, eliminates wind

    • ub19 (gall bladder shu): back-shu gall bladder, resolves damp-heat in liver & gall bladder, pacifies the stomach, relaxes the diaphragm, paired ub19 & ub17 relaxes the diaphragm, hiccups, feeling of fullness under the diaphragm

    • ub20 (spleen shu): back-shu spleen, tonify spleen & stomach, nourishes blood, resolves damp, paired ub20 & ub28 spleen deficiency (with undigested food in the stool)

    • ub21 (stomach shu): back-shu stomach, regulates, pacifies, and tonifies stomach qi, expels damp, helps with retention of food, paired ub21 & ub20 eating but has no pleasure in the food

    • ub22 (triple burner shu) back-shu san jiao, resolves damp, opens water passages, regulates transformation of fluids in lower burner

    • ub23 (kidney shu) back-shu kidney, tonifies kidneys & nourishes kidney essence, brightens eyes and ears, strengthens lower back, nourishes blood, benefits bones and marrow, resolves damp, helps with asthma, paired ub23 & ub52 powerful tonic for kidneys and stimulates the mind, paired ub23 & ub28 & sp9 to resolve damp-heat in the lower burner, also treats kidney stones

    • ub25 (large intestine shu): back-shu large intestine, promotes the function of the large intestine, strengthens the lower back , relieves fullness and swelling, removes obstructions from channel, paired ub25 & ub23 cold damp diarrhea with undigested food

    • ub27 (small intestine shu): back-shu small intestine, promotes the function of the small intestine, resolves dampness, benefits urination, clears heat

    • ub28 (urinary bladder shu): back-shu urinary bladder, resolves dampness, clears heat, stops pain, eliminates stagnation, regulates bladder, opens water passages in the lower burner

    • ub32 (second bone hole): empirical point for excess dysmenorrhea, regulates the lower burner, tonifies lumbar and knees; nourish the kidneys, infertility of women, paired ub32 & st29 & ren3 dysmenorrhea, paired ub32 & sp8 dysmenorrhea

    • ub39 (bend yang): lower he-sea san jiao, opens the water passages in the lower burner, benefits bladder, paired ub39 & lu7 acute edema

    • ub40 (mend middle): command point of the back (upper & lower), lower he-sea ub, he -sea point, relaxes the sinews, removes obstructions form the channel, cools blood, eliminates stasis of blood, clears summer-heat, rashes, clears heat, resolves damp, paired ub40 & du26 pain of the lumbar region and leg, paired ub40 & kd7 pain of the lumbar spine

    • ub42 (lu outer shu, door of the corporal soul): stimulates descent of lung qi, stops cough and asthma, regulates qi, clears heat

    • ub57 (mountain support) empirical point for hemorrhoids, removes obstructions from the channel, relaxes sinews, clears heat, paired ub57 & erbai & or ub57 & ub40

    • ub58 (taking flight): luo-connecting point, strengthens the kidneys, removes obstructions from channel

    • ub60 (kunlun mountains): jing-river point, removes obstructions from channel, invigorates blood, strengthens the back, expels wind, clears heat

    • ub62 (extending vessel): master point of the yang qiao removes obstructions from the channel, benefits eyes, eliminates interior wind, relaxes sinews

    • ub67 (reaching yin): jing-well point, clears wind, clears eyes, removes obstructions, invigorates blood, turns the baby in the 8th month (can use moxa cones for 10 days)

    • kd1 (gushing spring): jing-well point, tonifies yin, clears heat (excess & deficiency), relieves wind, calms and clears the mind, revival point

    • kd2 (blazing valley): ying-spring point, clears deficiency heat, cools blood, paired kd2, kd6 & sp6 deficient heat, night sweating

    • kd3 (great ravine): shu-stream & yuan-source point, tonifies kidneys, benefits essence, regulates uterus, strengthens lower back and knees

    • kd6 (shining sea): master point of the yin qiao, nourishes yin, dryness, calms mind, cools blood, benefits eyes and throat, opens the chest

    • kd7 (recover flow): jing-river point, tonifies kidneys, (better for tonifying kd yang than kd3), strengthens lower back, resolves damp, eliminates edema, regulates sweat

    • kd9 (guest house): xi-cleft point of yin wei, calms mind, tonifies kidney yin (not as good as kd3), clears ht and transforms phlegm

    • kd10 (yin valley): sea point, water point, tonifies kidney yin, expels damp from lower burner

    • kd13 (qi hole): point of penetrating vessel, tonfies kidneys & essence. strengthens uterus & consolidates chong & ren

    • kd14 (four fullnesses): moves qi & blood in the lower abdomen. regulates uterus & menses. masses.

    • kd27 (shu mansion): harmonizes the stomach, stops rebellious qi and cough, resolves phlegm, stimulates the kidney reception of qi, calms asthma

    • pc3 (marsh at the bend): he-sea point, clears heat, cools blood (febrile diseases), expels fire poison, moves blood, removes stagnation, calms mind, acute sunstroke, heat in the intestines

    • pc4 (cleft-xi gate): xi-cleft point, regulates the pulse (arrhythmia), calms the heart, regulates the blood, removes blood stasis (chest pain, angina), cools blood (skin conditions), paired pc4 & pc7 coughing blood

    • pc5 (intermediary courier): jing-river point, group luo point, 3 arm yin, phlegm misting the heart, clears heart fire, regulates heart qi, dispels stagnation, empirical point for malaria

    • pc6(inner pass): luo-connecting point, master point of the yin wei, opens the chest, calms the mind, dizziness, regulates heart qi and blood, irritability due to stagnation of liver qi, premenstrual depression, promotes sleep, regulates the stomach qi, treats nausea and vomiting, morning sickness, painful menses or irregular menses, regulates and clears san jiao, paired pc6 & sp4 blood stagnation, abdominal, abdominal pain, & digestion.

    • pc7 (great mound): yuan-source & shu-stream point, clears heat, expels wind, regulates qi, alleviates pain, extremely effective for depression, paired sj3 & du20 moves qi, lifts depression (good for liver qi stagnation)

    • sj3 (central islet): empirical point for ears, shu-stream point, clears heat, expels wind, regulates qi, alleviates pain, extremely effective for depression, paired sj3 & du20 moves qi, lifts depression (good for liver qi stagnation)

    • sj4 (yang pool): yuan-source point, removes obstructions from the channel, clears heat, regulates stomach, tonifies penetrating and directing vessels, paired sj4 & sj42 regulates the function of the stomach and tonifies the stomach & spleen, paired sj4 & ub64 relieves dampness in the lower jiao, stimulates the transformation & elimination of fluids in the lower jiao

    • sj5 (outer pass): master point of the yang wei, luo-connecting point, expels wind heat, releases the exterior, removes obstruction from the channel, alternating chills and fever, benefits the ear (ear infections), subdues liver yang, good for migraines & carpal tunnel, some sources say this point expels all six pathogenic factors

    • sj6 (branch ditch): jing-river point, empirical point for constipation, regulates qi, removes obstructions from the san jiao and large intestines, clears heat, expels wind, paired sj6 & gb31 herpes zoster (flank pain), paired sj6 & gb34 regulates qi of all three jiao, removes liver qi stagnation, paired sj6 & kd6 constipation with dryness

    • sj17 (wind screen): good for the ears, expels wind

    • sj21 (ear door): local point for ear problems (especially tinnitus & deafness) mostly from liver yang rising

    • gb1 (pupil bone hole): expels wind heat, clear fire, brightens the eyes, photophobia, migraines

    • gb2 (auditory convergence): eliminates wind, clears heat, benefits ears

    • gb9 (celestial hub): removes obstructions from the channel, subdues rising qi, migraines, eliminates interior wind, calms spasms, calms the mind, paired gb9 & gb5, li11 & gb34 speech and movement if from the cns

    • gb20 (wind pool): eliminates wind (interior & exterior) clears heat, benefits ears and brightens eyes (cataracts), subdues liver yang, clears brain, activates channel, stops pain

    • gb21 (shoulder well): relaxes sinews, promotes lactation, mastitis, promotes delivery

    • gb24 (sun & moon): front-mu of the gall bladder, resolves damp-heat, jaundice, promotes the function of the gall bladder and liver, paired gb24 & li11 & gb34 damp-heat, gallstones, paired gb24 & gb6 habitual constipation, helps with daily decisions

    • gb26 (girdling vessel) regulates the girdle vessel, regulates the uterus, resolves damp-heat

    • gb30 (jumping round): removes obstructions from the channel (sciatic pain), tonifies qi and blood, resolves damp-heat

    • gb31 (wind market): empirical point for itching expels itching, relieves itching, strengthens bones and relaxes sinews, paired gb31 & li11 & sp10 & ub40 skin rashes due to heat

    • gb34 (yang mount spring): he-sea, influential point for sinews, lower he-sea point gall bladder, balances smooth flow of liver-qi, subdues rebellious qi, resolves damp-heat, removes obstruction form the channel, paired gb34 & gb24 damp heat in the liver, gall bladder, paired gb34 & sj6 regulate qi of all three burners, removes liver qi stagnation

    • gb37 (bright light): luo-connecting point, expels wind clears heat, brightens eyes, pulls fire downward

    • gb39 (suspended bell): benefits essence, influential point for marrow, group luo 3 leg yang, eliminates wind, paired gb39 & st36 prevents stroke, increases t-cell count

    • gb40 (hill ruins): yuan-source point, promotes smooth flow of liver qi

    • gb41 (foot overlooking tears) shu-stream point, opening point of dai, resolves damp-heat (chronic vaginal discharge, cystitis), regulates girdle vessel, promotes the smooth flow of liver qi, treats headaches due to liver qi stagnation or liver fire, paired gb41 & sj2 harmonizes the shao yang meridians

    • lv1 (large pile): well-point, revival point, regulates menstruation, regulates smooth flow of qi, removes damp-heat (genital itching, retention of urine), cold in the liver channel

    • lv2 (moving between): ying-spring point, clears heat, cools blood, subdues liver-yang, subdues wind

    • lv3 (great surge): yuan-source point, shu-stream point, subdues liver-yang, expels interior wind, promotes the smooth flow of liver-qi, tonifies blood, calms the mind, calms spasms

    • lv5 (woodworm canal): luo-connecting point, promotes smooth flow of liver qi, resolves damp-heat (vaginal discharge, cloudy urine), genital herpes

    • lv8 (spring at the bend): he-sea point, resolves dampness from the lower burner, nourishes blood

    • lv13 (camphorwood gate): front-mu point spleen, influential point of the zang organs, relieves retention of food, benefits stomach and spleen (liver over-acting on the spleen/stomach)

    • lv14 (cycle gate): front-mu point of the liver, promotes smooth flow of qi, hypochondriac pain, benefits stomach, cools blood, paired lv14 & sp6 emotional problems & liver qi stagnation, motion sickness, jaundice, shingles

    • ren3 (central pole): front-mu of urinary bladder, muscle meridian point 3 leg yin, meeting point of ren, spleen, liver, kidney, resolves damp-heat, supports the bladder function of qi transformation, clears heat, paired ren3 & ren1 & sp6 & sp9 & lv5 fever, burning urination and blood in urine, paired re3 & ren1 & st29 amenorrhea

    • ren4 (origin pass): front-mu of small intestine, nourishes blood and yin, pre-natal qi, strengthens yang, warms the spleen, regulates uterus, good for fertility, tonifies kidney, very powerful points at calming the mind, paired ren4 & du4 tonifies ming-men fire

    • ren6 (sea of qi): tonifies pre-natal qi, yang and regulates qi, resolves dampness, rescues yang from collapse

    • ren8 (spirit gate): strengthens the spleen, tonifies pre-natal qi, rescues yang

    • ren9 (water divide): controls the water passages, transforms fluids, treats edema, paired ren9, st28 helps with water, paired ren9 & kd7 edema, paired ren9 & sp9 edema around the umbilical region

    • ren10 (lower venter): helps with food stagnation, promotes descending action, tonifies spleen, paired ren10 & ren12 hardness of the abdomen

    • ren11 (building mile): promotes rotting and ripening of stomach, stimulates descent of stomach qi, (ren11 & ren13 are better for excess, whereas ren12 is better for deficiency, but can really be used for anything)

    • ren12 (central venter): front-mu of the stomach, influential point of fu organs, gathering point for yang organs, tonifies stomach and spleen, resolves dampness, regulates stomach-qi, paired ren12 & ub17 & lv13 vomiting, paired ren12 & sp4 & st41 & st36 stagnation of food in the mid-abdomen, stabbing pain that does not cease.

    • ren13 (upper venter): subdues rebellious stomach qi (also vomiting), but regulates the heart, ren13 controls upper stomach (fundus), ren12 body (middle), ren10 lower (pylorus), ren10 better for stimulating descending of stomach qi in moving food down, ren12 helps with digestion and ren13 helps with hiccup, nausea and belching, paired ren13 & pc7 unbearable heart pain, paired ren13 & ht7 manic, rushing around

    • ren14 (great tower gate): front-mu of the heart, descends rebellious stomach qi, calms the heart, calms mind, regulates the heart, alleviates pain, descends lung qi and opens the chest, paired ren14 & ub15 agitation of the heart

    • ren17 (chest center): front-mu of pericardium, influential point of qi, 4 sea points for qi/energy, tonifies qi, regulates qi, clears the lungs, resolves phlegm, clears fullness from the chest, helps the diaphragm and breasts, paired ren17 & pc6 opens the chest, paired ren17 & si1 breast issues, paired ren17 & ren 22 dyspnea and cough

    • ren22 (celestial chimney): clears heat, benefits throat, stops cough, resolves phlegm, soothes asthma, stimulates the descending of lung qi, paired ren22 & pc6 plum pit

    • ren23 (ridge spring): expels interior wind, promotes speech, clears fire, resolves phlegm, subdues rebellious qi, benefits the tongue, paired ren23 & ht5 & du15 aphasia, paired ren23 & kd2 & kd10 swelling below the tongue w/ difficulty speaking

    • ren24 (sauce receptacle): expels exterior wind, paired ren24 & li4 bell's palsy

    • du1 (long strong): luo-connecting point, regulates, resolves damp-heat, hemorrhoids, lowest point on channel can be used to calm the mind, paired du1 & st36 & ren6 & du20 - rectal prolapse

    • du2 (lumbar shu): important point for removing interior wind, major for epilepsy, good for spasms and strengthens lower back, good for chronic sacral pain from kidney yang deficiency, paired du2 & du16

    • du3 (life gate): tonifies kidney yang, nourishes original qi, gate of mingmen fire, expels cold, benefits essence, strengthens lower back, good for cold in the uterus with dysmenorrhea or infertility, paired du4 & ub23 lumbar pain in the elderly

    • du4 (life gate): tonifies kidney yang, nourishes original qi, gate of mingmen fire, expels cold, benefits essence, strengthens lower back, good for cold in the uterus with dysmenorrhea or infertility, paired du4 & ub23 lumbar pain in the elderly

    • du9 (extremity of yang): empirical point for jaundice, promotes the smooth flow of qi in liver and gall bladder, opens the chest and diaphragm, damp heat in the liver and gall bladder (jaundice)

    • du10 (spirit tower): empirical points for boils, clears heat and detoxifies

    • du12 (body pillar): resolves interior wind, calms spasms, strengthens the body, tonifies lung qi, clears heat from the heart and lungs, paired with du12 & ub13 & ub43 chronic lung deficiency

    • du14 (great hammer): meeting point of du, urinary bladder, gall bladder & stomach, 4 sea points for qi/energy, clears head, releases the exterior, expels wind, regulates nutritive and protective layers, calms mind, tonify yang, treats malaria, paired du14 & du2 malaria

    • du15 (mute's gate): 4 sea point for qi/energy, called gate of dumbness, stimulates speech, clears the mind, speech problems, benefits tongue, neck and spine, paired du15 & lu6 loss of voice, paired du15 & sj8 sudden loss of voice

    • du16 (wind mansion) point in sea of marrow, window of the sky point, 4 sea point for bone resolves wind (wind-cold or wind-heat, and interior wind), clears mind, benefits brain, paired du16 & gb20 & li4 exterior and interior wind

    • du20 (hundred convergences): meeting point of all the yang channels, 4 sea point for bone, sea of marrow point, clears mind, helps clear yang rise, tonifies yang, extinguishes interior wind, promotes resuscitation, strengthens ascending function of the spleen, used with moxa, tonifies yang, helps with prolapse, no moxa with patients with high blood pressure, paired du 20 & du26 & pc6 for revival

    • du23 (upper star): opens the nose, chronic nose disorders, resolves phlegm in nose, benefits nose, eyes, face and dispels swelling

    • du24 (spirit court): benefits the brain and calms the spirit, eliminates wind, benefits the nose and eyes, paired du24 & du25 & kd1 wind epilepsy

    • du26 (water drough): calms the mind, revival point, expels wind, benefits face, nose, benefits face, nose, benefits the spine and treats acute lumbar sprain, used in psychiatric practice for schizophrenia and split thoughts, paired du26 & gb13 for severe anxiety and fears

    • abdominal distension: st25, ren6, pc6, st36

    • benefits urination: st28

    • benefits blood: st29

    • benefits essence: st30

    • breast abscess: sp1

    • breast abscess, insufficient lactation: si1

    • chest pain: ren17, pc6

    • constipation: sj6 with dryness + kidney 6

    • diaphragm: ub17

    • diarrhea (acute): st25 & st37

    • dream disturbed sleep or uterine bleeding: sp1

    • dysentery: st25 & st37

    • dysmenorrhea (excess): ub32 & sp8

    • dysphasia: ren22, pc6

    • ears: sj3, sj21, si19

    • eyes, cataracts: gb20

    • fever: du14, li11, li4

    • fright wind, epilepsy, seizures: sj18

    • general weakness: ren4, st36

    • goiter: sj13

    • heart qi deficiency: ht5

    • heart yin deficiency: ht6

    • heart blood deficiency: ht7

    • hypochondriac pain: sj6, gb34, lv14

    • insomnia: ht7, sp6, kd3 (nourish blood)

    • interior wind: gb39 & st36

    • lung qi deficiency & lung yin deficiency chronic lung: ub13 & ub43, du12

    • mingmen fire (tonify): du4 & ren4

    • nausea & vomiting: pc6 & st36

    • neck & back pain: ub10 & ub40

    • neck pain: gb39

    • night sweats: si3, ht6

    • palpitations: pc6, pc4

    • phlegm expectoration: st40, lu5, ren12

    • prevent colds: ub12 & st36

    • prolapsed anus: du1, ub57

    • pruritus: li1, sp10, sp6, gb31, ub40

    • retention of urine: sp6, sp9

    • shock: moxa at du20, ren8, ren4, st36

    • spasm of gastrocnemius: ub57

    • spasm of the masseter muscle: st7, st6, li4

    • spermatorrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation: ren4, sp6

    • spontaneous sweating: li4, kd7

    • stimulate birth: ub67

    • sunstroke: pc3

    • t cells: gb39

    • urine retention: ren2, sp6, sp9

    • vaginal itching: lv5, lv3

    • epilepsy: du2

    • jaundice: du9

    • boils: du10

    • hearing problems: sj3

    • hemorrhoids: ub57

    • itching: gb31 + sp10, li11, ub40

    • malaria, phlegm misting the heart: pc5

    • sunstroke: pc3

    • lu7: command back of head/neck

    • lu9: influential blood vessels

    • li4: pain anywhere, command face/head

    • li11, sp10: clear heat

    • li11, ub40: clear skin rashes

    • li11, st9, gb20: hypertension

    • li20: open sinuses

    • st4, 6, 7: facial paralysis, deviated mouth

    • st36: tonify qi, command abdomen

    • st38: shoulder pain

    • st40: phlegm

    • sp1: abnormal bleeding, excess dreams

    • sp9: damp

    • sp21: body aches

    • ht5: tongue disorders

    • ht7: calm shen, tonify heart qi

    • si1: insufficient lactation

    • si3: open du channel

    • ub11: influential bone

    • ub17: influential blood, diaphragm

    • ub40: command back

    • ub48: jin jaundice

    • ub57: hemorrhoids

    • ub60, 67: delayed, difficult labor

    • pc4: acute chest pain, angina

    • pc5: malaria

    • pc6: insomnia, vomiting, command chest

    • pc8: calm shen, clear heat

    • sj3: ears, deafness

    • gb8: liver yang rising headache

    • gb21: mastitis, open jing well fingers

    • gb26: leucorrhea

    • gb30: sciatica, open jing well toes

    • gb31: resolves itching

    • gb34: influential sinews, rib side pain

    • gb39: influential marrow

    • gb41: pain around waist, shaoyang

    • lv1: uterine bleeding, hernia

    • lv5: genital itching, plum pit

    • lv8: liver blood

    • lv13: influential zang

    • ren4: tonify qi, yin, yang, essence

    • ren6: tonify qi, yang

    • ren8: moxa for qi collapse

    • ren12: influential fu

    • ren17: influential qi

    • ren22: plum pit

    • du4: kidney yang, source qi

    • du8: spasms

    • du9: jaundice

    • du10: boils

    • du14: heat, wind

    • du15: speech problems

    • du16: interior or exterior wind

    • du20: raise qi

    • du23: open sinuses

    • du24: calm shen

    • du26: fainting, collapse

    • abdominal distention: ren6, st36

    • cardiac pain: pc6, pc4

    • clenched jaw: st7, st6, li4

    • constipation: sj6, kd6

    • convulsions: li4, lv3

    • coma: du26, shixuan

    • cough, asthma: ren22, dingchuan

    • coughing up blood: lu6, ub17

    • epistaxis: du23, li4

    • fever: du14, li4, li11

    • night sweating: si3, ht6

    • prolapse rectum: du1, 20

    • rib-side pain: sj6, gb34

    • seizures: ub62 (day), kd6 (night)

    • suffocation in chest: ren17, pc6

    • stop lactation: gb41, gb37

    • stroke prevention: moxa st36, gb39

    • yin deficiency: lu7, kd6

the luo/collaterals

    • the collaterals channels branch out from the primary channels

    • connect externally and internally related meridians and move local qi and blood, therefore giving free flow of qi and blood to the meridians

    • the collaterals have many smaller branches which are called minute collaterals and superficial collaterals. they possess the function of transporting qi & blood to the body surface

    • there are fifteen collaterals

    • tonifies yin organs

    • removes pathogenic factors of the excess type from yang organs

    • for superficial channel problems, but could be used for internal problems

    • balances energy between left and right halves of the meridian

  • the luo connecting channels run from the luo meridian to the yuan source point of it’s coupled meridian. this relationship is regarded as a safety valve between two paired meridians. they are able to drain off excess energy or fill a deficiency from one to other.

    ex. use source point of the primary meridian affected (tonify if empty, sedate if full), then add the luo connecting point of the associated primary channel.

    ex. a disease affecting the heart channel you would needle ht7 (source point) coupled with si7 (luo-connecting)

  • arm yin-lung-lu7

    • excess: hot palms or wrists

    • deficient: shortness of breath, frequent urination, enuresis

    • channel pathology: shoulder pain that follows the lung channel

    arm yin-heart-ht5

    • excess: fullness and pressure in chest, rapid heartbeat

    • deficient: aphasia

    • channel pathology: pain in arm along heart channel

    arm yin-pericardium-pc6

    • excess: chest pains, inappropriate laughter, nausea, palpitations, mental restlessness

    • deficient: irritability

    • channel pathology: spasms or pain in the forearm

  • arm yang-large intestine-li6

    • excess: toothache, deafness, lymph node inflammation, mumps, nosebleed

    • deficiency: sensation of coldness in the teeth, fullness and congestion in chest

    • channel-oriented pathology: large intestine shoulder pain

    arm yang-small intestine-si7

    • excess: looseness in joints, atrophy of muscles in elbow and arm

    • deficiency: long finger-shaped warts, scabies

    • channel-oriented pathology: pain in the arm along the small intestine channel, neck pain

    arm yang-san jiao-sj5

    • excess: spasms of the elbow, conjunctivitis, deafness, enuresis

    • deficiency: flaccid muscles in arm and elbow

    • channel-oriented pathology: shoulder and back pain, along channel

  • leg yin-spleen-sp4

    • excess: vomiting, diarrhea, sharp intestinal pain. (cholera)

    • deficiency: abdominal swelling, weakness, heaviness, jaundice

    • channel-oriented pathology: pain along spleen channel

    leg yin-kidney-kd4

    • excess: irritability, depression, enuresis, retention of urine, lumbago, mental restlessness, stifling sensation in chest

    • deficiency: low back pain

    • channel oriented pathology: weakness in lower extremities

    leg yin-liver-lv5

    • excess: colic, swelling and pain of testicles, hernia

    • deficiency: itching in pubic region (pruritus)

  • leg yang-stomach-st40

    • excess: epilepsy, insanity, nosebleed, abdominal distention, congested and sore throat, facial numbness

    • deficiency: flaccid or atrophied muscles in the legs or feet, pharyngitis, sudden aphasia

    leg yang-urinary bladder-ub58

    • excess: nasal congestion, headache, back pain

    • deficiency: clear nasal discharge, nosebleeds, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids

    leg yang-gall bladder-gb37

    • excess: fainting, headache, eye pain, enlarged thyroid, swollen lymph nodes, coldness in the feet

    • deficient: weak and flaccid muscles of the foot making it difficult to stand

  • ren-ren15

    • excess: pain in skin of abdomen

    • deficient: itching on skin of abdomen


    • excess: stiffness along the spine

    • deficient: heaviness or dizziness in the head

    great spleen-sp21

    • excess: general aches and pains throughout the body

    • deficiency: weakness in the muscles, limbs and joints. tremors.

    great stomach-below the left breast

    • excess: rapid breathing, irregular breathing, sensation of a knot-like obstruction in the chest

channel/vessel paths

    • called the twelve regular meridians because they are the major trunks in the system

    • there exists an exterior - interior relationship between the three yin and three yang meridians

    • also responsible for movement of qi and blood

    • resists pathogens and reflects symptoms and signs.

    • miraculous pivot ch. 71 "when lung and heart involved, pathogenic qi lingers in both elbows, liver - axillae, spleen - groin, kidney - popliteal fossae"

  • originates - middle jiao - li - st - diaphragm - enters lu1 - lu11

    branch - lu7 -li4 - li1

    tissue - throat

    organs - lu, li, st, kd

    pathology - cough, asthma, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, dry throat, changes in the color of urine, hemoptysis, congested and sore throat, fever, aversion to cold, sensation of fullness in the chest, pain in supraclavicular fossa, back and anterior border of medial aspect of the arm.

  • originates - heart - spreads through the heart - diaphragm - si - kd

    branch -ht - esophagus - transverse cheek & face - tissues surrounding eye (eye system)

    branch - ht - lungs - axilla - forearm - pisiform bone region, proximal to palm. enters the palm to end at the tip of the little finger to connect with si

    tissues - surrounds the eye

    organs - ht, si, lu, kd

    pathology - palpitations, fever, pain in the eyes, headache, cardiac pain ,hypochondriac pain, thirst, night sweats, insomnia, dry throat, pain in medial aspect of upper arm and heat sensation in palms. pain along scapula or medial aspect of forearm.

  • originates - chest - pc - diaphragm - abdomen connects with all 3 jiaos

    branch - chest - pc1 - pc9

    branch - pc8 - sj1

    tissue - diaphragm

    organs - pc, sj

    pathology - palpitations, cardiac pain, irritability, impaired speech, mental restlessness, flushed face, mental disorders, eye pain, sifling feeling in chest, swelling feeling in axilla, stiff neck, spasms in upper limbs and a sensation of heat in palms

  • originates: li1 - li15 - si12 - du14 over shoulder to st12 (supraclavicular fossa) - lungs - diaphragm - li

    branch - supraclavicular fossa - upward to the neck (scm, li17 & li18) - transverse the cheek to st4 - enters the lower teeth & gums curves around the upper lip to du26, crosses opposite side to li20 where it meets the st channel

    branch - st12 - st37

    tissue - gums & lower teeth, philtrum

    organs - lu, li, st, diaphragm

    pathology - epistaxis, diarrhea, dysentery, watery nasal discharge, toothache, swollen and painful gums, congested and sore throat, fever, borborygmus, red, swollen, and painful eyes, nosebleed, abdominal pain, pain in the neck, anterior part of the shoulders and the anterior border of the extensors of the upper limbs

  • originates - ulnar side of little finger, ascends along the posterior aspect of arm, to shoulder joint, circling the scapula, si9 - ub41 and ub11, du14 - over the shoulder to (supraclavicular fossa) - ht - ren17 - esophagus - through the diaphragm - stomach - ren13 - ren12, si organ

    branch - (supraclavicular fossa) - neck, cheek, outer canthus - gb1, sj22 - enters ear si19

    branch - neck to the infraorbital region lateral side of the nose inner canthus ub1

    branch - (spiritual axis) - st39

    tissue - ear

    organs - ht, si, st

    pathology - yellow sclera in the eyes, deafness, frequent urination, distension and pain in the lower abdomen region, sore throat, swollen cheek and neck, stiff neck, pain in elbow, pain along posterior border of lateral aspect of shoulder and arm

  • originates: sj1 - sj14,15, crosses gb mai - si12 - du14 - gb21 - (supraclavicular fossa) - ren17 to meet pc - diaphragm to abdomen. connects all 3 jiaos on forehead - around the cheek - infraorbital region/si18

    branch - retro-auricular region enters the ear - si19, gb3

    emerges - front of the ear - at the cheek - sj23 - gb1

    tissues - ears

    organs - pc, sj

    pathology - dysuria, tinnitus, deafness, congested and sore throat, alternating chills and fever, pain in the outer canthus, redness in the eyes, abdominal distension, edema, enuresis, swelling of the cheeks, pain and discharge in the ear, pain in the retroauricular area, shoulder, and lateral aspect of the arm and elbow

  • originates - sp1 - posterior aspectof the tibia, crossing in front of the liver channel - sp13 - ren3, 4 - entering abdomen, ren10 - sp organ - st - diaphragm - sp16 - gb24, lv14 - lu1 - esophagus - root of tongue (spreads over lower surface)

    branch - st - diaphragm - ht

    branch - lu1 - sp21

    tissue - diaphragm

    organ - sp, st, ht, lu, intestines

    pathology - epigastric pain, vomiting, belching, loose stools, fatigue, jaundice, abdominal distension, heaviness of the body, lassitude, stiffness and pain at the root of the tongue, edema, vaginal discharge, weakness of the leg muscles, swelling and a feeling of cold in the area medial to the knee and thigh.

  • originates - under the little toe - kd1 - sp6 - du1 - kd organ - ub - ren3 - ren4 - ren7

    branch - kidneys - liver - diaphragm - lu - throat - tongue (root of tongue)

    branch - lu - ht - pc disperses in the chest at ren17

    tissue - diaphragm

    organ - kd, ub, lv, lu, ht, pc

    pathology: frequent urination, impotence, enuresis, irregular menses, asthma, hemoptysis, dry tongue, congested and sore throat, edema, pain along the spine, low back pain, weakness in lower limbs, especially in knees and hot sensation in soles of feet, coldness in feet, pain in soles of feet

  • originates: lv1 - sp6 - pubic region, sp12, 13 - winds around the genitals - ren2, 3, 4 - skirts the stomach, joins the lv & gb - diaphragm - costal - throat - nasopharynx - eye system (tissue around eye) - forehead - vertex, du20, brain

    branch - surrounds the eye - cheek - around mouth to inner surface lips

    branch - liver organ - diaphragm enters lung

    tissue - nasopharynx, mouth, eyes, lips

    organs - lv, gb, lu, st, kd, brain, genital region

    pathology - hiccup, hernia, vertex headache, dry throat, tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, pain and swelling in the eye, fever, pruritus, spasms in the extremities, cramps in the legs, enuresis, dysuria, mental disturbances, pain the lower back, fullness in the chest and pain in the lower abdominal regions.

  • originates - lateal side of nose at li20 - ub1 - st1 - upper gums - du26 curves around the lips - ren24 - st7 in front of the ear - gb3, 6, 5, 4 - st8 - du24

    branch - st5, 9 throat - (supraclavicular fossa) - du14, diaphragm - ren12, 13 - st - sp

    branch - (supraclavicular fossa) - passes through nipple - abdominal areas, passes 2 cun lateral to umbilicus - st30

    branch - pylorus - inguinal groove - rejoins st30, 31, 32 - st45 (lateral side tip of 2nd toe)

    branch - st36 (tibial branch) - lateral middle toe

    branch - st42 (dorsum branch) - sp1 (medial side of big toe)

    tissue - upper gum, diaphragm, lateral side of big toe

    organs - sp, st, ht, li, si

    pathology - borborygmus, abdominal distension, edema, epigastric pain, vomiting, hunger, epistaxis, deviation of mouth and eyes, pain in eyes, facial paralysis, congested and sore throat, fever, mental disturbances, chest pain, coldness in the lower limbs, sensitivity to cold, swelling of the neck, pain in abdomen and lateral aspects of lower limbs

  • originates: ub1 - du24 - gb15 - vertex du2

    branch: vertex - gb7 through gb12

    branch: vertex - brain - du17 - ub10

    branch: ub10 - du14, du13, ub11 - kidneys - urinary bladder - ub40

    branch: ub10 - ub41 - gb30 - ub40 - ub60 - ub67

    branch: lumbar region - gluteal region - popliteal fossa

    organs: kd, ub, ht, brain (du20)

    pathology: enuresis, retention of urine, epistaxis, nasal obstruction, occipital headache, mental disturbance, rhinitis, tearing when exposed to wind, fever and aversion to cold, pain in the nape

  • originates - outer canthus - sj22 - st8 (down) gb4, 5, 6, 7 - sj20 - gb12 - gb20, si17, gb21 - du14 - ub11 - si12 - supraclavicular fossa

    branch - (st12) behind the auricle (retroauricular) and enters the ear sj17 and re-emerges anterior (preauricular) to the ear to si19, st7 - outer canthus

    branch - outer canthus - sj17 - si19 - st7, st5 - ub1 - st6 - st9 - supraclavicular fossa - pc1 - diaphragm - liver - gb border of pubis region du1 - gb30

    branch - supraclavicular fossa - axilla - gb22 through gb26, lv13 - ub31 thought ub34 - gb30 - gb39 - tip of 4th toe - gb44

    branch - dorsum of foot gb41 - 1st & 2nd metatarsal bones to meet lv1

    tissue - ears, around genitals, diaphragm

    organs - lv, gb, ht

    pathology - blurry vision, bitter taste in mouth, headache, pain in outer canthus, scrofula, alternating fever and chills, inability to turn the eyes right or left, pain in jaw, supraclavicular fossa, axilla, along the lateral aspect of the chest, hypochondriac region, thigh and lower limbs. pain and distention of the breast. pain along the channel in the hip area.

    • no points of their own except ren mai and du mai

    • no internal organs of their own. no element command points.

    • no tonification or sedation points

    • no source points and no luo points except ren mai and du mai

    • they have the responsibility to control, join, store, and regulate qi and blood of each meridian

    • have master (confluent) points and coupled points

  • names: governing vessel/sea of yang channels/supervisor channel

    master point: si3

    coupled: yang qiao ub62

    luo point: du1

    originates: perineum, ren1 to du1-du16-brain-vertex-nose-terminating at the upper lip (du26)

    branch: pelvic region - genitals/perineum - tip of coccyx - gluteal - kidney/ub spinal column, joins kidney

    branch: ub1 inner canthus - forehead - vertex, brain - nape of neck ub12 - kidneys

    branch: lower abdomen - naval - ht - trachea - cheek, circles the mouth - middle of eye

    pathology: headache, dizziness, poor memory, pain in eyes, pain and stiffness in spinal column, epilepsy, constipation, colic, hemorrhoids, enuresis, functional infertility, prolapse of the anus, blood in the stools, incontinence or urine, painful urination, irregular menses, dry throat, tinnitus, depression, chills and fever, and manic behavior

  • names: conception channel, sea of yin, directing vessel, controller vessel, sea of responsibility

    master point: lu7

    coupled: yin qiao kd6

    luo point: ren15

    originates: arises uterus/females (below ren3), perineum/males (ren1) ren3, perineum - abdomen, ren4 - chest - throat - around lips (ren24, du28) - cheek - eye st1

    branch - pelvic - spine - along back of kidneys

    pathology: pain in the genital region, chronic asthma, pain in the epigastric region and lower abdomen, leukorrhea, infertility, irregular menses, symptoms of menopause, hernia, nocturnal emissions, enuresis, retention of urine, masses, problems during pregnancy, amenorrhea.

  • chong meridian communicates with the kidney meridian

    names: penetrating channel/sea of arteries & meridians/sea of blood/regulator & obstructer of qi/through-way channel

    master point: sp4

    coupled: yin wei pc6

    originates: perineum - ren1 - du4 - st30 - kd11 through kd16 - ren7 - kd17 - kd21 - throat - circle the lips - below the eye

    branch - st30 - sp10 - lv1 - sole of foot

    branch - leg branch of heel - cross foot - big toe

    pathology: asthmatic breathing, rebellious qi, flatulence, irregular menses, infertility, spasms, colic, abdominal pain & masses, impotence, anxious, gynecological disorders, breathlessness, pain in the chest, feeling of tight throat, face heat, cold purple numb feet, umbilical pain, pms, breast nodules, menopause symptoms, morning sickness, quick bruising, nosebleed, fungal infections in the big toe.

  • names: girdle/belt channel

    master point: gb41

    coupled: yang wei sj5

    originates: lumbar 2 (area of lv13) - gb26, 27, 28 connects with kd @ ub23 & du4

    pathology: irregular menses, distention and fullness in abdomen, leukorrhea, damp heat in the genitals, burning urination, prolapse of uterus, violent headaches (migraines), weakness or motor impairment of lower limbs, problems around the waist, cold & pain in middle or low back, mid pain radiating to abdomen, miscarriages, cold feet, amenorrhea, infertility, back feels like sitting in water, heavy body, hernia, pain around umbilicus

  • name: yang heel/accelerator of yang/yang walker channel/yang motility

    master point: ub62

    coupled: du, si3

    xi cleft: ub59

    originates: ub62-ub61-ub59-gb29-si10-li15-li16-st4, 3, 1 - inner canthus ub1 (connects with yin heel) - across forehead - gb20 - du16 brain

    pathology: eye diseases, insomnia, daytime epilepsy, loss of consciousness, wind stroke, redness and pain of inner canthus, pain in back and lumbar region, eversion of foot with tightness and pain on the lateral aspect of lower leg, with medial side of leg being flaccid or atrophied (can't raise leg), headache, chills and fever, stiff neck, manic behavior & depression, fright, 'seeing ghosts'

  • names: heel/accelerator of yin/walker channel/yin motility

    master point: kd6

    coupled: ren, lu7

    xi cleft: kd8

    originates: originates at posterior aspect of navicular bone, (some sources say it is kd2) kd6 - kd8 - (genitalia) - st12 (supraclavicular), st9 (throat) - ub1 (inner canthus) (connects with yang qiao) - brain

    pathology: hypersomnia, diseases of the eyes, inversion, nighttime epilepsy, lethargy, pain in the lumbar area, hip areas and genitals, habitual miscarriages, infertility, tightness and pain along medial aspect of lower leg, with lateral side of leg being flaccid or atrophied, tremors in leg, chills and fever, leukorrhea. abdominal masses, myomas, difficult delivery, and retention of placenta

  • names: linking/preserver of yang/vessel of yang keeper/yang tie channel

    master point: sj5

    coupled: dai gb41

    xi-cleft: gb35

    originates: ub63 - gb35 - through the hip, - si10 - sj15 - gb21 - st8 - gb13 through gb20 - du16, du15

    pathology: intermittent fevers and alternating chills and fever, exterior syndromes, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, muscle fatigue, hypochondriac pain, pain and distension in waist, visual dizziness, weak limbs, earache, stiff neck, pain on lateral side of leg, sweating

  • yin wei communicates with spleen

    names: linking/preserver of yin/reuniting yin channel

    master point: pc6

    coupled: chong sp4

    xi cleft: kd9

    originates: kd9 - sp12 through sp16 - lv14 - ren22, ren23, throat

    pathology: chest pain, cardiac pain, fullness and pain of the lateral costal region, headaches, mental disorders, interior syndromes, and stomachache, pain in the kidney area, dry throat, anxiety, insomnia, obsessive thoughts, lack of will-power, loss of self-control, depression, sadness, a feeling of knot in the chest, palpitations, forgetfulness, mental cloudiness and shock

additional pathway information

  • brain - ub

    throat - lu, st, kd, lv, sp

    infraorbital region - si

    genitalia - lv, gb, kd (pubic bone)

    vertex - lv, ub

    lips - li, st, lv (inner surface)

    inner canthus - si, ub

    outer canthus - si, gb, sj

    supraclavicular fossa - li, st, si, sj, gb (all yang channels except ub)

    surrounding the eye - ht & lv

    inside the eye - ht, lv, st, ub, si, sj, gb

    circles mouth - ren (winds around mouth), du

    ear - enter the ear - si, gb, sj

    retroauricular - enters ear from behind & emerges in front - gb, sj

    tongue - kd (terminates at root), sp (root & lower surface), (ht luo travels to root)

    traverse cheek - ht, li, si, sj

    gums - st (upper) & li (lower)

    diaphragm - lu, li, st, sp, ht, si, kd, pc, sj, gb, lv (all except ub)

    genitals - lv, gb, kd (pubic bone)

    three jiaos - pc, sj

  • brain - du, yang qiao, yin qiao

    throat - ren, chong, yin wei, yin qiao

    infraorbital region - ren, chong

    genitalia - yin qiao, du

    vertex - du

    lips - ren, chong, du

    inner canthus - yang qiao, yin qiao

    supraclavicular fossa - yin qiao

    eyes - ren, yang qiao, yin qiao

    circles mouth - ren (winds around mouth), du

  • no crossing points: lu, ht, pc

    large intestine: si12, du14, st4, du26, st12, st37

    small intestine: ub41, ub11, du14, ren17, ren13, ren12, gb1, sj22, ub1, st39

    san jiao: si12, du14, gb21, ren17, gb6, gb4, gb3, si18, si19, gb3, gb1

    spleen: ren3, ren4, ren10, gb24, lv14, lu1 (5 front mu points - wow)

    kidney: sp6, du1, ren3, ren4, ren7, ren17

    liver: sp6, sp12, 13, ren2, 3, 4, du20

    stomach: li20, ub1, du26, ren24, gb3, 6, 5, 4, du24, du14, ren12, ren13, st36, st42, sp1

    urinary bladder: du24, gb15, du20, gb7-12, du17, du14, du13, gb30

    gall bladder: sj22, st8, sj20, du14, ub11, si12, sj17, si19, st7, st5, ub1, st6, st9, pc1, du1, lv13, ub31-34, lv1

  • du mai - ren1, ub1, ub12

    ren mai - du28, st1

    chong mai - ren1, du4, st30, kd11-16, ren7, kd17-21, st30, sp10, lv1

    dai mai - area of lv13, gb26, gb27, gb28, ub23 & du4

    yang qiao - ub62, ub61, ub59, gb29, si10, li15, li16, st4, 3, 1, ub1, gb20, du16

    yin qiao - kd2, kd6, kd8, st12, st9, ub1

    yang wei - ub63, gb35, si10, sj15, gb21, st8, gb13-20, du16, du15

    yin wei - kd9, sp12-16, lv14, ren22, ren23

    • vertical branches of primary channels

    • principal function is to connect the channel to the organ associated with the parent primary channel in the yin/yang relationship

    • strengthen and connect the yin-yang relationship between internally-externally paired channels and zang fu

    • no points of their own

    • run deeper in the body, contain wei qi and are the second line of defense against pathogenic factors

    • carry qi & blood to head and face and goes to the body cavities

    1. large intestine

      starts: hand (li15)

      meets (lower): li @ supraclavicular (st12)

      converges (upper): supraclavicular fossa (st120 (li18)

    2. lung

      starts: axilla (lu1)

      meets (lower): li @ supraclavicular (st12)

      converges (upper): ascends across the throat (li18)

    3. stomach

      starts: (goes through ht) thigh (st30)

      meets (lower): st @ (st30)

      converges (upper): eye (ub1)

    4. spleen

      starts: (goes through ht) thigh (sp12)

      meets (lower): st @ (st30)

      converges (upper): tongue (ub1)

    5. small intestine

      starts: (goes through ht) shoulder - axilla (si10)

      meets (lower): si @ (gb22)

      converges (upper): abdomen (ub1)

    6. heart

      starts: (goes through ht) popliteal fossa

      meets (lower): si @ (gb22)

      converges (upper): inner canthus (ub1)

    7. urinary bladder

      starts: (goes through ht) popliteal fossa (kd10)

      meets (lower): ub @ popliteal (ub40)

      converges (upper): neck (ub10)

    8. kidney

      starts: (goes through ht) popliteal fossa (kd10)

      meets (lower): ub @popliteal (ub40)

      converges (upper): base of tongue - neck (ub10)

    9. san jiao

      starts: (goes through ht) vertex (du20)

      meets (lower): sj @ chest

      converges (upper): behind the ear (sj16)

    10. pericardium

      starts: (goes through ht) 3 cun below axilla (gb22 or pc1)

      meets (lower): sj @ chest

      converges (upper): behind ear (sj16)

    11. gall bladder

      starts: (goes through ht) thigh (gb30)

      meets (lower): lv @ groin (ren2)

      converges (upper): eye (gb1)

    12. liver

      starts: (goes through ht) foot (lv5)

      meets (lower): lv @ groin (ren2)

      converges (upper): eye (gb1)

  • primary channels

    • sore throat: lu, li, st, kd, sj, si (sore throat)

    • epistaxis/nosebleed: li, st, ub

    • mental restlessness/disturbances: pc, lv, st, ub

    • enuresis: ub, kd, sj, lv

    luo channels

    • sore throat: st lymph node inflammation/mumps - li

    • epistaxis/nosebleed: li, st, ub

    • mental restlessness: pc, kd, st (insanity)

    • enuresis: ub, kd, sj, lv

    • aphasia - ht, st (st40 sudden aphasia)

    8 extra channels

    • headaches - du, dai (violent/migraines), yang qiao, yin wei

    • infertility - du, ren, chong, dai, yin qiao

    • irregular menses - du, ren, chong, dai

    • leukorrhea - ren, dai, yin qiao

    • epilepsy - du, yang qiao (daytime), yin qiao (nighttime)

    • masses - ren, chong, yin qiao

    • asthma - ren (chronic), chong (asthmatic breathing)

  • lu1: lu, sp

    li14: li, si, ub

    st1: st, ren, yang qiao

    st4: li, st, ren, yang qiao

    st8: st, gb, yang wei

    st12: li, st, si, sj, gb (all yang channels except ub)

    sp6: sp, kd, lv

    si10: si, ub, yang qiao, yang wei

    si12: li, si, sj, gb

    ub1: st, si, sj, ub, gb, du, yang qiao, yin qiao (all yang except li)

    ub11: si, ub, sj, gb, du

    pc1: pc, sj, gb, lv

    sj15: sj, gb, yang wei

    gb3, 4: st, sj, gb

    gb5, 6: li, st, sj, gb

    gb14: li, st, sj, gb, yang wei

    gb20: sj, gb, yang wei, yang qiao

    gb21: st, sj, gb, yang wei

    lv14: sp, lv, yin wei

    du1: kd, gb, ren, du

    du14: li, si, st, sj, gb, ub, du (all yang channels)

    du20: ub, sj, gb, lv, du

    du24: st, ub, du

    du26: li, st, du

    du28: st, ren, du

    ren3, 4: sp, kd, lv, ren

    ren7: kd, ren, chong

    ren10: sp, ren

    ren12: st, si, sj, ren

    ren17: sp, si, kd, sj, ren

    ren24: li, st, ren, du

  • tongue - (sp prim (lower surface))

    tongue - (sp div (penetrates))

    tongue - (ht luo (root))

    tongue - (ub sinew (root))

    tongue - (kd prim & div (root))

    tongue - (sj sinew (root))

    eye - (st prim, div, sinew)

    eye - (ht prim, luo, div

    eye - (si prim, sinew)

    eye - (ub prim, sinew)

    eye - (sj prim, sinew)

    eye - (gb prim, div, sinew)

    eye - (lv primary)

    throat - (lu prim, div)

    throat - (li divergent)

    throat - (st luo)

    throat - (st dive (esophagus))

    throat - (sp divergent)

    throat - (ht prim (esophagus))

    throat - (si prim (esophagus))

    throat - (kd primary)

    throat - (pc divergent)

    throat - (gb div (esophagus))

    throat - (lv primary)

    nose - (li primary)

    nose - (st primary)

    nose - (ub sinew)

    nose - (gb sinew)

    nose - (lv primary)

    ear - (li luo (enters ear))

    ear - (st sinew (in front of ear))

    ear - (si prim (enters ear))

    ear - (si sinew (enters ear))

    ear - (pc divergent (behind ear))

    ear - (sj prim (enters ear))

    ear - (gb prim (enters ear))

    lower gums - (li primary)

    teeth - (li luo)

    upper gums - (st primary)

  • 0.5 cun from the anterior hairline: (du24, ub3, ub4, gb15, gb13, st8)

    back of head, level with du17: (du17, ub9, gb19)

    level with adam’s apple: (st9, li18, si16)

    level with 1st intercostal space: (ren20, kd26, st14, lu1)

    level with 2nd intercostal space: (ren19, kd25, st15, sp20)

    level with 3rd intercostal space: (ren18, kd24, st16, sp19)

    level with 4th intercostal space: (ren17, kd23, st17, pc1, sp18, gb23, gb22)

    level with 5th intercostal space: (ren16, kd22, st18, sp17)

    6 cun above umbilicus: (ren14, kd21, st19)

    5 cun above umbilicus: (ren13, kd20, st20)

    4 cun above umbilicus: (ren12, kd19, st21)

    3 cun above umbilicus: (ren11, kd18, st22, sp16)

    2 cun above umbilicus: (ren10, kd17, st23)

    1 cun above umbilicus: (ren9, st24)

    level with umbilicus: (ren8, kd16, st25, sp15, gb26)

    1 cun below umbilicus: (ren7, kd15, st26)

    2 cun below umbilicus: (ren5, kd14, st27)

    3 cun below umbilicus: (ren4, kd13, st28)

    4 cun below umbilicus: (ren3, kd12, st29)

    5 cun below umbilicus: (ren2, kd11, st30, sp12)

    level with inferior border c7: (du14, si15)

    level with inferior border t1: (du13, ub11, si14)

    level with inferior border t2: (ub12, ub41, si13)

    level with inferior border t3: (du12, ub13, ub42)

    level with inferior border t4: (ub14, ub43)

    level with inferior border t5: (du11, ub15, ub44)

    level with inferior border t6: (du10, ub16, ub45)

    level with inferior border t7: (du9, ub17, ub46

    skip: (t8)

    level with inferior border t9: (du8, ub18, ub47)

    level with inferior border t10: (du7, ub19, ub48)

    level with inferior border t11: (du6, ub20, ub49)

    level with inferior border t12: (ub21, ub50)

    level with inferior border l1: (du5, ub22, ub51)

    level with inferior border l2: (du4, ub23, ub52)

    level with inferior border l3: (ub24)

    level with inferior border l4: (du3, ub25)

    level with inferior border l5: (ub26)

    level with 1st sacral foramen: (ub31, ub27)

    level with 2nd sacral foramen: (ub32, ub28, ub53)

    level with 3rd sacral foramen: (ub33, ub29)

    level with 4th sacral foramen: (ub34, ub30)

    level with hiatus of sacrum: (du2, ub54)