etiology & pathogenesis
six exogenous factors
seven emotions
improper diet
overstrain, lack of physical exercise
traumatic injuries, bites by insects or wild animals
serious illness.
excessive drugs
shock - bluish tinge on forehead and chin of child
childhood - birth to teen-age:
diet & emotions
weaning a baby too early causes spleen qi deficiency
feeding a baby too much cow's milk may cause dampness or phlegm
headaches in bright children who are being pushed too hard
accidents, trauma or falls
excessive physical exercise at puberty - causes menstrual problems in girls later in life
too early sexual activity causes urinary problems or painful periods in girls
emotions & diet
external environment
fatigue, over-exertion, excessive sexual activity, trauma, epidemics, wrong treatment
windyang-spring (may also occur in all four seasons)
cold, damp, dryness and heat need wind to invade the body
"wind is the leading causative factor of many diseases." - plain questions
exterior: symptoms are migratory or change rapidly. (can be from sleeping with the fan on)
interior: symptoms are dizziness, vertigo, convulsions, opisthotonos
summer heat
yang - only in summer (in severe cases, can invade the pc)
causes - high temperatures, overexposure to sun when working, or buildings with poor ventilation
symptoms - high fever, restlessness, thirst, profuse sweating, surging pulse
yang-summer, may come in all other seasons even the five emotions can turn to fire
symptoms-restlessness, painful gums, headache, tongue ulcers, congestion of eyes, coma, or delirium
yin - predominates in late summer
hot rainy seasons, with accumulation of damp in environment
symptoms - dizziness, wrapped head, heavy body, sores on the body, longer diseases
yang - autumn (beginning) - lots of surplus qi from summer, long periods of dry weather
symptoms - streaks of blood in sputum, dryness of nose & throat, lungs impaired ,constipation
yin - winter (may occur in other seasons but wouldn't be as serious)
consumes yang qi, so warming function impaired. stagnation of qi and blood
symptoms - cold limbs, cold pain, diarrhea with undigested food, clear abundant urination
anger makes qi rise and affects the liver
symptoms - from the head and neck. headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, red blotches on the front part of the neck, ared face, thirst, red tongue and bitter taste. depressed person.
joy slows qi down and affects the heart
symptoms - continuous mental stimulation
sadness dissolves qi and affects the lungs
symptoms - breathlessness, tiredness, depression/crying. in women, leads to blood deficiency & amenorrhea
thought/worry/pensiveness - knot qi and affect the spleen
symptoms - over thinking, too much mental work/studying. causes tiredness, loss of appetite/loose stools
fear makes qi descend and affects the kidneys
in children it causes nocturnal enuresis. in adults it causes deficiency of kidney yin and rising of empty heat in the heart. symptoms are heat in the face, night sweating, palpitations, and dry mouth & throat
fright/shock scatters qi and affects the kidneys and heart
mental shock suspends qi and affects the heart and kidneys. symptoms are palpitations, breathlessness and insomnia. the pulse could be moving - short, slippery (rolling) and rapid. shock affecting the kidneys causes symptoms of night sweating, a dry mouth, dizziness or tinnitus
weak constitution
could be from parents' health in general, or parents' health at conception. the face can show weak constitution, especially the ears
over exertion
mental overwork: exhausts the qi and particularly tends to affect the stomach, spleen, or kidneys
physical overwork: depletes spleen qi. excessive lifting weakens the kidneys and lower back. the “simple questions” talks of the five exhaustions.
excessive use of the eye: injures the blood (heart)
excessive lying down: injures the qi (lungs)
excessive sitting: injures the muscles (spleen)
excessive standing: injures the bones (kidneys)
excessive exercise: injures the sinews (liver)
excessive physical exercise: depletes qi. in girls during puberty, it may later cause menstrual problems.
lack of exercise: leads to stagnation of qi, and possibly dampness
excessive sexual activity: ejaculation in men and orgasms in women depletes the kidney essence
chemical manipulation, drugs in foods, chemicals in food, malnutrition, unclean food, overindulgence of particular foods, and overeating injure the functions. of the spleen and stomach resulting in pathological changes in the body.
physical traumas cause local qi and blood stagnation. effects can linger for a long time
parasites and poisons
worms symptoms are white vesicles on the face, sallow complexion, emaciation, small white spots inside the lips, purple spots inside eyelids, loss of appetite or desire to eat strange objects, abdominal pain, itchy nose and anus
wrong treatment
acupuncture is a relatively safe therapy, but if the wrong herbal treatment is used, the possibility of ill effects is greater. for instance, incorrect use of hot herbs for kidney yin deficiency or cold herbs for kidney yang deficiency would lead to worsening of the original condition
be aware of side effects and adverse reactions that can come from a patient on medicines and how that can affect the treatment that is being given.
the practitioner should be skilled so that he/she can distinguish the symptoms that are caused by. the western drugs and which are not.
some drugs will influence certain organs in the body, which will affect the tongue and pulse.
some drugs that affect the pulse:
beta blockers: slow, deep pulse
tranquilizers: slow moving, hesitant pulse
some drugs that affect the tongue:
antibiotics: peeled in patches or some areas without coat
oral steroids: swollen, red tongue or geographic
some of these drugs can again causes side effects and adverse reactions that of course will change the tongue and pulse and diagnosis that a practitioner might of otherwise made.
cannabis: may cause anxiety, reduce incentive, impairs short term and long term memory and concentration and judgment.
may cause kidney qi deficiency, heart blood deficiency and spleen qi deficiency causing intellect difficulty
may lead to psychosis when taken year after year.
mental deterioation may occur, which could cause depression, feeling of suicide, compulsiveness, and sometimes schizophrenia
in tcm diagnosis it could lead to phlegm fire attacking the heart
may cause the flash back phenomenon
in TCM diagnosis it could cause heart fire
may cause brain damage and immunosuppression, so avoid long-term use.
in TCM it weakens the kidneys and the heart’s orifices
heroin, morphine, opioids & opiates: pupils constrict (miosis)
stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, etc.) classic psychedelics: pupils dilate (mydriasis)
differentiation by qi, blood, body fluids
qi deficiency
pale complexion, breathlessness, weak voice, dislikes speaking, dizziness, blurred vision, no appetite, loose stools, tiredness, and spontaneous sweating which is worse on exertion. empty weak pulse, pale tongue
lung qi deficiency: cough
spleen qi deficiency: loose stools
heart qi deficiency: palpitations
kidney qi deficiency: frequent urination
qi sinking
feeling of bearing down sensation, tiredness, listlessness, mental depression, low-grade fever, and organ prolapse. empty pulse. + spleen qi deficiency symptoms above
qi stagnation
feeling of distension, distending pain that moves from place to place, abdominal masses that come and go, irritability, mental depression, mood swings, frequent sighing, groaning, slightly purple tongue; wiry or tight pulse
liver qi stagnation: emotional symptoms
caused by phlegm, turbidity, poor diet, essence damage. the organs that are usually affected are lu, lv, and st.
qi flow: downward
pathological qi/rebellious qi: upward
signs & symptoms: belching, hiccups, nausea, vomiting
qi flow: upward
pathological qi/rebellious qi: downward
signs & symptoms: diarrhea, prolapse
qi flow: upward
pathological qi/rebellious qi & signs & symptoms: excessive upward: headache, dizziness, irritability
horizontally: stomach - nausea, belching, vomiting
spleen: diarrhea
intestines: dry stools
downward: burning urination
qi flow: downward
pathological qi/rebellious qi: upward
signs & symptoms: cough, asthma
qi flow: downward
pathological qi/rebellious qi: upward
signs & symptoms: asthma
qi flow: downward
pathological qi/rebellious qi: upward
signs & symptoms: mental restlessness, insomnia
deficiency of blood
symptoms: sallow complexion, pale lips, insomnia, dizziness or vertigo, palpitation, insomnia, numbness of the hands and feet. tongue: pale, dry. pulse: choppy or fine
heart: sallow complexion, palpitations, insomnia
tongue: pale
liver: numb limbs, blurred vision, dizziness, amenorrhea, or scanty periods and depression, anxiety or lack of spirit.
severe cases: pronounced dryness, as blood is part of yin. very dry tongue, skin and hair, withered nails.
more severe cases of interior liver-wind: tics, shaking of head, tremors and numbness of limbs
tongue: pale, deviated
pulse: choppy
etiology/pathology: spleen makes the blood deficiency of blood comes from msp. qi deficiency. it mostly affects the heart and liver
stagnation of blood
symptoms: dark complexion, purple lips, boring, fixed, stabbing pain, fixed abdominal masses, and tumors. tongue: purple pulse: wiry, firm, or choppy
liver: purple nails, dark face, painful periods with dark menstrual blood and dark clots, with premenstrual pain. tongue: purple tongue especially on the sides pulse: wiry or firm
heart: purple lips, pricking chest pain, stuffiness of the chest, tongue: purple on sides toward front with distended veins under tongue. pulse: choppy or knotted
lung: chest oppression, coughing of dark blood. tongue: purple at front or sides in center, purple distended veins
stomach: epigastric pain, vomit dark blood, dark blood in stools. tongue: purple in center. intestines: severe abdominal pain, dark blood in stools
uterus: dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal masses, premenstrual pain, menstrual blood dark with clots
etiology/pathology: sprains, strains, poor blood circulation, deficiency of qi causes weakness in the normal flow of blood and invasion to the blood system by cold or heat, it mostly affects the liver.
heat in the blood
symptoms: feeling of heat, dry mouth with no desire to drink, possible bleeding (petechiae), skin eruptions or faint rashes (ecchymosis), hemorrhage, profuse menstrual flow.
tongue: deep-red
pulse: rapid. severe cases: mental restlessness or mania
heart: anxiety, mental illness, and mouth ulcers
liver: skin diseases with itching, heat and redness
uterus and chong: excessive bleeding during periods
etiology/pathology: invasion of heat or obstruction of liver qi turning into fire. heat is not in the qi system, so the patient does not want to drink
loss of blood
symptoms: epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, melaena, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, hematuria
may be due to:
deficient qi unable to hold blood: +qi deficiency signs
blood-heat pushes blood out of vessels: + heat in blood signs
blood stagnation: + stagnation of blood signs
yin deficiency: + yin deficiency signs
etiology/pathology: caused by qi deficiency unable to hold blood, excess blood-heat pushes the blood out of the vessels, blood stagnation, yin deficiency
dry skin, mouth, nose, cough, lips, and tongue. could be caused by yin deficiency, blood deficiency (heavy loss of blood), or a febrile disease causes prolonged sweating, therefore causing a loss of fluids.
dry skin and dry cough
origin of fluids; dries mouth but with no desire to drink, or to drink in small sips; dry tongue with horizontal cracks
govers water; deficiency kidney yin causes deficient body fluids and dryness; scanty urination, dry mouth at night, dry throat.
large intestine
dry stools
arises from deficiency of spleen, lungs, kidneys, or all three organs.
affects the top part of the body - face and hands. may also be caused by wind-cold.
affects the middle part of the body - abdomen (ascites)
caused by kidney yang deficiency; affects lower part of body - legs and ankles
spleen deficiency is the main cause, but the lungs and kidneys are also involved. there are two types of phlegm, substantial phlegm (can be seen and touched), and non-substantial phlegm (cannot be seen or touched, only “felt” by the patient). although non-substantial phlegm cannot be seen, it can be retained subcutaneously or in the channels, making it appear “visible.”
substantial phlegm
present in the lungs
non-substantial phlegm
under the skin:lumps under the skin, nerve-ganglia swelling of lymph nodes or thyroid, some fibroids and lipomas.
in the channels: not a visible swelling, but it causes numbness. more common in the elderly & wind-stroke patients
misting the heart: obstructs the heart orifices and mists the mind, causing mental illness such a schizophrenia, manic-depression, and epilepsy.
in gb or kidneys: stones arising from "the steaming and brewing" of phlegm by heat over a long time
in the joints: bone deformities from chronic rheumatoid arthritis, due to untransformed fluids accumulating in the joints over a long period of time
dizziness, nausea, vomiting, numbness of the limbs, cough up phlegm, a rattling sound in the throat, and aphasia. seen in wind-stroke.
expectorate yellow sticky phlegm, red face, dry mouth and lips, restlessness, red tongue with sticky yellow coating, and a rapid slippery pulse. affects the lungs, stomach or heart.
expectorate white watery phlegm, cold feeling in limbs and upper back, nausea, pale tongue with a wet white coating, and a deep, slippery, slow pulse. affects the stomach or lungs.
profuse white and sticky phlegm, no appetite, no thirst, a feeling of stuffiness in the chest and epigastrium, a sticky tongue coating, and a slippery pulse. affects the lungs
a feeling of swelling and/or constriction in the throat (but no actual swelling), difficulty swallowing, and a feeling of stuffiness in the chest and diaphragm. feeling comes and goes with mood swings. associated with liver qi stagnation due to emotional problems. "plum pit syndrome"
the various western syndromes
tense syndrome - attack of zang fu organs
(heart phlegm fire with liver yang rising & upward flow of qi & blood)
sx: falling down in a fit with loss of consciousness, tightly closed hands & clenched jaws, eyes open, flushed face, coarse breathing, rattling in the throat, retention of urine, constipation
t: red with thick, yellow, or dark grey coating
p: string-taut, rolling, and forceful
pts: du20, du26, st40, lv3, kd1, jing well on both hands, clenched jaw st7, aphasia and stiffness of the tongue du15, ren23, ht5
flaccid syndrome - attack of the zang fu organs
(qi deficiency or kidney collapse)
sx: falling down in a fit with loss of consciousness, mouth agape and eyes closed, snoring and feeble breathing, flaccid paralysis of limbs, incontinence of urine
t: flaccid
p: thready, weak, severe cases: cold limbs or flushing face, p: fading or big, floating
pts: ren8, ren6, ren4, (indirect moxa with salt)
attack on the meridians & collaterals
(wind phlegm due to imbalance of yin & yang)
sx: hemiplegia, numbness of limbs, deviated mouth slurring of speech accompanied by headache, dizziness, vertigo, twitching of muscles, red eyes and flushed face, thirst, dryness of the throat, irritability
t: none noted
p: string-taut, rolling
pts: du20, ub7, du16, upper limbs li15, li11, sj5, li4, lower limbs gb30, gb34, st36, st41, upward disturbance of wind yang: reduce gb20, lv3, reinforce: kd3, sp6, excessive fire in heart & liver: reduce pc7, lv2, reinforce: kd3, sp6, deviated mouth: st4, st6
prophylactic for wind stroke
st36, gb39 frequent moxa
deficiency syndrome (general deficiency)
sx: feeble breathing with mouth agape, spontaneous sweating, pallor, cold limbs
t: n/a
p: deep, thready
pts: du26, du20, pc6, ren6, st36, (reinforce treatment with general moxa)
excess syndrome (emotional disturbances)
sx: coarse breathing, rigid limbs, clenched jaws, (fit of anger)
t: none
p: deep, excess
pts: du26, li4, pc9, pc8, lv3, kd1
mild type
sx: headache, dizziness, profuse sweating, hot skin, coarse breathing, dry mouth and tongue, dire thirst
t: n/a
p: superficial, large and rapid
pts: du14, pc6, li11, ub40
severe type
sx: headache, dire thirst, shortness of breath at first, and then collapse, loss of consciousness, sweating
t: none
p: deep, forceless
pts: du26, du20, shixuan, pc3, ub40
wind cold
sx: chills, fever, anhidrosis, headache, soreness and pain of the limbs, nasal obstruction, running nose, itching of the throat, cough, hoarse voice, profuse thin sputum
t: thin, white coating
p: superficial, tesne
pts: du16, ub12, gb20, lu7, li4 (moxa if patient is deficient)
wind heat
sx: fever, sweating, slight aversion to wind, pain and distending sensation of the head, coughing with yellow, thick sputum, congested and sore throat, thirst
t: thin, white or yellowish coating
p: superficial, rapid
pts: du14, li11, sj5, li4, lu10, lu11
sx: paroxysms of shivering chills and high fever with general hot sensation, preceded by yawning and lassitude. there appears to be intolerable headache, flushed face and red lips, stifling feeling in chest and hypochondriac with body feeling cool chronic: splenomegaly is usually found
t: thin, sticky, yellow coating
p: string-taut, rapid
pts: du14, du13, si3, pc5, sj2, gb41
high fever: li11
malaria with splenomegaly: lv13, moxa pigen
high fever with delirium and mental confusion: jing-wells (prick to bleed)
wind cold
invasion by exogenous pathogenic factors
sx: cough, itching of the throat, thin and white sputum, aversion to cold, fever, anhidrosis, headache, nasal obstruction and discharge
t: thin, white coating
p: superficial
pts: lu7, li4, ub13 (moxa) pain & swelling in the throat lu11
wind heat
invasion by exogenous pathogenic factors
sx: cough with yellow, thick sputum, choking cough, thirst, sore throat, fever, or headache, aversion to wind, sweating
t: thin, yellow coating
p: superficial, rapid
pts: lu7, li4, ub133 pain & swelling in throat lu11 fever and aversion to cold du14, sj5
blockage of the lung by phlegm
internal injury
sx: cough with profuse, white and sticky sputum, stuffiness and depression of the chest, loss of appetite
t: white, sticky coating
p: rolling
pts: ub13, ren12, lu5, st36, st40 (back shu point add moxa)
deficiency of yin with dryness of the lung
internal injury
sx: dry cough without sputum, or with scanty sputum, dryness of the nose and throat, sore throat, spitting of blood or even coughing blood, afternoon fever, malar flush
t: red with thin coating
p: thready, rapid
pts: ub13, lu1, lu7, kd6
coughing blood: ub17, lu6
wind cold
sx: cough with thin sputum, rapid breathing, accompanied by chills, fever, headache, anhidrosis, at the early stage, absence of thirst
t: white coating
p: superficial, tense
pts: lu7, li4, ub13 (moxa) ub13, ub12, (cup ub12 & ub13) du14
phlegm heat
excess type
sx: rapid and short breathing, strong and coarse voice, cough with thick yellow sputum, sensation of chest stuffiness, fever, restlessness, dryness of mouth
t: thick, yellow or sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid
pts: ub13, dingchuan, ren22, lu5, st40
lung deficiency
deficiency type
sx: short and rapid breathing, feeble voice, weak and low sound of coughing, sweating on exertion
t: pale
p: deficient
pts: ub13 (moxa), lu9, st36, sp3 (promotes metal)
kidney deficiency
deficiency type
sx: dyspnea on exertion after long standing asthma, severe wheezing, drawing in of the soft tissues of the neck, short breath, lassitude and weakness, sweating, cold limbs
t: pale
p: deep, thready
pts: ub13, kd3, ub23, ren17, ren6
persistent asthma: (moxa) du12, ub43, sp def. (moxa) ren12, ub20
retention of food
sx: distending pain in epigastrium aggravated on pressure or after meals, belching with fetid odor, anorexia
t: thick, sticky coating
p: deep, forceful or rolling
pts: ren12, pc6, st36, inner-neiting
attack of the stomach by liver qi
liver qi stagnation
sx: paroxysmal pain in epigastrium, radiating to the hypochondriac regions, frequent belching accompanied by nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, abdominal distension, anorexia
t: thin, white coating
p: deep, string taut
pts: lv14, ren12, pc6, st36, lv3
deficiency of the stomach with stagnation of cold
deficiency of sp/st w/ cold invasion
sx: dull pain in epigastrium, which may be relieved by pressure and warmth, general lassitude, regurgitation of thin fluid
t: thin, white coating
p: deep, slow
pts: ren12, st36 (moxa), ren6, pc6, sp4, ub20 (moxa), (indirect moxa w/ ginger on ren6 most important)
retention of food
sx: acid fermented vomit, epigastric and abdominal distension, belching, anorexia, loose stool or constipation
t: thick, granular coating
p: rolling, forceful
pts: ren12, st36, pc6, sp4, ren10
attack of the stomach by liver qi
liver qi stagnation
sx: vomiting, acid regurgitation, frequent belching, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, irritability with an oppressed feeling
t: sticky coating
p: string taut
pts: ren12, st36, pc6, sp4, lv3
hypofunction of the spleen & stomach
weak sp/st fails transport and transform
sx: sallow complexion, vomiting after a big meal, loss of appetite, lassitude, weakness, slightly loose stool
t: pale with thin white coating
p: thready, forcefless
pts: ren12, st36, pc6, sp4, ub20, persistent vomiting jinjing, yuye
retention of food
sx: loud hiccups, epigastric and abdominal distension, anorexia
t: thick, sticky coating
p: rolling
pts: ub17, ren12, pc6, st36, ren14, inner neiting
stagnation of qi
liver qi stagnation
sx: continual hiccups, distending pain and feeling of oppression in the chest and hypochondrium
t: thin coating
p: forceful
pts: ub17, ren12, pc6, st36, lv3, ren17
cold in the stomach
stagnated cold affects stomach
sx: slow and forceful hiccups, which may be relieved by heat and aggravated by cold, discomfort in the epigastrium
t: white, moist coating
p: slow
pts: ub17, ren12, pc6, st36, ren13 (moxa) (ub17, ub18, ub46, ren12, st18 cupping)
retention of food
sx: epigastric and abdominal distending pain which is aggravated by pressure, anorexia, foul belching and sour regurgitation, or abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea and relieved by defecation
t: sticky coating
p: rolling
pts: ren12, st25, ren6, st36, innerneiting
hypo-activity of the spleen yang
sx: intermittent dull pain which may be relieved by warmth or by pressure and aggravated by cold or by hunger and fatigue, lassitude, aversion to cold
t: thin, white coating
p: deep, thready
pts: ub20, ub21, ren12, lv13, ren6, st36 (moxa)
accumulation of cold
sudden onset
sx: sudden onset of violent abdominal pain which responds to warmth and gets worse with cold, loose stool, absence of thirst, clear and profuse urine, cold limbs
t: thin, white coating
p: deep, tense or deep, slow
pts: ren12, ren8, st36, sp4, (indirect moxa with salt used to warm stomach & dispel cold)
acute diarrhea
sx: watery diarrhea, abdominal pain and borborygmus, chilliness which responds to warmth, absence of thirst
t: pale with white coating
p: deep, slow
pts: st25, st36, ren12, ren6 (moxa w/ ginger stomach area)
damp heat
acute diarrhea
sx: diarrhea with abdominal pain, yellow hot fetid stools, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine, or accompanied by general feverish feeling, thirst
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid
pts: st25, st36, st44, sp9
retention of food
acute diarrhea
sx: abdominal pain relieved after bowel movements, borborygmus, diarrhea with fetid stools, epigastric and abdominal fullness and distension, belching, anorexia
t: thick, filthy coating
p: rolling, rapid or deep, string taut
pts: st25, st36, inner-neiting
deficiency of spleen (chronic)
sx: loose stools with undigested food, anorexia, epigastric distress after eating, sallow complexion, lassitude
t: pale with white coating
p: thready, forceless
pts: ub20, lv13, sp3, ren12, st36, (ren12, st36 moxa)
deficiency of kidney (chronic)
sx: pain below the umbilicus, borborygmus and diarrhea usually occurring at dawn, relieved after bowel movements, and aggravated by cold, sometimes abdominal distension, cold lower extremities
t: pale with white coating
p: deep, forceless
pts: ub23, ub20 (moxa), du4, & ren4, kd3, st36
damp-heat dysentery
late summer damp heat
sx: abdominal pain, tenesmus, mixing pus and blood in the stool, burning sensation of the anus, scanty and yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid or soft, rapid
pts: st25, st36, li11, li4
cold damp dysentery
accumulation of cold in spleen/stomach
sx: difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth and aversion to cold, mostly accompanied with fullness in the chest and epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
t: white, sticky coating
p: deep, slow
pts: st25, st37, (moxa) ren12, ren6, sp9
food-resistant dysentery
(diagnosed damp heat dysentery)
sx: frequent stools with blood and pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: soft, rapid
pts: st25, st37, ren12, pc6 (pacify stomach & remove damp with moxa)
intermittent dysentery
caused by weak spleen
sx: dysentery, occuring on and off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia
t: pale with sticky coating
p: soft
pts: st25, st37, ub20, ub21, ren4, st36 fever du14 tenesmus ub29 rectum prolapse (moxa) du20, du1
excess (caused by undigested food)
late summer damp heat
sx: abdominal pain, tenesmus, mixing pus and blood in the stool, burning sensation of the anus, scanty and yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid or soft, rapid
pts: st25, st36, li11, li4
deficiency (sp/st qi deficiency - long process)
sx: abdominal distention relieved by pressure, borborygmus, loose stools, loss of appetite, lassitude, listlessness, clear urine
t: pale with white coating
p: forceless
pts: ren12, st25, st36, st37, ren4, sp3 (moxa)
yin jaundice (cold damp in sp/st)
sx: sallow skin, heaviness of the body, weakness, loss of appetite, epigastric stuffiness, lassitude, aversion to cold, absence of thirst
t: pale with thick, white coating
p: deep, slow
pts: sp9, st36, ub18, du9, (moxa) ub20, ub48
yang jaundice (lv/gb steamed by heat of sp/st)
sx: lustrous yellow skin and sclera, fever, thirst, scanty dark yellow urine, heaviness of chest, nausea
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: string-taut, rapid
pts: sp9, st36, ub18, ub19, du9, lv3, gb34
spleen/stomach qi sinking, or long standing diarrhea/dysentery, or constitutional weakness
sx: starts with distending & draggling sensation of rectum during defecation, and returning to normal after the bowel movement. if not treated, recurrence may happen by overtrain. sometimes - lassitude, weakness of limbs, sallow complexion, dizziness and palpitations.
t: pale with white coating
p: thready, feeble
pts: (moxa) du20, du1, ub25, st36
yang edema (invasion of wind on lung, abrupt)
sx: abrupt onset of edema with puffy face & eyelids then anasarca, lustrous skin, with chills, fever, thirst, cough, asthma and reduced. urine output
t: thin, white coating
p: superficial or rolling, rapid
pts: lu7, li4, li6 + sp9 (together for dampness), ub39
yin edema (spleen/kidney yang deficiency, chronic)
sx: insidious onset, first pedis dorsum or eyelids, then over the entire body, especially remarkable below the lumbar region, sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, soreness of back and loins, general weakness, epigastric fullness, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, loose stools
t: pale with white coating
p: deep, thready
pts: (moxa) ub20, ub23, ren9, kd7, ren4, (no moxa) st36 facial puffiness du26 edema on pedis dorsum gb41, sp5
usually children over 3 or adults, caused by kidney qi deficiency affecting ub restraining discharge
dx: deficiency of kidney qi affects ub from restraining the urine discharge
sx: involuntary micturition during sleep with dreams, once in several nights in mild cases, or several times a night in severe cases, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, and weakness in prolonged cases
t: pale with white coating
p: thready, weak at the chi regions
pts: (moxa) ub23, ub28, ren3, sp6, lv1 (moxa) enuresis with dreams ht7 loss of appetite ub20, st36
dysuria caused by calculi (damp heat)
sx: presence of calculi in the urine, dysuria, dark yellow turbid urine, or sudden interruption of urination, unbearable pricking pain with urination, pain of lumbus & abdomen, or blood in the urine
t: normal coating
p: none
pts: ub28, ren3, sp9, ub39
dysuria caused by qi dysfunction (emotions - liver qi stagnation - qi stasis in ub)
sx: difficult and hesitant urination, fullness and pain of the lower abdomen
t: thin, white, coating
p: deep, string, taut
pts: ub28, ren3, sp9, lv2
painful urination with blood
sx: hematuria with pain and urgency of micturition, burning sensation and pricking pain in urination
t: thin, yellow coating
p: rapid, forceful
pts: ub28, ren3, sp9, sp10, sp6
dysuria with milky urine (damp heat in ub)
sx: cloudy urine with milky or creamy appearance, urethral burning pain in urination.
t: red with sticky coating
p: thready, rapid
pts: ub28, ren3, sp9, ub23, kd6
dysuria due to overstrain
excess sex, drugs, alcohol, mental stress - kd qi or spleen qi deficiency
sx: difficulty in urination with dribbling of urine, occurring off and on, exacerbated after overwork and usually refractory to treatment
t: n/a
p: weak
pts: ub28, ren3, sp9, du20, st36, ren6
accumulation of heat in the bladder
sx: scanty hot urine or retention of urine, distension and fullness of the lower abdomen, thirst but without desire to drink, constipation
t: red with yellow coating
p: rapid
pts: ub28, ren3, sp6, ub39
decline of mingmen fire
caused by kidney yang deficiency
sx: dribbling urination, attenuating in force of the urine discharge, pallor, listlessness, chilliness below the lumbus, weakness of the loins and knees
t: pale
p: deep, thready, weak at chi level
pts: du4, (moxa) du20 & ren4, sj4, ub23
damage of the qi of the meridian
ub qi damage due to traumatic injury or surgery
sx: dribbling urination or retention or urine, distension and dull pain in the lower abdomen
t: purplish spots
p: hesitant, rapid
pts: ren3, sp6, st28, kd5
decline of mingmen fire
sx: failure of the penis in erection, or weak erection, pallor, cold extremities, dizziness, listlessness, soreness and weakness of the loins and knees, frequent urination
t: pale with white coating
p: deep, thready
pts: (moxa) all ren4, du4, ub23, kd3
damage of qi of heart and spleen: ub15, ht7, sp6
downward flowing of damp heat
sx: inability of the penis to erect, complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot and dark red urine, soreness and weakness of the lower extremities
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: soft, rapid
pts: ren3, sp6, sp9, st36
nocturnal emission ("wet dreams")
sx: due to over contemplation or excessive sexual activities, which lead to disharmony between heart & kidney. could be dizziness, palpitation, listlessness, lassitude, scanty yellow urine
t: red
p: thready, rapid
pts: ht7, ub15, kd3, ub52
spermatorrhea (male form of leukorrhea)
sx: due to damage of the kidney after a prolonged illness, indulgent sexual activity, or stubborn nocturnal emission, frequent spermatorrhea at day or night, desire for sex, pallor, lassitude, listlessness
t: pale
p: deep, thready
pts: ub23, kd12 (assist control of essence), sp6, (moxa) ren4 & ren6
deficiency of heart & spleen
sx: difficulty in falling asleep, dream-disturbed sleep, palpitations, poor memory, lassitude, listlessness, anorexia, sallow complexion
t: pale with thin coating
p: thready, weak
pts: ht7, sp6, amnian, moxa ub20, ub15, sp1 (moxa with small cones)
disharmony of heart & kidney
sx: restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth with little saliva, burning sensation of the chest, palms and soles, or nocturnal emission, poor memory, palpitations, low back pain
t: red
p: thready, rapid
pts: ht7, sp6, amnian, ub15, ub23, kd3
upward disturbance liver fire
sx: irritability, dream-disturbed sleep, fright and fear accompanied with headache, distending pain in the coastal region, bitter taste in the mouth
t: n/a
p: string-taut
pts: ht7, sp6, amnian, ub18, ub19, gb12 (subdue the fire lv/gb)
dysfunction of stomach
sx: insomnia, suffocating feeling and distending pain in the epigastric region, belching, or difficult defecation
t: sticky coating
p: rolling
pts: ht7, sp6, amnian, ub21, st36
poor memory
pts: ub15, ub20, ub23, kd6 (promotes kidney essence), st36, si shen cong
disturbance of the mind
phlegm heat/fire, depression, anger, stomach dysfunction
sx: palpitations, fear and fright, irritability, restlessness, dream disturbed sleep, anorexia
t: white, thin coating (phlegm heat: yellow, sticky)
p: little bit rapid (phlegm heat: rolling, rapid)
pts: ub15, ren14, ht7, pc6, ht5, gb40
phlegm: st40 + ub19 (together dissolve phlegm and heat)
insufficiency of qi and blood
sx: palpitations, lusterless complexion, dizziness, blurring of vision, shortness of breath, lassitude
t: pale with tooth prints
p: thready, weak, or intermittent
pts: ub15, ren14, ht7, pc6, ub20, ub21, st36
hyperactivity of the fire due to yin deficiency
sx: palpitations, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus
t: red with little coating
p: thready, rapid
pts: ub15, ren14, ht7, pc6, ub14, ub23, kd3
retention of harmful fluid
ht yang deficiency or spleen & kidney yang deficiency disturbs ht
sx: palpitations, expectorations of mucoid sputum, fullness in the chest and epigastric region, lassitude, weakness, cold extremities
t: white coating
p: string taut, rolling
pts: ub15, ren14, ht7, pc6, ren9, ren4, ren8, sp9 (reduce first, then reinforce with moxa)
depressive disorder
liver qi stagnation & spleen qi failing to ascend causes phlegm
sx: gradual onset, emotional dejection and mental dullness at the initial stage, followed by incoherent speech, changing moods, or muteness, somnolence, anorexia
t: thin, sticky coating
p: string taut, thready or string taut, rolling
pts: ub15, ub18, ub20, ht7, st40
manic disorder
liver fire causes phlegm heat
sx: sudden onset, irritability, being easy to anger, insomnia, loss of appetite, followed by excessive motor activity with increased energy and violent behaviors
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: string taut, rolling, rapid
pts: du14, du16, du26, pc6, st40
pts: 13 points for manic-depressive disorder - prick to bleed in this order du26, lu11, sp1, pc7, ub62, du16, st6, ren24, pc8, du23, ren1, li11, shexiazhongfeng (extra, midline of the underside of the tongue)
fear & fright, or damp phlegm (spleen/stomach) combined with liver qi stagnation, or hereditary (only children)
during seizure
sx: typical seizure is preceded by dizziness, headache and suffocating sensation in the chest, and immediately followed by falling down with loss of consciousness, pallor, clenched jaws, upward staring of the eyes, convulsion, foam on the lips, screaming as pigs or sheep and even incontinence of urine and feces. gradually patient regains consciousness
t: white, sticky coating
p: string taut, rolling
pts: du26, ren15, pc5, lv3, st40
after seizure
sx: listlessness, lusterless complexion, dizziness, palpitations, anorexia, profuse sputum, weakness and soreness of the loins and limbs
t: pale with white coating
p: thready, rolling
pts: ub15, yintang, ht7, sp6, kd3, yaoqi
daytime seizures: ub62
night seizures: kd6
phlegm stagnation: ren12, st40
severe deficiency of qi & blood: ren4, st36
hyperactivity of liver yang
sx: dizziness, aggravated by anger, irritability, flushed face, red eyes, tinnitus, bitter taste in the mouth, dream-disturbed sleep
t: red with yellow coating
p: string-taut, rapid
pts: gb20, ub18, ub23, kd3, lv2
deficiency of qi and blood
sx: dizziness accompanied by pallor and lusterless complexion, weakness, palpitations, insomnia, pale lips and nails, lassitude, loss of consciousness if severe case.
t: pale
p: thready, weak
pts: (moxa) du20, ub20, ren4, st36, sp6
interior retention of phlegm dampness
sx: dizziness with a heavy feeling of the head and suffocating sensation in the chest, nausea, profuse sputum, anorexia, somnolence
t: white, sticky coating
p: soft, rolling
pts: st8, ub20, ren12, pc6, st40
depression of the qi in the liver
sx: mental depression, distress of the chest, hypochondriac pain, abdominal distension, belching, anorexia, or abdominal pain, vomiting, abnormal bowel movement
t: thin, sticky coating
p: string-taut
pts: ub18, ren17, ren12, st36, sp4, lv3
transformation of depressed qi into fire
sx: headache, dryness and bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, distress of the chest, hypochondriac distension, acid regurgitation, constipation, red eyes, tinnitus
t: red with yellow coating
p: string taut, rapid
pts: ren13 (regulate stomach acid, sj6 + gb34 (distress of the chest), lv2, gb43
stagnation of phlegm (aka globus hystericus)
sx: feeling of lump choking in the throat, hard to spit it out or to swallow it
t: thin, sticky coating
p: string-taut, rolling
pts: ren22, ren17, pc6, st40, lv3
insufficiency of blood (hysteria)
sx: grief without reasons, capricious joy or anger, suspicions, liability to get frightened, palpitations, irritability, insomnia or sudden distress of the chest, hiccup, sudden aphonia, convulsion or loss of consciousness in severe cases
t: thin, white coating
p: string-taut thready
pts: ren14, ht7, sp6 (all nourish blood), lv3
chest distress: pc6, ren17
hiccup: sp4, ren22
sudden aphonia: ht5, ren23
convulsion: li4, gb34 (check convulsions, relieves pain)
loss of consciousness: du26, kd1
headache due to invasion of pathogenic wind into the meridians and collaterals
sx: headache occurs on exposure to wind. the pain may extend to the nape of the neck and back regions. it is violent, boring, and fixed pain. called head wind
t: thin, white coating
p: string-taut
pts: combine local and distal points according to the location of headache and the affected meridian
occipital: gb20, ub60, si3
frontal: st8, yintang, du23, li4, st44
temporal: taiyang, gb8, sj5, gb41
parietal: du20, si3, ub67, lv3
headache due to upsurge of liver yang
sx: headache, blurred vision, severe pain on the bilateral sides of the head, irritability, hot temper, flushed face, bitter taste in the mouth
t: reddened with yellow coating
p: string taut, rapid
pts: gb20, du20, gb5, gb43, lv2 (local/distal)
headache due to deficiency of both qi and blood
sx: lingering headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude, lusterless face, pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold, overstrain or mental stress
t: pale with thin, white coating
p: weak, thready
pts: du20, ren6, ub18, ub20, ub23, st36
facial pain due to invasion by pathogenic wind and cold
sx: abrupt onset of pain occurs like an electric shock. the pain is cutting, boring, and intolerable, but transient and paroxysmal. each attack lasts a few seconds or one to two minutes. may recur several times a day. tender points can be found on the supraorbital foramen, infraorbital foramen, cheek foramen, and lateral side of ala nasi, angle of mouth, and nasolabial groove, where pressure induces attack of pain. pain is often accompanied by local spasm, running nose, and lacrimation, salivation or by exterior symptoms
t: none
p: string-taut, tense
pain at supraorbital region: gb14, taiyang, ub2, sj5
pain at the maxillary region: st2, si18, li20, li4
pain at mandibular regions: st7, st6, st5, li4, jiachengjiang, gb20 (wind)
occipital: gb20, ub60, si3
frontal: st8, yintang, du23, li4, st44
temporal: taiyang, gb8, sj5, gb41
parietal: du20, si3, ub67, lv3
facial pain due to excessive fire in the liver and stomach
sx: the attack of pain as described above is accompanied by irritability, hot temper, thirst, constipation
t: yellow, dry coating
p: string taut, rapid
pts: all the previous points in wind/cold + lv3, st44
facial pain due to deficiency of yin and excessive fire
sx: insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, soreness in the lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggravated by fatigue
t: reddened with little coating
p: thready, rapid
pts: all previous points in wind/cold + kd6, sp6
derived from invasion of the meridians & collaterals, and muscle meridians in the facial region by wind & cold
sx: usually affects people between age 20 to 40, more often men. sudden onset, usually right after waking up, incomplete closure of the eye on affected side, drooping of the angle of the mouth, salivation and inability to frown, raise the eyebrow, close the eye, blow out the cheek, show the teeth or whistle, and in some cases, pain in the mastoid region or headache
t: thin, white coating
p: superficial, tense or superficial, slow
pts: sj17, gb14, taiyang, si18, st7, st4, st6, li4, headache gb20, difficulty in frowning & raising the eyebrow ub2, sj23, incomplete closing of the eye ub2, ub1, gb1, sj23, yuyao, difficulty in sniffing, li20, deviation of the philtrum du26, inability to show teeth st3, tinnitus & deafness gb2, tenderness in mastoid region gb12, sj5, in long standing cases: warm needle or moxa may be used on taiyang, st6, st4, st3, st7. cupping the affected side with small cups may help. stiff healthy side - retain needle at local points in combination with needles on affected side.
stagnation of qi (excess)
sx: distending pain in costal and hypochondria region, stifling sensation in the chest, sighing, poor appetite, bitter taste in mouth
t: thin, white coating
p: string taut
pts: lv14, sj6, gb34, lv3, gb40, (both regulate qi of lv, gb)
stagnation of blood (excess)
sx: fixed stabbing pain in the hypochondriac region, intensified by pressure and at night
t: dark purplish tongue proper
p: deep, hesitant
pts: lv14, sj6, gb34, ub17, ub18
deficient blood
sx: dull pain lingering in the costal and hypochondriac region, dryness of the mouth, irritability, dizziness, blurring of vision
t: red with little coating
p: weak or rapid, thready
pts: lv14, ub18, ub23, st36, sp6, lv3
cold damp
sx: low back pain usually after exposure to cold and damp, aggravated on rainy days, heavy sensation and stiffness of the muscles in the dorsolumbar region, limitation of extension and flexion of the back, pain radiating downwards to the buttocks and lower limbs, cold feeling of the affected area
t: white, sticky coating
p: deep, weak, or deep, slow
pts: ub23 (moxa), du3, ub40, ub25, ub26
kidney yin deficiency
sx: insidious onset of protracted pain and soreness accompanied by lassitude and weakness of the lions and knees, aggravated by bed rest. irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, flushed face, feverish sensation in the chest, palms and soles
t: reddened with scanty coating
p: thready, weak or thready, rapid
pts: ub23 (moxa), du3, ub40, ub52, (nourish kidney yin), kd3
kidney yang deficiency
sx: insidious onset of protracted pain and soreness accompanied by lassitude and weakness of the loins and knee, aggravated by fatigue and alleviated by bed rest. cramp-like sensation in the lower abdomen, pallor, normal taste in the mouth cold limbs
t: pale
p: deep, thready or deep slow
pts: ub23 (moxa), du3, ub40, du4, yaoyan (moxa)
sx: history of sprain of the lumbar region, rigidity and pain of the lower back which is aggravated by pressure and by turning the body
t: pink or dark purplish tongue proper
p: hesitant, string taut
pts: ub23 (moxa), du3, ub40, du26, ashi points, yao tong xue
wandering bi
sx: low back pain usually after exposure to cold and damp, aggravated on rainy days, heavy sensation and stiffness of the muscles in the dorsolumbar region, limitation of extension and flexion of the back, pain radiating downwards to the buttocks and lower limbs, cold feeling of the affected area
t: white, sticky coating
p: deep, weak, or deep, slow
pts: ub23 (moxa), du3, ub40, ub25, ub26
painful bi
sx: severe, stabbing pain in the joints alleviated by warmth and aggravated by cold, with fixed localization but no local redness and hotness
t: thin, white coating
p: string-taut, tense
pts: all the points below + ub23, ren4 (initial treatment moxa then deep insertion after with prolonged retention) (severe pain indirect moxa with ginger)
fixed bi
sx: numbness and heavy sensation of the limbs, soreness and fixed pain of the joints, aggravated on cloudy and rainy days
t: white, sticky coating
p: soft
pts: all the points below + st36, sp5 (both points strengthen sp/st & dispel damp (moxa))
heat bi
sx: arthralgia involving one or several joints, local redness, swelling and excruciating pain with limitation of movement, accompanied by fever and thirst
t: yellow coating
p: rolling, rapid
pts: all the points below + du14, li11
pain in various body regions
pain in shoulder: li15, sj14, si9, si10
pain in the scapula: si11, si12, si14, ub43
pain in the elbow: li11, lu5, sj10, sj5, li4
pain in the wrist: sj4, li5, si5, sj5
stiffness of fingers: si5, li4, si3
numbness and pain in fingers: si3, li3, baxie
pain in lumbar region: du26, du12, du3
pain in hip joint: gb30, gb29, gb39
pain in thigh region: ub54, ub36, gb34
pain in the knee joint: he ding, st35, medial xiyan, gb34, sp9
numbness and pain in the leg: ub57, ub58
pain in the ankles: st41, sp5, gb40, ub60, kd3
numbness and pain in toes: sp4, ub65, ba feng
pain in back: du26, du12, du3
general pain: si3, ub62, sp21, ub17, li15, li11, li4, sj4, gb30, gb34, gb39, st41
skin bi
sx: numbness of skin with cold sensation
pts: all the points above (moxa)
muscle bi
sx: soreness, numbness and pain of the muscles
pts: all the points above (moxa)
tendon bi
sx: soreness, numbness and pain of the muscles
pts: all the points above + gb34
vessel bi
sx: pain due to blockage of vessels
pts: all the points above + ub17, sp10, gb20 (moxa)
bone bi
sx: soreness, heaviness and pain of joints which fail to perform their functions of lifting, extension and flexion
pts: all the points above + ub11, gb39 (moxa)
burning heat in lung
sx: muscular flaccidity of lower limbs with motor impairment, accompanied by fever, cough, irritability, thirst, scanty and brownish and urine
t: reddened with yellow
p: thready, rapid or rolling
pts: upper limbs: li15, li11, li4, sj5 lower limbs st31, gb30, sp10, st34, st36, gb34, st41, gb39, lu5, ub13
damp heat
sx: flaccid or slight swollen legs, a little hot sensation on touch, general heaviness, sensation of fullness in chest and epigastric region, painful urination, hot and brownish urine
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: soft, rapid
pts: upper limbs: li15, li11, li4, sj5 lower limbs: st31, gb30, sp10, st34, st36, gb34, st41, gb39, ub20, sp9
deficiency of yin in the liver & kidney
sx: muscular flaccidity of the lower limbs with motor impairment, combined with soreness and weakness of the lumbar region, seminal emission, prospermia, leukorrhea, dizziness, blurring of vision
t: reddened
p: thready, rapid
pts: upper limbs: li15, li11, li4, sj5 lower limbs: st31, gb30, sp10, st34, st36, gb34, st41, gb39, ub18, ub23
sx: history of trauma, flaccid, paralytic limbs, may be accompanied with incontinence of urine and feces
t: pink or dark purplish with thin white coating
p: relaxed or hesitant
pts: upper limbs: li15, li11, li4, sj5 lower limbs: st31, gb30, sp10, st34, st36, gb34, st41, gb39, huatuojiaji at the corresponding level of spinal injury incontinence of urine: ren3, sp6 incontinence of feces: ub25, ub32
heat in the blood - antedated menstruation
antedated menstruation - earlier by 7-8 days or 2x/month
sx: shortened cycle, dark red, thick blood, large quantities, restlessness, full chest, brown urine
t: reddened with yellow
p: rapid, forceful
pts: li11, ren3, sp10, kd5. Liver qi transforming to fire is Lv2 Yin deficiency with internal heat is Kd2
qi deficiency - antedated menstruation
antedated menstruation - earlier by 7-8 days or 2x/month
sx: profuse thin light red menses shortened cycle, lassitude, palpitation SOB, heavy empty sensation lower abdomen.
t: pale with thin coating.
p: weak.
pts: ren6, sp6, ren12, st36
blood deficiency - postdated menstruation
postdated menstruation - postdated - later than 8-9 days or once every 40, 50 days
sx: scanty, light red menses in delayed cycle, empty painful feeling in lower abdomen, emaciation, sallow complexion, lusterless skin, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitation and insomnia.
t: pink with little coating
p: weak, thready
pts: ren4, ren6, sp6 (moxa) dizziness & blurred vision: du20 palpitations and insomnia: ht7
cold in blood - postdated menstruation
postdated menstruation - postdated - later than 8-9 days or once every 40, 50 days
sx: history of trauma, flaccid, paralytic limbs, may be accompanied with incontinence of urine and feces
t: pink or dark purplish with thin white coating
p: relaxed or hesitant
pts:upper limbs: li15, li11, li4, sj5 lower limbs: st31, gb30, sp10, st34, st36, gb34, st41, gb39, huatuojiaji at the corresponding level of spinal injury incontinence of urine: ren3, sp6 incontinence of feces: ub25, ub32
qi stagnation - postdated menstruation
sx: scanty dark red menses in delayed cycle, distending pain in the lower abdomen, mental depression, stuffy chest alleviated by belching, distension in hypochondrium and breast region.
t: thin, white coating
p: string-taut
pts: st25, kd13, sp8, lv3 Fullness in chest: pc6 Distension in hypochondriac: lv14
qi stagnation in the liverdepressed rage causes - liver qi stagnation
sx: alteration of menses cycles and quantity of blood flow, thick sticky and purple colored menses, difficult to flow, distension in the hypochondriac region and breast, distending pain in the lower abdomen, mental depression, frequent sighing.
t: thin, white coating
p: string-taut
pts: ren6, kd14, pc5, lv5 distension in hypochondriac region & breast ren17, lv14, mental depression ht7, lv3
kidney deficiency
kidney qi deficiency - essence & blood deficiency
sx: scanty light red blood flow in altering cycles, dizziness and tinnitus, weak and aching of the lower back and knees, frequent night urination, loose stools.
t: pale with thin coating
p: deep and weak
pts: ren4, ub23, kd8 (moxa) Low back & knees: kd10, yaoyan Dizziness & tinnitus: du20, kd3
dysmenorrhea - excessdepressed rage causes - liver qi stagnation
sx: alteration of menses cycles and quantity of blood flow, thick sticky and purple colored menses, difficult to flow, distension in the hypochondriac region and breast, distending pain in the lower abdomen, mental depression, frequent sighing.
t: thin, white coating
p: string-taut
pts: ren6, kd14, pc5, lv5 distension in hypochondriac region & breast ren17, lv14, mental depression ht7, lv3
dysmenorrhea - deficiency
kidney qi deficiency - essence & blood deficiency
sx: dull pain appearing at the end of or after menstruation, alleviated by warmth and pressure, pink, scanty and thin menses, accompanied by aversion to cold, cold extremities, pale complexion, palpitations and dizziness
t: n/a
p: thready, weak
pts: ren4, ub20, ub23, st36, sp6 (moxa)
amenorrhea - blood stagnation
sx: stagnation of liver qi. Absence of menses for month, lower abdominal distending pain aggravated by pressure, hard mass in lower abdomen, distension and fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region.
t: dark purple coating with purplish spots on its borders.
p: is deep, string-taut.
pts: ren3, st29, sp10, lv3, li4, sp6 Hard masses aggravated by pressure: kd14
amenorrhea - blood depletion
sx: qi & blood deficiency signs. Delayed menstrual cycle, gradual decrease of menses and amenorrhea, sallow complexion in prolonged cases, lassitude, vertigo and dizziness, poor appetite, loose stools, dry skin. Deficiency of essence and blood - Add dizziness, tinnitus, sore and weak low back and knees, dry mouth and throat, hot sensation in the palms, soles and epigastrium, afternoon fever and night sweating.
t: pale with white coating. essence and blood deficiency - pale
p: slow and weak. essence and blood deficiency string-taut, thready
pts: ren4, ub18, ub20, ub23, st36, sp6 (sometimes moxa is used)
excessive heat
sx: sudden onset of profuse or prolonged continuous vaginal bleeding in deep red color, fidgets, insomnia, dizziness
t: red with yellow coating
p: rapid.
pts: ren3, sp10, sp1, lv8
External heat: li11
Excessive heat fire: ht8
Excessive liver fire: lv3
qi deficiency
sx: sudden profuse bleeding or continuous scanty bleeding marked by light red and thin blood, lassitude, shortness of breath, apathy, anorexia.
t: pale
p: thready, weak
pts: (moxa) du20, ren4, st36, sp6, sp1, sj4, spleen qi deficiency with anorexia and loose stools: ub20, ub21
deficiency of the spleen
sx: profuse thick, white or light yellow vaginal discharge without smell, pale or sallow complexion, lassitude, poor appetite and loose stools, edema in the lower limbs.
t: pale with white, sticky coating
p: slow, weak
pts: gb26, ren6, ub30, sp9, st36 (moxa)
deficiency of the kidney
sx: profuse and continuous discharge of thin and transparent whites, severe soreness of the low back, cold sensation in the lower abdomen, frequent and excessive urine, loose stools
t: pale with thin, white coating
p: deep
pts: ub23, ren4, kd12, gb26, kd7 (moxa)
damp heat
sx: sticky, viscous and stinking yellow leukorrhea in large quantity, itching in the vulva, dry stool, scanty and yellow urine. Or leukorrhea in reddish yellow color, bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, irritability with a feverish sensation, palpitation, insomnia
t: sticky, yellow coating
p: string-taut, rapid
pts: ren4, ub32, sp6, lv3
Itching vulva: lv5
Reddish: sp10
Heat: li11
deficiency of spleen and stomach
sx: nausea and vomiting of liquid or indigested food immediately after meals, fullness and distending feeling the chest, lassitude and sleepiness.
t: pale with white coating
p: slippery, weak during first trimester of pregnancy
pts: ren12, ren13, pc6, st36, sp4
disharmony between the liver & stomach
sx: vomiting of bitter or sour liquid, epigastric fullness and hypochondria pain, frequent belching and sighing, mental depression, dizziness and eye distension
t: yellowish coating
p: slippery, string-taut in the early stage of gestation
pts: ren17, ren12, pc6, st36, lv3
over 24 hours is considered prolonged
deficiency of qi and blood
sx: dull and paroxysmal labor pains with mild weighing and distending sensation or profuse hemorrhage in light color, pale complexion, lassitude, palpitation, shortness of breath
t: pale
p: weak
pts: st36, sp6, ub67 (moxa)
qi stagnation and blood stasis
sx: sharp pains in the waist and abdomen, scanty hemorrhage in dark red color, prolonged delivery course, dark bluish complexion, depressive mood, fullness in the chest and epigastrium, frequent nausea.
t: dark
p: deep, forceful
pts: li4, sp6, ub67
malposition of fetus
sx: after 30 weeks, ub67 (moxa) 15-20 minutes once or twice a day until the fetal position is corrected
deficiency of qi and blood
sx: insufficient secretion of milk after delivery or even absence of milk or decreasing secretion during lactation period, no distending pain in the breast, pale complexion, dry skin, palpitation, lassitude, poor appetite, loose stools
t: pale with little coating
p: weak, thready
pts: st18, ren17, si1, ub20, st36, sp6 (moxa)
liver qi stagnation
sx: absence of mild secretion after delivery, distending pain in breast, mental depression, chest distress and hypochondriac pain, epigastric distension, loss of appetite
t: pink
p: string taut
pts: st18, ren17, si1, lv14, pc6, lv3
malposition of fetus
sx: after 30 weeks, ub67 (moxa) 15-20 minutes once or twice a day until the fetal position is corrected
mothers who do not want to nurse the infant can check milk secretion by acupuncture on gb41 and gb37. 10 minutes of moxa is applied to each point after acupuncture. one treatment a day for 3 to 5 days
qi deficiencysx: drop of the uterus in the vagina or out of the vulva several inches, sinking sensation in the lower abdomen, lassitude, palpitation, shortness of breath, frequent urine, leukorrhagia
t: pale with thin coating
p: weak
pts: du20, ren6, ren12, st36, st29 (moxa)
kidney deficiency
sx: prolapse of uterus, sore and weak low back and legs, bearing sensation in the lower abdomen
t: pink
p: deep, weak
pts: ren4, lv8, kd6, zigong (moxa)
acute - invasion of seasonal pathogenic factors
sx: unconsciousness, upward gazing, lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs with fever headache, cough, congested throat, thirst and irritability, this is due to invasion of heat
t: n/a
p: rapid, string-taut
pts: yintang, du26, lv3, du14, li11, jing-wells
acute - accumulation of phlegm fire
sx: unconsciousness, upward gazing, lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs with anorexia, vomiting, abdominal distention and pain, sputum gurgling in the throat, constipation or defecation with stinking smell are present. This is due to phlegm heat
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: yintang, du26, lv3, sj18, ren12, li4, st40
acute - sudden fright
sx: unconsciousness, upward gazing, lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs with no fever, but cold limbs, disturbed sleep or lethargy, crying and fearing after waking and intermittent contraction of muscles, the convulsion is due to fright
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: yintang, du26, lv3, sishencong, pc8, kd1
chronic convulsions
chronic illness injure sp/st
sx: emaciation, pale complexion, lassitude, lethargy with eyes open, intermittent convulsion, cold limbs, loose stool containing undigested food, clear and profuse urination.
t: n/a
p: deep, weak
pts: du20, du24, ren4, sp6, st36 (moxa)
Sp & Kd yang def: ub20, ub23, ren12
Blood def: lv3, kd2
diarrhea caused by overfeeding
sx: abdominal distension is accompanied by borborygmus and frequent fits of pain. The fit of pain is followed by bowel movements and the pain will be relieved after defecation marked by presence of undigested milk and food in the fecal discharge, frequent eructation, and anorexia
t: sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid
pts: st25, st37, sifeng, ren11, ren6
diarrhea caused by damp heat
sx: abdominal distension is accompanied by borborygmus and frequent fits of pain. The fit of pain is followed by bowel movements and the pain will be relieved after defecation. Loose stools with yellow color and offensive smell, abdominal pain, fever and thirst, burning sensation in the anus, scanty and dark urine
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid
pts: st25, st37, sifeng, li11, li4, sp9
irregularity of food, improper nursing, parasites, sp/st. deficiency due to chronic illness
sx: gradual onset of slight fever or tidal fever in the afternoon, dryness of the mouth, abdominal distension, and diarrhea with offensive odor, rice - water - like urine, crying with irritability and anorexia. then distending belly with protruding umbilicus due to internal stagnation, sallow complexion, emaciation, scaly and dry skin, sparse hair. if cravings of unnatural articles of food are present, the malnutrition is probably due to parasitosis
t: Dirty, sticky coating or complete loss of coating
p: Weak
pts: Ren 10, ub21, ub20, st36, sifeng, sp3, Ub23: to build up the yuan qi
parasitosis: Baichongwo
caused by invasion of pathogenic wind, damp, heat affecting lu/st, which injures meridians
sx: infantile paralysis is in the range of “wei syndrome” .the symptoms listed here are sequel of poliomyelitis. paralysis may occur in any part of the body, especially in the lower limb with weakness of the muscles and cold skin. paralysis of the abdominal muscles is revealed by bulging of the abdomen during crying. in chronic cases there is muscular atrophy of the affected part with deformity of the trunk and the paralysis is intractable.
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: Paralysis of upper limbs: Li15, li11, li4, sj5, du14, ub10
Paralysis of lower limbs: St31, st36, st41, gb30, gb34, gb39, sp6, ub60, huatuojiaji points at lumbar region
Paralysis of abdominal muscles: St21, st25, gb26, ren4
Contracted knee: St33
Reverse flexion of knee: Ub36, ub40, ub57
Inversion of foot: Gb31, ub62, ub40
Eversion of the foot: Kd6, kd3
Difficult intorsion and extorsion of hand: Sj4, li5, si3, sj9, ht3
Drop of the wrist: Sj9, sj5
invasion of epidemic pathogen, with phlegm fire obstructing the shaoyang meridians
sx: at the onset there are chills and fever, redness, pain and swelling unilateral or bilateral parotid regions, and dysmasesia. When the pathogenic heat is intense, the redness, pain and swelling in the parotid region are more marked and there are pain and swelling of the testis, high fever with irritability, dryness of the mouth and constipation, dark urine.
t: Yellow coating
p: Superficial pulse
pts: St6, sj17, sj5, li11, li4
Chills and fever: Lu7
High fever: Du14, twelve jing wells
Swelling and pain in testis: Lv3 and lv8
stagnation of damp in skin and muscles with wind-cold or wind-heat, or accumulate heat in stomach/intestines with wind or parasites
an eruption of skin characterized by transitory, flat-topped wheals, which look measles or are as large as broad beans, termed “wind wheal”
resembles measles, not german measles
wind heat
sx: red rashes with severe itching
t: n/a
p: superficial, rapid
pts: li11, li4, ub40, sp10, sp6, du14
wind damp
sx: red rashes with severe itching
t: n/a
p: superficial, rapid
pts: li11, li4, ub40, sp10, sp6, du14
accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines
sx: red rashes complicated by abdominal or epigastric pain, constipation or diarrhea
t: thin, yellow coating
p: rapid
pts: li11, li4, ub40, sp10, sp6, st25, st36
damp heat in the sp/st.
due to qi and blood obstruction with wind and toxic heat
a contagious infectious skin disease characterized by sudden onset of chills fever, local redness and swelling which may take place on any site of the body and rapidly extend
wind heat
sx: rapid onset of a well demarcated path of redness, hotness and burning pain, rapidly extending in size, change in color of the patch from bright red to dull red in several days and then healing with desquamation. With chills fever, acute headache
t: red with thin, yellow coating
p: superficial, rapid
pts: li11, li4, pc3, ub40, sp10, gb20
damp heat
sx: rapid onset of well demarcated patch of redness, hotness and burning pain, rapidly extending in size, change in color of the patch from bright red to dull red in several days and then healing with desquamation. With fever, irritability, thirst, stuffy sensation in the chest, poor appetite, constipation, and dark urine
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: soft, rapid
pts: li11, li4, pc3, ub40, sp10, st36, sp9
fever, constipation, toxins
Fever: Du14
Constipation: sj6
Pathogenic toxin attacking the interior: jing wells (lu11, li1, pc9, sj1, ht9, si1), pc8
endogenous damp heat, or liver/gb fire or exogenous toxin
sx: occurs mainly in lumbar and hypochondria region with small red vesicles like beads forming a girdle around the waist. Mostly from endogenous damp heat, hyperactivity of fire in liver and GB or affection of exogenous toxin. Onset there is stabbing pain of affected skin, which soon becomes erythematous. Patches of blisters in size of mump-beans or soybeans are evolved. Blisters look like a band with clear-cut interspaces between patches. Blisters are thick-walled and their contents are transparent at first, but turn turbid in five to six days. After ten days scar formation occurs
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: li11, sp10, ub40, gb34, lv3
eliminate heat in blood
sx: Boil on the head, face or extremity first appears like a grain of millet in yellow or purple color. A blister or pustula with a hard base is formed, usually accompanied by tingling. Later there is increased redness, swelling and pain with burning sensation, often accompanied by chills and fever. Sometimes a red thread-like line extends proximally if the boil toxicity attacks the interior, there will be high fever, restlessness, dizziness, vomiting, impaired consciousness.
t: reddened with yellow coating
p: rapid
pts: du10, du12 (re-adjusts the Qi of all yang meridians), pc4 (xi-cleft point, also eliminates heat in blood), li4, ub40
retention of milk d/t liver qi stagnation, stomach heat caused by fatty food or obstruction of milk duct d/t invasion of toxic fire
sx: redness, swelling and pain of the breast, mostly occurring after delivery. At the early stage when the abscess has not yet been formed, there is a lump in the breast accompanied by swelling, distension, pain, difficult lactation, chills, fever, headache, nausea, and dire thirst. Growing of the lump with local bright redness and intermittent throbbing pain indicates suppuration. This condition corresponds to acute mastitis in modern medicine.
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: gb21, ren17, st18, si1, st36, lv3. Chills & fever: li4, sj5. Distension & pain in the breast: gb41
caused by irregular eating, or retention of undigested food, or too much cold or heat, or jogging after a large meal
sx: sudden paroxysmal pain in the upper abdomen or around the umbilicus. Soon the pain becomes continuous and localizes in the lower right abdomen, accompanied by tenderness, mild contracture of the abdominal wall, difficulty in extension of the right leg, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dark urine
t: thin, sticky and yellow coating
p: rapid, forceful
pts: st25, li11, st37, lanweixue, (moxa may be used locally)
Fever: du14, li4
Vomiting: pc6, ren12
qi goiter - caused by drinking mountain water or qi stagnation
sx: qi goiter is marked by diffusive swelling in the neck, soft, gradually increasing in size with unclear margins, normal color, absence of pain in some cases big and drooping, accompanied with dyspnea and hoarseness of voice. Size changes with emotions.
t: thin, sticky and yellow coating
p: rapid, forceful
pts: sj13, li17, si17, ren22, li4, st36
liver Qi stagnation: ren17, lv3
flesh goiter - qi stagnation and accumulation of phlegm damp
sx: flesh Goiter often occurs in individuals below forty, more frequently in women than in men, a few oval movable lumps below the adam’s apple with smooth surface and without pain, accompanied by exophthalmos, hot temper, irritability, tremor of the hands, sweating, stuffiness in the chest, palpitations.
t: n/a
p: string-taut, slippery, and rapid
pts: sj13, (li17, si17, ren22 window of sky points), li4, st36
Liver qi stagnation: ren17, lv3
Palpitations: pc6, ht7 = effective for palpitation when used with reinforcing method
Exophthalmoses: sj23, ub2, ub1, gb20
Hot temper, anxiety and sweating: sp6, kd7
local swelling
sx: local swelling and pain, redness or ecchymosis. A new injury is slightly swollen with tenderness. Large area of swelling together with motor impairment of the joints is found in serious cases. Old injury is characterized by absence of marked swelling but repeated recurrence due to invasion of exogenous pathogenic wind, cold and damp. The injury mostly happens, in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, hip knee, and ankle.
t: thin, sticky and yellow coating
p: rapid, forceful
pts: ashi points
Neck: ub10, si3
Shoulder: gb21, li15
Elbow: li11, li4
Wrist joint: sj4, sj5
Hip joint: gb30, gb34
Knee joint: st35, st44
Ankle joint: st41, gb40, ub60, (moxa local points)
wry neck
sx: wry neck caused by awkard sleeping position or an attack of wind cold on the nape of the neck. Symptoms are stiffness and pain of the neck and nape and stiff neck towards one side with motor impairment.
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: (moxa only) du14, ub10, si14, gb39, si3, ub60, lu7, si7, luozhen
excess type (lv/gb fire)
sx: sudden deafness, distension sensation and constant ringing in the ear that cannot be eliminated by pressing. In the case of upward perversion of pathogenic wind fire of the liver and gallbladder, there are flushed face, dry mouth irritability and hot temper
t: n/a
p: forceful, string-taut
pts: sj17, gb2, gb43, sj3, lv2, gb41, invasion of wind: sj5, li4
deficiency type (kidney qi deficiency or kidney yin deficiency with fire)
sx: protracted deafness intermittent tinnitus aggravated by strain and eliminated by pressing, dizziness, soreness and aching of the lower back, seminal emission, excessive leukorrhea.
t: n/a
p: Thready, weak
pts: sj17, gb2, gb43, sj3, ub23, du4, kd3 (moxa)
if invasion of exogenous wind - headache and superficial pulse
excess type (lv/gb fire)
sx: congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, photophobia, lacrimation and sticky discharge. In the case of wind heat, there would fever. If with fire of the liver and gallbladder, there would also be bitter taste in the mouth, irritability with feverish sensation, constipation.
t: n/a
p: Wind heat: superficial, rapid Liver and gallbladder fire: string-taut
pts: ub1, gb20, li4, lv2, taiyang, Wind heat: sj5, Fire: lv3
wind cold transforming to heat
sx: nasal obstruction, loss of the sense of smell, yellow fetid nasal discharge, thick and sticky accompanied by cough, dull pain in the forehead.
t: Reddened tongue with thin, white, and sticky coating
p: rapid
pts: lu7, li20, bitong, li4, yintang
extreme heat in lung and stomach
sx: epistaxis is accompanied by fever, cough, or dire thirst with preference for cold drink, constipation, foul breath
t: reddened or reddened with yellow coating
p: superficial, rapid or forceful, rapid
pts: Li20, Li4, Du23, lung heat: Lu11, stomach heat St44
deficiency of yin with preponderance of fire
sx: epistaxis accompanied by malar flush, dryness of the mouth, feverish sensation of the palms and soles, afternoon fever, night sweating
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: Li20, Li4, Du23, Kd6
toothache due to stomach fire
sx: severe toothache with foul breath, thirst, constipation
t: Yellow coating
p: Forceful, rapid
pts: Li4, St6, St44, St7
toothache caused by wind fire
sx: acute toothache with gingival swelling with chills and fever
t: n/a
p: superficial, rapid
pts: Sj2, Gb20, Li4, St6, St7, Sj5
toothache caused by deficiency of kidney yin
sx: dull pain off and on, loose teeth, absence of foul breath
t: Reddened
p: Thready, rapid
pts: St6, St7, Kd3
syndrome of excess of heat
sx: abrupt onset with chills, fever, headache, congested and sore throat, thirst, dysphagia, constipation
t: Reddened with thin yellow coating
p: Superficial, rapid
pts: Lu11, Li4, St44, Si17
syndrome of deficiency of yin
sx: gradual onset without fever or with low fever, slightly congested throat with intermittent pain or pain during swallowing, dryness of the throat, more marked at night, feverish sensation in the palms and soles.
t: Reddened and furless
p: Thready, rapid
pts: Kd3, Lu10, Ren23, Kd6, Lu7, Li18
deficiency of the liver and kidney yin
sx: dryness of the eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, tinnitus, nocturnal emission, aching of the lower back.
t: Reddened with scanty coating
p: Thready, weak
pts: Gb20, Ub1, Qiuhou, Gb37, Lv3, Kd3, Ub18, Ub23
deficiency of qi and blood
sx: blurred vision, weakness of breath, disinclination to talk, lassitude, poor appetite, loose stools
t: Pale with thin, white coating
p: Weak, thready
pts: Gb20, Ub1, Qiuhou, Gb37, St36, Sp6
stagnation of the liver
sx: blurred vision, emotional depression, dizziness, vertigo, hypochondriac pain, and bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat
t: n/a
p: String-taut
pts: Gb20, Ub1, Qiuhou, Gb37, Lv14, Lv3, Gb34
depressed heart qi pattern
sx: heart palpitations, heart vexation, insomnia, unregulated joy and anger, sorrow for no reason, fear, light and preference for dim places, chest oppression, frequent yawning and stretching
t: pale
p: deep and weak or deep and rough
pts: n/a
fm: gan mai da zao tang with an shen ding zhi wan
analysis: excesses of the seven emotions can cause depression of the heart qi deficiency, or blood deficiency, or yin deficiency
irregularity of the heart vessel
sx: palpitations, shortness of breath, spirit fatiguee with a desire to sleep, dizziness of the head and eyes, a pale white facial complexion
t: pale
p: skipping, bound or regularly interrupted
pts: n/a
fm: zhi gan cao teng
analysis: cold damaging the heart, incorrect use of acrid herbs to disperse warm evil when the body is debilitated and weak, qi and blood deficiency, or suffering from five stagnations of qi, blood, heat, phlegm, and food. could cause yang deficiency and then dual yin and yang deficiency.
liver yang vacuity
sx: depression, unhappiness, blurred vision, rib-side fullness or pain, possible hypertonicity below the ribs, tenseness or withering of the sinews, weakness of the feet or an inability to stretch the feet, a bright white complexion, fear of the cold, cold limbs
t: pale white tongue fur
p: deep, fine, string-taut and slow or tight
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
analysis: long term collection of water-damp damaging the yang, or qi deficiency developing into yang deficiency or insufficiency of kidney, heart or spleen yang transforming. or it may be enduring disease, or raw or cold foods, or incorrectly using cold or cool medicinal agents, which cause the yang qi to become sparse
depressed gall bladder with phlegm harassing
sx: dizziness of the head and eyes, fright palpitations, vexing heat, difficulty in sleeping, fullness and oppression of the chest and rib-side, a bitter taste in the mouth with a desire to vomit
t: yellow and slimy tongue fur
p: slippery and slightly rapid
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
analysis: qi depression generating phlegm, brewing over a long period of time, causing qi deficiency
spleen yin vacuity
sx: emaciation and lack of strength, torpid intake with no thought of food, abdominal distention with eating, dry lips and mouth, vexing heat of the five hearts, yellow urine, bound stools
t: red tongue with little fur
p: fine and rapid or rough
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
analysis: this pattern has yin deficiency with heat and can exist by itself or with other yin deficiencies. (liver, heart)
intestinal welling abscess pattern
sx: pain in the left lower abdomen, lying with a huddled body, pain that refuses pressure, scorching heat and violent pain with pressure, generally there is fever, with yellow, short and red urine
t: red tongue with yellow fur
p: string-taut and rapid pulse
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
analysis: indulgence in thick flavorful or heavy tasting food or raw or cold food, which causes food to stagnate in the middle burner. damp brews and heat accumulated and damages the intestines.
acute: caused by wind
weakness in the spleen t & t causing phlegm & damp to rise to lungs
prolonged coughing injuries the lungs & kidneys. if there is a deficiency condition can not take in the lung qi
spreading the lungs qi to descend and eliminating wind, and transforming phlegm
pts: dingchuan, ub12, ub13, li4
fever and chills: li11, du14, phlegm: st40, sore muscles of the back: hua tuo jia ji c7-t6 persistent cough: lu5, lu7
ear points: lung, kidney, stop wheezing
panting and wheezing: associated with the lungs, spleen, and kidneys
weakness in the spleen t & t causing phlegm & damp to rise to lungs
prolonged coughing injuries the lungs & kidneys. if there is a deficiency condition can not take in the lung qi
wind and cold
invades lungs, which becomes obstructed with phlegm & dampness, which prevents the qi from descending. lung qi is rooted in kidneys if the asthma is prolonged the kidneys become weak and cannot accept qi from lungs. this can be excess and deficiency pattern. excess lungs and deficiency kidney
relieve wheezing; spread the lung qi to eliminate phlegm. acupuncture is often used during an asthma attack
pts: fever and chills: li11, du14, phlegm: st40, sore muscles of the back: hua tuo jia ji c7-t6 persistent cough: lu5, lu7
phlegm: st40 respiratory infection: du14, li4 persistent wheezing: ren4, st36
ear points: during an attack. lung, kidney, adrenal, sympathetic, stop wheezing
disruption of qi water and damp overflow
considered to be part of a condition where yang qi of heart and kidneys are weak. yang functions of heart are weak. blood stasis occurs in vessels, kidney qi is deficiency, which means in can't take in lung qi. disruption of qi water and damp overflow
heart & spleen deficiency
heart and kidney yang deficiency
heart yang deficiency and heart blood stasis
kidney yang deficiency with water overflowing to the heart
secure source (kidney) and strength the heart and spirit
pts: pc6, pc5, ht8 or pc6, pc4, pc3
regulate gi function: ren12, st25, ren6, st36
strengthen source and facilitate movement in lower burner: ren4, st29, ren6
facilitate urine and reduce edema: ren9, st28, kd7, kd5, ub58, sp9, ren3 toward ren2
distention of liver: lv3, lv13, ub18
relieve panting, suppress cough, eliminate phlegm: ub13, ren22, kd27, ren17, ht8, li4
wasting and thirst disease
related to eating sweet or fatty foods in excess. heat exhausted the body fluids, injuring the yin. also could be from kidney yang deficiency
lung - great thirst
stomach - great hunger
kidneys - frequent urination or lumbar pain
drain heat, which has collected in the triple burner.
pts: ub13, ub20, ub23, st36, kd3
excessive thirst: lu11, lu10, ub17
increased appetite with emaciation of the muscles: ub21, ren12
frequent urination: ren4, kd7, kd5
ear points: thirst - endocrine, lung, thirst. hunger - endocrine, stomach. frequent urination - endocrine, kidney, urinary bladder.
imbalance of yin and yang
caused by an imbalance of yin and yang functional aspects of kidneys and liver or overabundance of phlegm and dampness
liver fire ascendant
deficient yin/excessive yang
obstructing of phlegm and dampness
interior movement of liver wind (liver yang rising)
deficient yin and yang - dizziness, shortness of breath, mental fatigue, numbness in feet and hands, weak legs, frequent urination (especially at night), possible impotence, and a slightly pale tongue and fine pulse
pts: gb20, li11, st36, lv3
severe headache & dizziness, flushed face, red eyes: lv2, gb34, taiyang, sj17
excessive phlegm and dampness: pc6, st40, sp9
empty kidney yin: kd3, sp6, ht7, anmian
empty kidney yang: ren4 and ren6 + moxa
ear points: sub cortex, lower blood pressure grove, neurogate, heart, sympathetic
emotional distress or frustration
from emotional distress or frustration, which prevents the qi of liver and spleen from flowing in the channels. instead, there is fire, which obstructs the heart yin causing phlegm to accumulate and gradually obstructs the channels in the neck
liver fire
liver qi stagnation
heart yin deficiency
damp phlegm obstructing
spread liver qi and drain fire, which will break up the accumulation
pts: pc5, sp6, hutojiaji from c3-c5
excessive sweating: ht6, kd7
palpitations/insomnia: ht7, anmian
sexual irritability and flushed face: lv3, gb20
protruding eyes: ub2, st2
tachycardia: pc6
ear points: neurogate, sub cortex, endocrine, thyroid, stop wheezing. heart, lung.
attack of wind & heat
attack of wind & heat from without obstructing qi and blood in channels
hot condition in liver & stomach
deficient yin and excess yang
kidney yin deficiency with fire blazing
spread qi through the channels in affected area
ophthalmic branch pain: tai yang, ub2
mandibular branch pain: st2
maxillary branch pain: st7, ub2, jiachenjiang
wind symptoms-wandering pain, cold sensitivity: li4, sj5
fire ascending from liver channel-irritability, thirst, constipation: lv3, st44, st36
deficient yin/excess yang-fatigue, emacation, flushed cheeks: kd3, gb20
ear points: forehead, mandible, maxilla, sympathetic
cold and dampness
cold and dampness lodged in the channels obstructing qi and blood, or excessive use of tobacco and alcohol generating fire, which stagnates qi and blood. or this is a result of trauma.
thromboangiitis obliterans
nonatherosclerotic occlusive inflammatory disease that affects the peripheral blood vessels. manifestations include severe pain, raynaud's phenomenon, venous thrombosis, and ulcerations/skin lesions. gangrene and intermittent claudications occur in advanced disease. most commonly affects the small and medium sized arteries and veins, and the nerves of the arms, hands, legs and feet. strongly associated with cigarette smoking.
glomerulonephritis is NOT berger's disease
activate blood to clear channel
clear dampness from spleen/stomach
tonify qi
pts: upper limb: li11 toward ht3, sj5 toward pc6, hua to jia ji c6 to t3. lower limb: gb34 toward sp9, gb39 toward sp6, hua tuo jia ji l1 to l3. ba xie and ba feng.
ear: sympathetic, kidneys, adrenal, liver, endocrine, occiput, heart, sub cortex & point corresponding to affected limb
disorder of liver
disorder of the liver. emotions or anger can injure the liver and cause it's qi to rebel in a lateral direction. also could come from stagnation of body fluids and phlegm in the area of the ribs, which prevents circulation of qi and causes pain
nerve pain that occurs around the ribs. numerous nerves run from the spinal cord and along the spaces between the ribs to the front of the body. the pain may make breathing difficult or uncomfortable.
symptoms: left side pain, left sided back pain, episodic pain, tingling, numbness, paralysis, loss of appetite, and muscle atrophy. note: that intercostal neuralgia symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase intercostal neuralgia signs may refer to those signs only noticeable by a doctor
open the channels to facilitate the flow of qi
pts: sj6, lv5, gb34, hua tuo jia ji corresponds to level of pain
stagnant liver qi and lateral rebellion: lv2, lv3, pc6, gb40
coagulated blood: lv14, ub17, ub18
fluids collecting and forming phlegm: lv13, st40, sp9
ear points: thorax, neurogate, sympathetic, occiput, lung and other points of tenderness in ear
the additional systems
shang han lun differentiation cold syndromes
dx: channel patterns, wind cold, attack of wind
sx: chills/fever, slightly sweating, aversion to wind, slight aversion to cold, pain & stiffness in taiyang area of the head & neck, sneezing
t & p: superficial pulse or floating, slow pulse
tx: relieve exterior, expel wind and cold, harmonize ying and wei
pts: ub12, (cup) lu7, li4, gb20, sj5, st36, du16
fm: gui zhi tang (cinnamon twig decoction)
dx: wind cold (attack of cold)
sx: chills/fever, no sweating, aversion to cold, stiff neck/back, headache, sneezing, runny nose with white discharge, breathlessness
t & p: floating/superficial tight pulse
tx: relieve exterior, expel wind and cold, restore smooth circulation of lung qi
pts: ub12, lu7, li4, sj5, gb20, du16, moxa
fm: ma huang tang (ephedra decoction)
dx: organ patterns, accumulation of water
sx: fever, aversion to cold, sl. thirst, vomit immediately after drinking, urinary difficulty
t & p: floating, rapid pulse
tx: transform qi & move the water, resolve exterior
pts: ren9, ren3, st28, lu7, ub22, ub39, ub64
fm: wu ling san (five ingredient powder with poria)
dx: organ patterns, accumulation of blood
sx: hypogastric distention, fullness and urgency, blood in urine, mental restlessness
t & p: reddish purple tongue without coating, deep choppy pulse
tx: invigorate blood, eliminate stasis from the lower burner and clear heat from the urinary bladder
pts: ren3, st28, kd14, ub39, ub22, sp10, lv3, sp6
fm: tao he cheng qi tang (peach pit decoction to order the qi)
dx: channel (jing)
sx: high fever, profuse sweating, aversion to heat, red face, very thirsty, irritability, delirium
t & p: red tongue with a yellow coating, surging rapid pulse
tx: clear heat, promote body fluids
pts: li11, du14, pc3, st44, st43
fm: bai hu tang (white tiger decoction)
dx: channel (fu)
sx: high fever, with sweating on limbs and worse in afternoon, profuse sweat, abdominal pain & distension, constipation, worse with pressure, thirst, dark urine
t & p: red tongue, dry yellow or black coating, burnt yellow with thorns on side of the tongue, wiry pulse
tx: clear heat, purge excess, relieve constipation
pts: li11, du14, pc3, st44, st43, st25, sp15, st37, sp6
fm: tiao wei cheng qi tang (regulate the stomach & order the qi decoction)
dx: half exterior and half interior
sx: alternating chills & fever, hypochondriac pain, fullness, bitter taste, dry throat, blurred vision, anorexia, no thirst, irritability, vomiting
t & p: thin white coat or maybe coating only on one side of the tongue, wiry pulse
tx: harmonize shaoyang
pts: sj5, sj6, gb41, du13
fm: xiao chai hu tang (minor bupleurum decoction)
dx: deficiency of cold in spleen/stomach
sx: no appetite of thirst, tiredness, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain relieved by pressure, feeling of cold, no thirst
t & p: pale tongue white coat or pale with sticky white coat, weak, slow deep pulse
tx: warm middle jiao, disperse cold
pts: ren12, ub20, st36, st25, sp6 (moxa)
fm: li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill)
dx: cold heart/kidney yang deficiency
sx: aversion to cold, lying curled up, listlessness with desire to sleep, cold limbs, watery diarrhea, clear and profuse urine, no thirst, hot drinks
t & p: pale tongue, thin white, coat and pulse deep thready or deep, weak, slow
tx: restore the yang
pts: ren4, ren6, ren8, kd4, kd7, ub23 moxa
fm: si ni tang (frigid extremities decoction)
dx: heat heart/kidney yin deficiency
sx: fever, irritability, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, scanty dark urine, night sweating
t & p: red tongue no coat & fine, rapid pulse, or red/deep red tongue, rapid, thready pulse
tx: nourish the yin, clear deficient heat
pts: ren4, ren6, kd3, kd6, sp6
fm: huang lian e jiao tang (coptis decoction to relieve toxicity)
dx: interior deficiency with comp of mixed cold & hot signs
sx: thirst, vomiting, feeling of stream of air ascending, hot painful sensation in chest, cold limbs, hungry with no appetite, diarrhea, roundworms
t & p: wiry/string-taut pulse
tx: clear heat above, cold below, harmonize liver, warm, and harmonize stomach and intestine
pts: lv3, li4, sp4, pc6
fm: wu mei wan (prunus mume decoction)
wen bing patterns - heat syndromes
wind heat, defensive qi, level
sx: fever, chills, mild aversion to wind and cold, headache, cough, absence or slight sweating, mild thirst, swelling and pain in the throat, (swollen tonsils) red tongue tip and borders, running nose with nasal discharge, body aches, slight thirst
t: red on front or sides with thin white tongue or just thin white coating
p: superficial rapid pulse
pts: li4, li11, sj5, du14, ub12 (cup), lu11
fm: yin qiao san (honeysuckle and forsythia) sang ju yin (mulberry leaf & chrysanthemum decoction)
summer heat
sx: fever, aversion to cold, sweating, headache, heaviness, uncomfortable feeling in epigastrium, irritability, thirst
t: red on front or sides with white sticky coating
p: soggy rapid pulse
pts: li4, li11, sj5, du14, du26, ub40, pc9
fm: n/a
damp heat
sx: fever worse in afternoon, hot body, aversion, to cold, swollen glands, headache, heaviness, oppression in epigastrium, sticky taste, thirst but not wanting to drink
t: sticky white tongue coating
p: soggy
pts: li4, li11, sp9, sp6, ren12, ren9
fm: huo xiang zheng qi san (agastache powder to rectify the qi)
dry heat
sx: fever, slight aversion to cold, slight sweating, sore throat, dry skin, dry cough, dry nose, mouth & throat
t: dry with thin white coating
p: floating, rapid
pts: li4, li11, sj5, sp6, lu9, ren12, st36
fm: xing su san (apricot kernel and perilla leaf powder) sang xing tang (mulberry leaf and apricot kernel decoction)
retention of heat in lungs
sx: asthmatic breathing, cough, chest pain, thick yellow sputum
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
lung heat (heat in chest & diaphragm)
sx: high fever, thirst, shortness of breath, sweating, cough with thin yellow sputum
t: red with yellow coat
p: slippery, rapid
pts: lu5, lu10, du14, li11, lu1, ub13
fm: ma xing shi gan tang, xie bai san (drain the white), qing qi hua tan wan (clear the qi and transform phlegm pill)
retention of heat in chest & diaphragm
sx: mental restlessness, and uneasiness
t: n/a
p: n/a
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
retention of heat in the stomach or stomach heat
sx: high fever, dysphoria, a thirst with a preference for cold drinks, profuse sweating, irritability
t: dry yellow coating
p: rapid and rolling pulse/superficial, large & forceful
pts: st44, st34, st21, st43, li11, st25
fm: bai hu tang (white tiger decoction)
retention of heat in intestines or stomach heat
sx: tidal fever, constipation or fecal impaction with watery discharge, burning anus, irritable, delirium, fullness, hardness and abdomen pain that is worse with pressure
t: dry yellow or burnt black tongue coat with thorns
p: deep, forceful pulse of excess type
pts: li11, st25, sp15, st37, st39
fm: tiao wei cheng qi tang (regulate the stomach & order the qi decoction)
gall bladder heat
sx: alternating hot & cold with more heat, bitter taste, thirst, dry throat, hypochondriac pain, nausea, fullness in epigastrium
t: red with sticky yellow coat
p: wiry, rapid
pts: gb34, gb43, sj5, sj6
fm: n/a
damp heat in the stomach/spleen
sx: fever that decreased after sweating but spikes again, heaviness body and head, oppression of chest and epigastrium, nausea, loose stools
t: red with sticky yellow tongue coating
p: soggy, rapid
pts: ren12, sp9, sp6, ren9, st36, li11, ren12, ub20, ub22
fm: n/a
heat in the nutritive qi layer
sx: feverishness of the body which is worse at night, dryness of the mouth without a strong desire to drink, mental restlessness, insomnia, irritability, delirium, faint erythema and purpura
t: red without coating or deep red dry
p: thready rapid
pts: pc9, pc8, ht9, kd6, shixuan
fm: qing ying tang (clear the nutritive level decoction)
heat in pericardium
sx: fever at night, mental confusion, incoherent speech, or aphasia, delirium, hot body, cold hands & feet, macules
t: red without coat
p: fine, rapid
pts: pc9, pc3, pc8, ht9, kd6, li11, shixuan
fm: qing ying tang (clear nutritive level decoction
excessive heat stirring the blood to move recklessly
sx: similar to heat in the ying level, with burning heat in the body, mania, delirium, obvious skin rashes, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, epistaxis, and convulsions
t: dark red without convulsions
p: wiry, rapid
pts: ub17, sp10, lv5, sp4, li11, lv2, kd6, ht9, shaochong, shixuan
fm: xi jiao di huang tang (rhinoceros horn and rehmannia decoction)
heat victorious stirring wind
sx: high fever, fainting, twitching, convulsions, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, clenching teeth
t: dark red without coating
p: wiry, rapid
pts: sp10, li11, lv2, kd6, ht9, lv3, du16, gb20, si3, ub62, shixuan
fm: ling jiao gou teng tang (antelope horn and uncaria decoction)
empty heat agitating the interior
sx: low-grade fever, tremors, twitching, loss of weight, malar flush, listlessness
t: dark red, without coating
p: dry, fine, rapid
pts: lv3, du16, gb20, si3, ub62, lv8, kd6, kd3, sp6
fm: zhen gan xi feng tang (sedate the liver & extinguish wind decoction)
collapse of yin
sx: low grade fever, night sweats, mental restlessness, dry mouth wanting to sip liquids, five-palm heat, malar flush, emaciation
t: dark red or dry without coat
p: fine, rapid
pts: st36, kd3, sp6, kd6, ren4
fm: da bu yin wan (great tonify the yin pill)
collapse of yang
sx: cold feeling, cold limbs, bright-white complexion, profuse sweating of forehead, listlessness
t: pale, swollen, short
p: hidden, slow, scattered
pts: st36, ren6, ren4, ren8, moxa
3 burner differentiation
wind - heat in the lungs defensive qi stage
sx: fever, aversion to cold, headache, sore throat, slight sweating, runny nose with yellow discharge, swollen tonsils, slight thirst, achy body
t: red tongue in front or sides and a thin white coating
p: floating rapid pulse
pts: li4, li11, sj5, du14, ub12 (cup), lu11
fm: yin qiao san (honeysuckle & forsythia powder), sang ju yin (mulberry leaf & chrysanthemum decoction)
heat in the lungs
sx: fever, sweating, cough, asthma, breathlessness, thirst, stuffiness and pain in the chest
t: red tongue with yellow coating
p: rapid
pts: lu5, li11, lu10, lu1, ub13
fm: ma xing shi gan tang ephedra, apricot kernel, gypsum & licorice decoction), xie ban san (drain the white powder), qing qi hua tan wan (clear the qi and transform phlegm pill)
heat in the pericardium
sx: high fever, burning sensation in the epigastrium, cold limbs, delirium, aphasia, and stiff tongue
t: deep red without coat/stiff
p: fine, rapid
pts: pc9, pc3, li11, pc8, ht9, kd6, shixuan
fm: qing ying tang (clear the nutritive level decoction)
damp - heat in the upper jiao
sx: relentless aversion to cold, fever is mild or absent, heavy sensation in the head (wrapped in cloth), heavy limbs and trunk, stifling sensation in the chest, no thirst, dull facial expression, epigastric fullness and distension, poor appetite, borborygmus, loose stools
t: white, sticky
p: soft, slowing down
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
heat in the bright yang
sx: tidal fever, feeling of heat, intense thirst, profuse sweating
t: red with yellow coat
p: overflowing, rapid
pts: st44, st34, st21, st43, li11, st25
fm: bu hu tang (white tiger decoction)
damp-heat invading the spleen
sx: aversion to cold, slight fever which is worse in the afternoon, feeling of heaviness of head or of the whole body, fullness of the chest and epigastrium, nausea, vomiting
t: red with yellow sticky coat
p: soggy and rapid
pts: ren12, sp9, sp6, ren9, st36, li11, ub20, ub22
fm: n/a
damp - heat in the middle jiao
sx: hard to feel the heat on the first touch of the skin, but is more noticeable after being felt for a long time, fever recurs after reduced by sweat or more fever in the afternoon, heavy limbs and trunk, distention and fullness in the chest and epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, thirst with desire to drink only a little, scanty and deep-yellow urine, loose but hesitant stools, severe cases, dull facial expression with few words said or mental cloudiness
t: sticky white coating with yellow tinge
p: soft, rapid
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
lower burner heat in the kidneys
sx: low-grade fever in the afternoon and evening, hot palms and soles, dry mouth and throat, lassitude, deafness, night sweating, in severe cases convulsions
t: deep-red tongue without coat
p: floating empty, rapid
pts: kd3, kd6, sp6, kd2, li11
fm: huang lian e jiao tang (coptis and ass-hide gelatin decoction)
liver heat stirs wind
sx: high fever at night, coma, convulsions, clenched teeth
t: deep red tongue without coating
p: wiry fine rapid pulse
pts: lv3, lv2, gb20, du16, si3, ub62, sp10, li11, kd6, ht9, shixuan
fm: ling jiao gou teng tang (antelope horn and uncaria decoction)
liver empty wind
sx: low-grade fever, cold limbs, dry and black teeth, dry and cracked lips, convulsions, tremors
t: deep red tongue without coating
p: deep, fine, rapid pulse
pts: lv3, lv2, gb20, du16, si3, ub62, kd3, kd6, sp6, lv8
fm: zhen gan xi feng tang (sedate liver and extinguisher wind decoction)
damp - heat in the lower burner
sx: retention of urine, thirst for small sips, constipation, hardness & fullness in lower abdomen
t: sticky yellow or white coat
p: soft, rapid
pts: n/a
fm: n/a
similar pattern differentiation
(all have these symptoms: tiredness, pale face/complexion, spontaneous sweating)
lung qi deficiency:
slight shortness of breath, weak voice, tiredness
bright-pale complexion, spontaneous daytime sweating, slight cough, dislike of speaking, propensity to catch colds, dislike of cold (no wei qi)
tongue: pale
pulse: empty, especially on right front position
spleen qi deficiency:
poor appetite, loose stools, desire to lie down, tiredness
pale complexion, possible spontaneous sweating, lassitude, weakness of the limbs, slight abdominal distension after eating
tongue: pale (doesn’t have to be puffy/teeth marks)
pulse: empty (whole right side)
si jun zi tang, food stuck: liu si jun zi tang, bu zhong yi qi tang
heart qi deficiency:
palpitations, tiredness
pale face, spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath on exertion, slight depression
tongue: pale/normal color
pulse: empty, severe deficiency: overflowing & empty
(take any qi deficiency and add the symptomatology of cold, and it will be a yang deficiency)
(all yang deficiencies will have a wet tongue - not transforming water)
(all yang deficiencies & at the very least, spleen qi deficiency, will potentially turn into kidney yang deficiency)
spleen yang deficiency
loose stools, feeling cold, cold limbs
poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, desire to lie down curled up, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, edema
tongue: pale and wet
pulse: deep-weak
li zhong tang
heart yang deficiency
palpitations, feeling of cold, cold hands
shortness of breath on exertion, tiredness, spontaneous sweating, a slight feeling of stuffiness or discomfort in the heart region, bright-pale face, slightly dark lips
tongue: pale, slightly wet
pulse: deep-weak, in severe cases, knotted
kidney yang deficiency:
lower backache, cold and weak knees, sensation of cold in lower back, feeling cold, abundant clear urination, impotence, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, decreased libido
dizziness, tinnitus, weak legs, bright-white complexion, tiredness, lassitude, urination at night, apathy, edema of the legs, infertility in women, loose stools, depression.
tongue: pale and wet
pulse: deep-weak
notes: the mingmen fire/yang in the body is being diminished by all of the water, the fluids itself isn’t being transformed and is moving too fast to be transformed. usually why older people go to the bathroom so often late at night
(all deficiencies have the potential for dizziness)
(for those menstruating, hallmark signs will be for menses changes)
(choppy pulse always reflects blood xue)
liver blood deficiency
blurred vision, scanty menses, dull-pale complexion
dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, ‘floaters’, diminished night vision, amenorrhea potentially, without luster, pale lips, muscular weakness, cramps, withered and brittle nails, dry hair and skin, depression, feeling aimlessness
tongue: pale tongue, especially on sides
pulse: choppy or fine
heart blood deficiency
palpitations, insomnia, poor memory
dizziness, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety, propensity to be startled, dull-pale complexion, pale lips
tongue: pale, thin, slightly dry
pulse: choppy/fine
pericardium blood deficiency
a feeling of stuffiness, palpitations, insomnia
discomfort of the chest, dull ache in the chest, very slight shortness of breath, anxiety, dizziness, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, propensity to be startled, dull-pale complexion, pale lips, cold hands, scanty periods, amenorrhea
tongue: pale, thin, slightly dry
pulse: choppy/fine but very slightly hard on left front position
spleen blood deficiency
loose stools, no appetite, abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, menstruation issues (scanty periods), insomnia
lassitude, dull-pale complexion, weakness of limbs, depression, thin body, scanty periods/amenorrhea, insomnia
tongue: pale, thin, slightly dry
pulse: choppy/fine
note: normal spleen deficiency issues, gu qi not being transformed and causing heart blood and liver blood deficiency - find the root cause, often spleen blood xue
gallbladder deficiency
timidity, lack of courage, dizziness, blurred vision, floaters, easily startled
same as liver blood xue, but what comes up is nervousness, indecision, easily startled, waking early in the morning
pulse: weak
spleen qi sinking
poor appetite, tiredness, a bearing-down sensation in the abdomen, prolapse of stomach, uterus, anus or bladder, frequent/urgent urination, menorrhagia
slight abdominal distension after eating, lassitude, pale complexion, weak limbs, loose stools, depression, tendency to obesity
tongue: pale
pulse: weak
formula: bu zhong yi qi tang
spleen not controlling blood
blood spots under the skin, blood in the urine or stools, excessive uterine bleeding
poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale sallow complexion, weakness of limbs, loose stools, depression
tongue: pale
pulse: weak or fine
formula: gui pi tang
palpitations, cold limbs, cyanosis of lips
shortness of breath, weak and shallow breathing, profuse sweating, greyish-white complexion, in severe cases coma
tongue: short tongue (barely be able to stick out), very pale, bluish-purple tint
pulse: hidden-minute-knotted
(the second you see fullness and heaviness, it is damp but then confirm with tongue that is sticky, pulse is slippery to confirm more and see if it’s rapid or slow)
cold-damp invading spleen
fullness in epigastrium and/or abdomen, heaviness of head and body
poor appetite, feeling of cold in epigastrium (improves with application of heat, a sweetish taste or absence of taste, no thirst, loose stools, lassitude, tired-ness, nausea, edema, dull-white complexion, excessive white vaginal discharge
tongue: pale/sticky white coat
pulse: slippery-slow (cold)
formula: ping wei san
damp-heat invading spleen
fullness in epigastrium and/or lower abdomen, feeling of heaviness
epigastric and/or abdominal pain, poor appetite, thirst without desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, loose stools with offensive odor, burning sensation in anus, a feeling of heat, scanty dark urine, low-grade fever, dull headache with feeling of heaviness of head, dull-yellow complexion like tangerine peel, yellow sclera of eyes, oily sweat, bitter taste, itchy skin or skin eruptions (papules or vesicles), sweating which does not relieve the fever and does not clear the heat, jaundice
tongue: red with sticky yellow coating
pulse: slippery-rapid
elevated liver enzymes (ast/alt)
formula: yin po yin (depends on vesicles and eruptions), long dan xie gan tang, (lots of stinky stools) huang lian jie du tang
damp phlegm in lungs
chronic cough coming in bouts with profuse sticky white sputum which is easy to expectorate
white pasty complexion, phlegm in throat, a feeling of oppression in chest, shortness of breath, dislike of lying down, wheezing, nausea, a feeling of heaviness, muzziness (fuzziness) and dizziness of the head
tongue: swollen with sticky white coating
pulse: slippery or soggy (gummy worm), fine, forceless
cold phlegm in lungs
cough with expectoration of white, watery sputum, phlegm in throat
aggravated by exposure to cold, feeling cold, cold hands, dizziness, a feeling of oppression in the chest, a feeling of cold of the chest, a feeling of heaviness, muzziness and dizziness of the head
tongue: swollen and wet tongue with a sticky white coating
pulse: slippery-slow
phlegm heat in the lungs
barking cough with profuse sticky yellow/green sputum (infection)
shortness of breath, wheezing, a feeling of oppression of the chest, phlegm in the throat, a feeling of heat, thirst, insomnia, agitation, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness (fuzziness) of the head, dizziness
tongue: red, swollen with sticky yellow coating
pulse: slippery-rapid
(anytime we have damp/phlegm, there is a breakdown in transformation/transportation of spleen which causes swollen tongue due to fluids not moving)
dry phlegm in lungs
dry cough but with occasional difficult expectoration of scanty sputum, oppression of chest
shortness of breath, scanty phlegm in throat, feeling of heaviness and muzziness of head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, pasty dry complexion
tongue: swollen with dry sticky coating or without coating
pulse: fine-slippery
phlegm-fluids obstructing lungs
cough with expectoration of white, watery sputum, frothy sputum, (coughing which may be elicited by a scare)
breathlessness (similar to cold phlegm) but having trouble breathing, splashing sound in chest, vomiting of white, watery frothy sputum, a feeling of oppression of chest, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of head, dizziness, feeling cold, coughing which may be elicited by a scare
tongue: pale with sticky white coating
pulse: fine-slippery or soggy or wiry
note: could be pnemonia, emphasima, upper respitory infection that pushes patient towards the end of their life, hospice care, death rattle (24-48 hours left to live), call 911 if you see someone like this and do not treat on your table. treat them in a hospise care.
damp heat in liver
fullness of hypochondrium, bitter taste, sticky taste, nausea, feeling of heaviness of the body
abdomen or hypogastrium, poor appetite, yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vulvar eczema or sores, mid-cycle bleeding and/or pain, pain, redness and swelling of the scrotum, genital, papular or vesicular skin rashes and itching, urinary difficulty, burning or urination, dark urine, (STDs)
tongue: red body with redder sides, sticky yellow coating
pulse: slippery wiry rapid
formula: long dan xie gan tang
damp heat in gallbladder
hypochondrial pain, fullness and distension, bitter taste, irritability, loose stools or constipation, alternation of hot and cold feeling
nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, yellow complexion, scanty and dark yellow urine, fever, thirst without desire to drink, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling of heaviness of body, numbness of limbs, swelling of feet, yellow sclera, feeling of heat
tongue: thick sticky yellow coating, either bilateral in two strips or unilateral
pulse: slippery-wiry-rapid
note: pull the heat out and it will be jaundice
liver qi stagnation
feeling of distension of hypochondrium, chest, epigastrium or abdomen, sighing
can feel somewhat hard but elastic (like balloon) on palpation
depression, moodiness, melancholy, flucuation of mental state, ‘feeling wound-up’
feeling lump in throat - plum pit syndrome
irregular periods, distension of breasts before periods, premenstrual tension and irritability
tongue: body color may be normal
severe cases, may be slightly red on sides
pulse: wiry, especially on left side
formula: xiao yao san
liver qi stagnation turning into heat
hypochondriac or epigastric distension, irritability, a feeling of heat
a slight feeling of oppression of chest, melancholy, depression, moodiness, feeling of lump in throat, red face, thirst, propensity to outbursts of anger, premenstrual tension, irregular periods, premenstrual breast distension, heavy periods
tongue: red on sides
pulse: wiry, especially on left side, slightly rapid
formula: jia wei xiao yao san
rebellious liver qi
churning feeling in stomach
hypochondriac or epigastric distension, hiccup, sighing, nausea, vomiting, belching, irritability
women (breast distension)
tongue: light cases the tongue-body color may not change
pulse: wiry, may be particularly wiry on liver and stomach positions
liver fire blazing
irritability, temporal headache, red face and eyes
propensity to outbursts of anger, tinnitus, deafness, dizziness, thirst, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark-yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis
tongue: red body, redder on sides, dry yellow coating
pulse: full-wiry-rapid
liver blood stasis
epistaxis, purple nails, lips, painful periods
hypochondriac pain, abdominal pain, vomiting of blood, irregular periods, dark and clotted menstrual blood, infertility, masses in abdomen, purple or dark complexion, dry skin (in severe cases), purple petechiae
tongue: purple especially, or only, on sides
severe cases, there will be purple spots on sides
pulse: wiry/firm
headache, irritability, wiry pulse
HA may be on temples, eyes or lateral side of head, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, feeling worked up, propensity to outbursts of anger, stiff neck
tongue: presentation may vary depending on the underlying condition causing liver yang rising
liver blood deficiency the tongue body color will be pale
liver yin deficiency tongue will be without coating
rebellious liver qi tongue body color may be normal or slightly red on sides
pulse: wiry
emotional stress
most common cause of rising of liver yang is from emotional problems, in particular anger, frustration and resentment over a long period of time
anger makes qi rise and this causes liver qi to have an excessive upward movement
eating in a hurry, getting angry at meal times and eating while working may all cause liver qi to rise, causing liver yang rising
Full/empty patterns:
liver yang rising always derives from another condition:
liver yin deficiency
kidney yin deficiency
liver yin and kidney yin deficiency
liver blood deficiency
liver qi stagnation (also due to things not flowing)
lv yang rising from lv yin xue
tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory
tongue: normal colored without coating
pulse: wiry-fine
treatment: subdue lv yang, extinguish wind, nourish lv yin
lv yang rise from lv & kd yin xue
backache, scanty urination, night sweating
tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, possibly hypertension
tongue: normal colored without coating
pulse: wiry-fine
lv yang rise from lv blood xue
tremor, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory
tongue: pale and thin
pulse: wiry-fine
liver fire generating wind
tremor, irritability, propensity to outbursts of anger, tinnitus, and/or deafness (with sudden onset), temporal headache, dizziness, red face and eyes, thirst, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis
tongue: red with redder sides and dry yellow coating
pulse: wiry-rapid
liver blood deficiency generating wind
fine tremor, facial tic, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty periods
tongue: pale and thin
pulse: wiry-fine/thready
extreme heat generating wind
high temperature, convulsions, rigidity of neck, tremor of limbs, opisthotonos, in severe cases, coma
tongue: deep-red, stiff, dry yellow coating
pulse: wiry-rapid
heart-blood deficiency the patient will find it difficult to fall asleep, but once asleep, will sleep well
heart-yin deficiency the patient will find it difficult to fall asleep and will wake up many times during the night
heart yin deficiency
palpitations, mental restlessness, night sweating
insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, propensity to be startled, poor memory, anxiety, mental restlessness, ‘uneasiness’, ‘fidgetiness’, dry mouth and throat
tongue: no coating, deep midline crack reaching tip
pulse: floating-empty
liver yin deficiency
dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, blurred vision, ‘floaters’ in eyes, dry eyes, diminished night vision, scanty menstruation, amenorrhea, dull-pale complexion without luster but with red cheekbones, muscular weakness, cramps, withered and brittle nails, very dry hair and skin, depression, a feeling of aimlessness
tongue: normal-colored without coating or with rootless coating
pulse: floating-empty
(both are almost exactly the same besides for the oppression of the chest/heart for PC, notice emotional issues being mentioned first for HT)
phlegm fire harassing pericardium
feeling of oppression and heat of the chest, chest pain, rapid breathing
both pericardium & heart
palpitations, thirst, red face, bitter taste, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in throat, mental restlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, mental depression and dullness, manic behavior
tongue: red, swollen with yellow, dry sticky coating, deep heart crack
tip may be redder/swollen with red points
pulse: full-rapid-slippery or rapid-overflowing-slippery or rapid-full-wiry
formula: wen dan tang, xie shen tang
phlegm misting the mind
mental confusion, rattling sound in throat, unconsciousness, lethargic stupor, incoherent speech, slurred speech, aphasia, vomiting of phlegm, mental depression, very dull eyes
tongue: swollen with thick sticky coating, midline, crack reaching the tip (heart crack)
pulse: slippery
heart fire blazing
palpitations, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers, mental restlessness, feeling agitated, feeling of heat, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, red face, dark urine or blood in urine, bitter taste (after a bad night’s sleep)
tongue: red, tip redder and swollen with red points, yellow coating
may be a midline crack reaching to the tip
pulse: full-rapid-overflowing especially on left
front position - could also be hasty (rapid and stopping at irregular intervals)
heart qi stagnation
palpitations, oppression of chest, lump in throat
a feeling of distension, depression, slight shortness of breath, sighing, poor appetite, slight nausea, cold limbs, slightly purple lips, pale complexion
tongue: slightly pale-purple on sides in chest area
pulse: empty but very slightly overflowing on left front position
heart vessel obstructed
(phlegm can be wiry too)
palpitations, shortness of breath with inability to lie down, a feeling of oppression of chest, stabbing or pricking pain in heart region which comes and goes and which may radiate to upper back or shoulder, pain aggravated by exposure to cold and alleviated by heat, expectoration of phlegm, a feeling of heaviness, dislike to speak, cold hands, sighing, purple lips, face and nails
tongue: purple on sides in chest area, swollen with sticky coating
pulse: wiry, choppy/knotted; slippery if phlegm is predominant
heart blood stasis
palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in chest which may radiate to inner aspect of left arm or to shoulder, a feeling of oppression or constriction of chest, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands
tongue: purple in its entirety or only on sides in chest area
pulse: choppy, wiry or knotted
key symptoms: stabbing pain in chest, cyanosis of lips, purple tongue
qi stagnation in pericardium
feeling of distension and slight pain of chest, feeling of tightness of chest
slight shortness of breath, sighing, a feeling of lump in the throat, palpitations, depression, irritability, poor appetite, weak, and cold limbs, slightly purple lips, pale complexion
tongue: slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area
pulse: empty but very slightly overflowing on left front position
formula: ban xia huo po tang
blood stasis of pericardium
shortness of breath, painful periods with dark clots
palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest which may radiate to the inner aspect of the left arm or to the shoulder, feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands
tongue: purple in it’s entirety or only on the sides in the chest area
pulse: choppy, wiry, knotted
pericardium blood deficiency
feeling of stuffiness and and discomfort of the chest, dull ache in the chest, very slight shortness of breath, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, propensity to be startled, dull-pale complexion, pale lips, cold hands, scanty periods, amenorrhea
tongue: pale, thin, slightly dry
pulse: choppy or fine but very slightly hard on the left front position
heat in pericardium
fever at night, mental confusion, incoherent speech or aphasia, delirium, body hot, hands and feet cold, macules
tongue: red and dry without coating
pulse: fine-rapid
due to invasion of wind-heat that penetrates into interior and transforms into interior heat
going through defensive qi and qi levels before reaching the nutritive qi level
pericardium fire
palpitations, a feeling of tightness and heat of the chest, slight chest ache
rapid breathing, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers, mental restlessness, feeling agitated, feeling of heat, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, red face, bitter taste (after a bad night’s sleep), heavy periods
tongue: red, tip redder and swollen with red points, yellow coating
may be midline crack reaching to tip
pulse: full-rapid-overflowing especially on the left front position
could also be hasty (rapid and stopping at irregular intervals)
(kidney controls the lower gates)
kidney yin deficiency
dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, poor memory, hardness of hearing, night sweating, dry mouth, and throat at night, lower backache, ache in bones, nocturnal emissions, constipation, dark scanty urine, infertility, lassitude, depression, slight anxiety
tongue: normal-colored, no coat
pulse: floating-empty
kidney qi not firm
soreness and weakness of lower back, weak knees, clear frequent urination, weak-stream urination, abundant urination, dribbling after urination, incontinence of urine, enuresis, urination at night, nocturnal emissions without dreams, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, tiredness, feeling cold, cold limbs, in women prolapse of uterus, chronic white vaginal discharge, a dragging down feeling in lower abdomen, recurrent miscarriage
tongue: pale
pulse: deep-weak, especially in rear positions
kidneys failing to receive qi
shortness of breath on exertion, rapid and weak breathing, difficulty in inhaling, chronic cough and/or asthma, spontaneous sweating, cold limbs, cold limbs after sweating, swelling of the face, thin body, mental listlessness, clear urination during asthma attack, lower backache, dizziness, tinnitus
tongue: pale
pulse: deep-weak-tight
in children: poor bone development, late closure of fontanelle, deafness, mental dullness or developmental disability
in adults: softening of bone, weakness of knees and legs, poor memory, loose teeth, falling hair or premature greying of hair, weakness of sexual activity, lower backache, infertility/sterility, primary amenorrhea, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, absent mindedness, decreased mental sharpness
tongue: without coating if this pattern occurs against a background of kidney-yin deficiency; pale if against background of kidney-yang deficiency
pulse: floating-empty or leather
kidney yang deficiency, water overflowing
ming men fire is in decline and can’t transform water
edema, especially on the legs and ankles, cold feeling in legs and back, fullness and distension of abdomen, soreness of lower back, feeling cold, scanty clear urination (blocked urine and has to move up)
water overflowing to the heart: the above symptoms plus palpitations, breathlessness, cold hands
water overflowing to the lungs: the above symptoms plus thin watery frothy sputum, cough, asthma and breathlessness on exertion
tongue: pale, swollen and wet with a white coating
pulse: deep-weak-slow
kidney yin deficiency, empty heat blazing
malar flush, mental restlessness, insomnia, night sweating, low-grade fever, afternoon fever, five-palm heat, feeling of heat in the afternoon and/or evening, scanty dark urine, blood in urine, dry throat especially at night, thirst with desire to drink in small sips, dizziness, tinnitus, hardness of hearing, lower back-ache, nocturnal emissions with dreams, excessive sexual desire-female menopausal/post-menopausal desire, dry stools
tongue: red, cracked with a red tip, without coating
pulse: floating-empty and rapid
formula: zuo gui wan
stomach yin def > lung dryness > lung yin deficiency
lung yin deficiency
cough which is dry or with scanty sticky sputum, weak and/or hoarse voice, dry mouth and throat, tickly throat, tiredness, dislike of speaking, thin body or thin chest, night sweating
tongue: normal-colored, dry without coating (or with rootless coating) in the front part
pulse: floating-empty
formula: mai men dang tang
lung dryness
dry cough, dry skin, dry throat, dry mouth, thirst, hoarse voice
tongue: dry
pulse: empty, especially on right-font position
dry phlegm in lungs
phlegm has blocked distribution of fluids throughout body
dry cough but with occasional difficult expectoration of scanty sputum, shortness of breath, a feeling of oppression of the chest, scanty phlegm in the throat, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, pasty dry complexion
tongue: swollen with dry sticky coating or without coating
pulse: fine-slippery
stomach qi deficiency
uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, no appetite, lack of taste sensation, loose stools, tiredness especially in morning, weak limbs
tongue: pale
pulse: empty, especially on right middle position
stomach qi stagnation
epigastric pain and distension, belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, irritability
tongue: no particular signs on the tongue except that in severe cases it may be red on the sides in the central section
pulse: wiry on right middle position
qi stagnation in large intestine
abdominal distension and pain, constipation with bitty stools, irritability, aggravation of condition according to mood
tongue: either normal or slightly red on sides
pulse: wiry on both rear positions
cold invasion is acute and sudden pain
stomach deficiency with cold
discomfort or dull pain in the epigastrium, etter after eating and better with pressure or massage, no appetite, preference for warm drinks and foods, vomiting of clear fluid (long term), no thirst, cold and weak limbs, tiredness, pale complexion
tongue: pale and wet (cold- due to transformation of fluid interruption)
pulse: deep-weak-slow, especially on right-middle position
large intestine cold
clinical manifestations: loose stools like duck droppings, dull abdominal pain, borborygmi, pale urine, cold limbs
tongue: pale
pulse: deep-weak
collapse of large intestine
chronic diarrhea, prolapse anus, hemorrhoids, tiredness after bowel movements, cold limbs, no appetite, mental exhaustion, desire to drink warm liquids, desire to have the abdomen massaged
tongue: pale
pulse: deep-fine-weak
stomach yin deficiency
no appetite or slight hunger but no desire to eat (nothing sounds good eat), constipation (dry stools), dull or slightly burning epigastric pain, dry mouth and throat, especially in afternoon, with desire to drink small sips, slight feeling of fullness after eating
tongue: without coating in center, or with rootless coating, normal body color
pulse: floating-empty on right middle position
large intestine dryness
dry stools, which are difficult to discharge, dry mouth and throat, thin body, foul breath, dizziness
tongue: dry, either pale or red body with rootless coating
pulse: fine
stomach- and spleen yin deficiency
poor appetite, dry mouth, thirst with desire to drink in small sips, dry stools, dry lips, slight nausea, tiredness, uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, lack of taste sensation
tongue: without coating
pulse: floating-empty, especially on right middle position
formula: huang jing/soloman herb (doesn’t warm/overheat)
stomach-heat (or phlegm heat)
burning epigastric pain, intense thirst with desire to drink cold liquids, mental restlessness, dry stools, dry mouth, mouth ulcers, sour regurgitation, nausea, vomiting soon after eating, excessive hunger, foul breath, a feeling of heat
tongue: red in center with dry yellow or dark yellow coating
pulse: rapid and slightly overflowing, right-middle position
damp heat in stomach
feeling of fullness and pain of epigastrium, a feeling of heaviness, facial pain, blocked nose or thick sticky nasal discharge, thirst without desire to drink, nausea, a feeling of heat, dull-yellow complexion, sticky taste
tongue: red with sticky yellow coating
pulse: slippery rapid
damp heat in large intestine
abdominal pain that is not relieved by a bowel movement, abdominal fullness, diarrhea, mucus and blood in stools, offensive odor of stools, burning in anus, scanty dark urine, fever, sweating which does not decrease fever, a feeling of heat, thirst without desire to drink, feeling of heaviness of body and limbs
tongue: red, sticky yellow coat
pulse: slippery-rapid
damp heat in urinary bladdder
frequent and urgent urination, burning on urination, difficult urination (stopping in middle of flow), dark-yellow and/or turbid urine, blood in urine, fever, thirst with no desire to drink, hypogastric fullness and pain, feeling of heat
tongue: thick sticky yellow coating on root with red spots
pulse: slippery rapid and slightly wiry on left rear position
full heat in small intestine
mental restlessness, inomnia, tongue and/or mouth ulcers, pain in throat, deafness, uncomfortable feeling and heat sensation in chest, abdominal pain, thirst with desire to drink cold liquids, scanty and dark urine, burning pain on urination, blood in urine
tongue: red with redder and swollen tip, yellow coating
pulse: overflowing rapid especially in front position
formula: dao chi san
damp heat in gall bladder
hypochondrial pain, fullness and distension, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, yellow complexion, scanty and dark yellow urine, fever, thirst without desire to drink, bitter taste, dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, feeling of heaviness of body, numbness of limbs, swelling on feet, loose stools or constipation, alternation hot and cold feeling, yellow sclera, feeling of heat
tongue: thick sticky yellow coating, either bilateral or unilateral
pulse: slippery-wiry-rapid
damp cold in urinary bladder
frequent and urgent urination, difficult urination (stopping in mid stream), feeling of heaviness in hypogastrium and urethra, pale and turbid urine
tongue: white sticky coating on root
pulse: slippery slow and slightly wiry on left rear position
urinary bladder deficiency with cold
frequent pale abundant urination, incontinence, enuresis, lower backache, dizziness, nocturia, white urethral discharge, feeling cold
tongue: pale, wet
pulse: deep-weak
read these in maciocia and bensky introductory chapters
small intestine qi pain
lower abdominal twisting pain, which may extend to back, abdominal distension, dislike of pressure on abdomen, borborygmi, flatulence, abdominal pain relieved by emission of wind, pain in testis
tongue: white coating
pulse: deep-wiry, especially on rear positions
treatment: move small intestine qi, promote smooth flow of liver qi
8 principle: interior deficiency cold yin
points: ren6, gb34, lv13, st27, st29, sp6, lv3, st39
formula: chai hu shu gan tang
small intestine qi tied
severe abdominal pain, dislike of pressure, abdominal distension, constipation, vomiting, borborygmi, flatulence
tongue: thick white coating
pulse: deep, wiry
treatment: remove obstruction from lower burner, move qi of small intestine
8 principles: interior-excess-cold-yin
points: st39, lanweixue, ren6, gb34, st25, sp6, lv3
formula: zhi shi dao zhi wan, tian tai wu yao san
infestation of worms in small intestine
abdominal pain and distension, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion
roundworms: (ascarid): abdominal pain, vomiting of round worms, cold limbs
hookworms: desire to eat strange objects such as soil, wax, uncooked rice or tea leaves
pinworms: itchy anus, worse in evening
tapeworms: constant hunger
lin syndrome
a group of symptoms characterized by discomfort during urination, including various experience of urgency, increased frequency, oliguria, and difficult, painful urination
relevant diseases of western medicine
urinary tract infection
urinary calculi
prostatic hypertorphy
bladder tumor
qi lin - caused by lv qi stagnation. intermittent flow, hesitancy, straining with urination
tongue is thin with a white coat. possibly purple
pulse is deep, wiry or firm
points: cv3, sp9, st28, ub28
points to resolve stagnation - lv3, st30, u63, pc6, cv5
points to clear damp heat & resolve pain (if present) - lv5, lv8, cv2
blood lin - caused by ub damp heat or kd yin deficiency. burning urination with blood
can be UTI
tongue has a yellow coat
pulse is rapid
notice small intestine points are used because of it’s relationship with urinary bladder
points: cv3, sp9, st28, ub28
points to clear heat from channels - si2, ht8, ub27 (si shu), ub22
points to treat blood - sp10, ub17, sp6
damp lin - damp heat or damp with kidney qi deficiency. cloudy obstructed urine
can be a uti
tongue is red with greasy coat (with damp heat only)
pulse is thin and rapid
points - cv3, sp9, sp28, ub28
points to treat ub damp heat - sp6, cv12, ub22
points to treat kd qi deficiency - kd3, cv4, ub22
stone lin - caused by ub damp heat. dark yellow urine with gravel or stones. low back pain, pain in general around there of course
tongue has yellow coat, possibly greasy
pulse is deep, wiry, rapid
points: cv3, sp9, st28, ub28
points to treat phlegm/damp - sp6, cv12, ub20
points to clear heat - kd2
points to relax ureter - cv4 + sp6, ub39 e-stim ub23 + gb25 for an acute passing of a stone
fatigue lin - caused by sp/kd deficiency. starts and stops. fatigue
enlarged prostate or bladder prolapse
tongue is pale, swollen, with a greasy coat
pulse is thin and weak
points: cv3, sp9, st28, ub28
points to build/raise the qi: cv4, cv6, kd3, ub23, gv20
points to tonify sp: sp6, ub20
heat lin: caused by heat in ub or lower burner. burning frequent dark smelly urine. sacral pain, bitter mouth, constipation, thirst
tongue is red with greasy yellow coat
pulse is rapid and slippery
points - cv3, sp9, st28, ub28 (big 4)
points to clear heat - sj2, ub66, li11
points to resolve stagnation - ub39, ub63
zang fu diagnosis
sx: palpitations, short breath on exertion, tiredness, listlessness, spontaneous sweating, slightly depression, pale face.
t: pale with white coating
p: thready, weak or missed beats
tx: tonify heart qi
sx: slight short breath on exertion, tiredness, spontaneous day sweating, weak voice, dislikes speaking, feeble cough, watery sputum, dislikes cold, aversion to wind, bright/pale complexion, propensity for colds, cold appearance.
t: pale with thin white coating
p: weak, of the deficient type
tx: tonify lung-qi, warm yang
sx: tired, lassitude, poor appetite, slightly abdominal distension after eating, loose stools, pale or sallow complexion, weak limbs, desire to lie down, emaciation, dislikes speaking, tendency to be overweight. bearing-down sensation in the abdominal region, viscera ptosis, prolapse of the anus.
t: pale with thin white coating
p: slowing-down weak or soft, thready
tx: tonify spleen-qi
fm: si jun zi tang (four gentlemen decoction)
sx: spleen qi def + bearing-down sensation in abdomen, prolapse of stomach, uterus, anus or bladder, menorrhagia, depression, frequent/urgent urination.
t: pale with thin white coating
p: slowing-down weak or soft, thready
tx: tonify spleen qi, raise the spleen
fm: bu zhong yi qi tang (tonify the middle and augment the qi decoction)
sx: spleen qi deficiency + purpura, blood spots under the skin, blood in urine or stools, excessive uterine :bleeding, pale/sallow complexion, depression, shortness of breath
t: pale
p: thready, weak
formula: gui pi tang (restore the spleen decoction)
sx: vague uncomfortable feeling in epigastrium, no appetite or taste, loose stools, tired in morning, weak limbs
t: pale
p: empty, especially on right middle position
tx: tonify stomach-qi
fm: si jun zi tang (four gentlemen decoction)
sx: dizziness, blurry vision, floaters, nervousness, timid, easily startled, lack of courage/initiative, sighing, indecision, waking up early in the morning, restless dreams.
t: pale or normal
p: weak
tx: tonify & warm the gall bladder, tonify the liver qi
formula: wen dan tang (warm the gall bladder)
sx: sore & weak back and knees, clear frequent abundant urination, weak stream & dribbling after urination enuresis, incontinence of urine, tiredness, feeling of cold, cold limbs, urination at night; men; nocturnal emissions without dreams, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea; women: prolapse of uterus, chronic white vaginal discharge, clear cold leukorrhea, dragging-down feeling in the lower abdomen, recurrent miscarriage
t: pale with white coating
p: thready, weak
tx: reinforce & stabilize kidney-qi, raise qi, tonify kidney-yang
fm: you gui wan (restore the right kidney pill) + huang qi (rx. astragali), qian shi (semen euryales) jin suo gu jing wan (metal lock consolidating the essence pill)
sx: shortness of breath on exertion, rapid and weak breathing, difficulty inhaling, chronic cough, asthma, cold limbs after sweating, swelling of the face, thin body, mental listlessness, dizziness, clear urination during an asthma attack, soreness of the back, spontaneous sweating, cold limbs, and tinnitus
t: pale
p: weak, tight and deep
tx: tonify & warm kidneys, stimulate the kidney's receiving qi, stimulate the descent of lung qi
fm: you gui wan (restore the right kidney pill), su zi jiang qi tang (perilla fruit decoction for directing qi downward)
sx: in children: poor bone development, late closure of the fontanels, deafness, mental dullness or retardation.
in adults: softening of the bones, weak knees and legs, poor memory, loose teeth, falling hair or premature graying of hair, weakness of sexual activity, soreness of the back, decreased mental sharpness, absentmindedness, tinnitus, infertility, deafness, dizziness, blurred vission, primary amenorrhea
t: pale or red and peeled
p: floating-empty, or leather
tx: nourish the essence, tonify the kidneys
fm: zuo gui wan (restore the left kidney pill)
sx: heart qi deficiency + feeling of stuffiness or discomfort in the heart region, feeling of cold, bright-pale face, slightly dark lips, cold limbs (especially hands). chills, cyanosis of lips
t: pale, swollen, delicate or purplish dark
p: thready, weak or missed beats
tx: tonify & warm heart-yang
sx: heart qi deficiency + yang deficiency + cyanosis of lips; profuse sweating, feeble breathing, greyish white complexion, mental cloudiness in severe coma cases.
t: purplish dark
p: feeble, fading
tx: rescue yang, restore consciousness & stop sweating
sx: spleen qi deficiency symptoms + desire to lie down and curl up, pale complexion, edema, abdominal distention worse after eating or dull pain in abdominal region better with warmth and pressure, chilliness, cold limbs, scanty clear urination, feeling cold, tendency to be overweight
t: pale with white coating, delicate
p: deep, slow
tx: tonify & warm spleen-yang
sx: kidney qi deficiency + yang deficiency + edema of ankles and legs, fullness and distension of abdomen
t: pale with white coating
p: deep, weak
tx: tonify & warm the kidneys, strengthen fire of gate of life
fm: you gui wan (restore the right kidney pill), or jin gui shen qi wan (kd qi pill form golden cabinet)
sx: kidney qi deficiency + yang deficiency + edema of ankles and legs, fullness and distension of abdomen
t: pale, swollen, wet, white coating
p: deep, weak, slow
tx: tonify & warm the kidneys, transform water, warm & tonify spleen yang, heart & lung involvement add: warm & tonify heart or warm & tonify lung
formulas: jin gui shen qi wan (kidney qi pill from golden cabinet) + wu ling san (five ling powder)
water overflowing to the heart: add cold hands, palpitations, breathlessness
water overflowing to the lungs: add thin-watery-frothy sputum, cough, asthma & breathlessness on exertion.
sx: discomfort or dull pain in epigastrium, worse after bowel movements, better after eating and pressure or massage, no appetite/thirst, likes warm drinks & fools, vomits clear fluids, loose stools, cold weak limbs, tired, pale face
t: pale, wet
p: deep, weak, slow especially on right middle position
tx: tonify & warm stomach & spleen qi
fm: xiao jian zhong tang (minor construct the middle decoction)
sx: sudden severe pain in epigastrium or epigastric fullness, feeling cold, likes warmth, vomiting of clear fluids, feeling worse after swallowing cold fluids which are quickly vomited, nausea, likes warm liquids, cold limbs
t: thick-white coating
p: deep, slow, tight
tx: expel cold, warm the stomach, stimulate the descending of stomach qi
sx: sudden cramping abdominal pain, acute exterior cold, diarrhea with pain, feels cold, cold sensation in abdomen
t: thick white coating
p: deep, tight
tx: expel cold, warm the stomach, stimulate the descending of stomach qi
sx: loose stools like duck droppings, dull abdominal pain, borborygmus, pale urine, cold limbs
t: pale
p: deep and weak
tx: tonify & warm li & spleen
sx: dull abdominal pain alleviated by pressure, desire for hot drinks and pressure on the abdomen, borborygmus, diarrhea, pale and abundant urination, cold limbs
t: pale with white coating
p: deep, slow, weak
tx: expel cold, warm intestines, tonify spleen yang
fm: xiao jian zhong tang (minor construct the middle decoction)
sx: frequent, pale, abundant urination, incontinence, enuresis, low back pain, dizziness, nocturia, white urethral discharge, feeling cold
t: pale, wet
p: deep, weak
tx: tonify and warm the bladder kidney yang
sx: fullness & distension of hypogastrium with referred pain to scrotum & testes. straining of testes or contraction of scrotum, bearing down sensation in the testes, vertical headache, pain worse on cold, cold hands and feet, vomits clear watery fluid or dry vomits. in women, possible shrinking of the vagina. the pain is alleviated by warmth.
t: white coating
p: slippery, deep, and string-taut
tx: clear liver, expel cold
sx: palpitations, pale lips, dizziness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, propensity for being startled, dull pale (pailor) complexion, vertigo
t: pale
p: thready, weak
tx: nourish blood, tonify heart & calm the mind
sx: palpitations, pale lips, dizziness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, propensity to be easily startled, dull pale complexion, feeling of stuffiness or discomfort of the chest, dull ache in the chest, very slight shortness of breath, cold hands, scanty periods, amenorrhea
t: pale thin, slightly dry
p: choppy or fine but very slightly hard on the left front position
tx: nourish blood, strengthen the heart & pericardium, move qi & blood in chest
sx: pale lips, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, numbness or tingling of the limbs, dry eyes, vertigo, night blindness, "floaters" in the eyes, dry hair and skin, scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, dull-pale (pallor) complexion, muscle weakness, and/or spasms, cramps, withered and brittle nails, depression, feeling of aimlessness.
t: pale
p: thready
tx: tonify liver, nourish blood
sx: poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, dull-pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, thin body, scanty periods or amenorrhea, insomnia, pain in the joints
t: pale, thin, slightly dry
p: choppy, fine
tx: tonify spleen qi, nourish the blood
fm: gui pi tang (restore the spleen decoction)
sx: blood deficiency + general yin deficiency signs + anxiety, mental restlessness, "uneasiness, fidgetiness, hot and bothered."
t: gio: red with no coating, red points, redder tip, or no coating, deep midline crack reaching the tip
p: thready, rapid
tx: nourish heart-yin, calm the mind, if empty heat is pronounced, clear empty heat
sx: general yin deficiency + dry cough or with sparse sticky sputum, blood-tinged sputum, weak and hoarse voice, tickly throat or dry mouth and throat, tiredness, dislike of speaking, thin body or thin chest
t: red, small amount of coating
p: thready, rapid
tx: tonify lung-yin, nourish body fluids, if empty heat clear
sx: general yin deficiency + dizziness, tinnitus, tiredness, depression, vertigo, poor memory, insomnia, deafness, thirst, sore back and knee joints, ache in the bones, constipation, dark-scanty urine, yellow urine, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, infertility, slightly anxious
t: red with little coating
p: thready, rapid
tx: nourish kidney yin
fm: zuo gui wan (restore the left kidney pill), liu wei di huang wan (six-ingredient rehmannia pill)
sx: kidney yin deficiency signs + mental restlessness, blood in the urine, nocturnal emissions with dreams, excessive sexual desire, dry stools, dry throat especially at night, hearing loss, thirst with desire to drink small sips, low backache
t: red, peeled, cracked, with a red tip
p: floating empty, rapid
tx: nourish kidney yin, clear empty-heat, calm the mind
fm: liu wei di huang wan (six ingredient pill rehmannia) + zhi mu (rx. anemarrhenae), di gu pi (rz. lycii)
sx: general yin deficiency + hunger with no appetite, uncomfortable feeling in stomach, constipation, burning epigastric pain, dry vomiting and hiccups, constipation, dry mouth and throat, drink in small sips, fullness after eating
t: red with little moisture
p: thready, rapid
tx: nourish stomach yin & nourish fluids
fm: shen ling bai zhu san (ginseng, poria, and atractylodes macrocephalae powder)
sx: liver blood deficiency signs + red cheekbones
t: red without coating, normal without coat or rootless coating
p: floating, empty, slightly rapid
tx: tonify liver, nourish yin, clear empty heat if necessary
sx: palpitations, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers, mental restlessness, feeling agitated and heat, insomnia, red face, dream-disturbed sleep, bitter taste (after poor night sleep), hot dark yellow urine or blood in urine, hesitant and painful urination in severe cases
t: red
p: rapid
tx: clear heart, drain fire, calm the mind
fm: xie xin tang (drain the heart decoction)
sx: palpitations, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers, mental restlessness, feeling agitated and heat, insomnia, red face, dream-disturbed sleep, bitter taste (after poor night sleep), slight chest pain, rapid breathing, heavy periods, tightness and heat in the chest
t: red tip, redder and swollen with red points, yellow coating maybe a midline crack
p: full rapid overflow especially left front position. could be hasty, rapid stopping irregularly intervals
tx: drain fire of the heart & pericardium
fm: xie xin tang (drain the heart decoction)
sx: fever at night, mental confusion, incoherent speech or aphasia, delirium, hot body, cold hands and feet, macules
t: red dry without coating
p: fine, rapid
tx: clear nutritive qi level heat
sx: mouth and tongue ulcers, mental restlessness, insomnia, pain in throat, deafness, uncomfortable feeling of heat sensation in chest, abdominal pain, thirst with desire with desire to drink cold liquids, scanty dark urine, burning painful urination, blood in urine
t: red with redder and swollen tip, yellow coating
p: rapid, overflowing, especially front positions, wiry rear, if urinary symptoms
tx: drain heart fire, & small intestine fire
fm: dao chi san (guide out the red powder)
sx: irritability, propensity for outbursts of anger, tinnitus, deafness, distending pain in the head, temporal headache, vertigo dizziness, red face and eyes, pain in the eyes, swollen eyes, burning costal hypochondriac pain, thirst, bitter taste all day long, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dry mouth, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis
t: red with yellow coating
p: string-taut, rapid
tx: clear the liver, drain fire
fm: long dan xie gan tang (gentiana long dan cao decoction to drain the liver)
sx: liver fire symptoms + tremors, dream disturbed sleep
t: red with redder sides, dry yellow coat
p: wiry rapid
tx: clear the liver, drain fire, extinguish wind
sx: burning sensation and pain in the epigastrium, uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, thirst with desire to drink cold liquids, constant hunger, swelling and pain with bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, dry mouth, dry stools, mental restlessness, sour regurgitation, scanty yellow urine, constipation, nausea, vomiting soon after eating, bad breath, feeling of heat
t: red with yellow coating
p: rapid
tx: drain stomach-fire & stimulate the descending of stomach qi
fm: tiao wei cheng qi tang (regulate the stomach & order the qi decoction) qing wei san (clear stomach powder)
sx: constipation with dry stools, burning sensation in the mouth, dry tongue, burning & swelling in anus, scanty urine
t: thick, yellow (or brown or black), dry coating
p: full, rapid
tx: clear heat in the large intestine & stomach, promote body fluids
fm: ma zi ren wan (hemp seed pill)
sx: constipation, burning in anus, abdominal distension and pain which is worse with pressure, high fever or tidal fever, sweating especially on limbs, vomiting, thirst, delirium
t: red with thick, dry, yellow (or brown-black) coating
p: deep, full
tx: clear heat in stomach & large intestine, promote bowel movements
fm: tiao wei cheng qi tang (regulates the stomach and orders the qi decoction)
sx: mental confusion and depression, weeping and laughing without apparent reason, or sudden collapse, incoherent speech, unconsciousness, coma, lethargic stupor, slurred speech, aphasia, vomiting phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, dull eyes
t: white, sticky coating
p: string-taut, rolling
tx: open heart, resolve phlegm, open the mind's orifice
fm: open heart, resolve phlegm, open the mind's orifices
sx: palpitations, red face, thirst, bitter taste, oppression of the chest, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mental restlessness, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, insomnia, incoherent speech, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter/crying, shouting, muttering, mental depression and dullness, manic behavior, course breathing, deep yellow urine
t: yellow sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid, forceful
tx: clear heart, drain fire, resolve phlegm, calm the mind, open the mind's orifices
fm: wen dan tang (warm the gall bladder decoction)
sx: palpitations, red face, thirst, bitter taste, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mental restlessness, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, insomnia, incoherent speech, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrollable laughing/crying, shouting, muttering, mental depression and dullness, manic behavior, fullness and heat in chest, chest pain, rapid breathing
t: red, swollen, with dry sticky coating, deep heart crack, tip maybe swollen red with points
p: full rapid slippery or rapid overflowing slippery or rapid full wiry
tx: drain fire of pericardium & heart, resolve phlegm, open the mind's orificess, calm the mind
fm: wen dan tang (warm the gall bladder decoction)
sx: palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest, that may radiate to the inner aspect of the left arm or shoulder, a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, cyanosis of the lips & nails, cold hands, severe cases - cyanosis of face, lips, nails, cold limbs, spontaneous sweating
t: purplish dark or purplish spots
p: thready, hesitant or missed beats
tx: move blood, eliminate stasis, tonify & warm heart yang, calm the mind
fm: xue fu zhu yu tang (drive out the stasis in the mansion of blood decoction)
sx: vomiting of blood, epistaxis, purple nails or lips, dry skin, purple petechiae, painful periods, irregular periods, dark clotted menstrual blood, abdominal pain, and masses in the abdomen, hypochondriac pain, dark complexion, infertility, palpable masses, accompanied by pricking pain in the costal and hypochondriac regions
t: purple or purplish spots
p: string-taut
tx: smooth the liver, move qi, move blood, eliminate stasis
sx: stabbing pain in the epigastrium, worse with pressure, worse at night, nausea, vomiting of dark blood, blood in the stools, vomiting of food that looks like coffee
t: purple
p: wiry
tx: invigorate blood, eliminate stasis, stimulate the descending of stomach qi
sx: palpitations, feeling of distention and oppression of the chest, depression, sighing, slight feeling of lump in the throat, slight shortness of breath, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, slightly purple lips, pale complexion
t: slightly pale purple on sides in chest area
p: empty but very slightly overflowing on the left front position
tx: move heart qi, open the chest, calm the mind
fm: ban xia hou po tang (pinellia magnolia decoction)
sx: palpitations, feeling of oppression of the chest, depression, sighing, shortness of breath with inability to lie down, mental restlessness, flustered feeling, stabbing or prickling pain in the heart region that comes and goes and may radiate to the upper back or shoulder, pain aggravated by exposure to cold and alleviated by heat, expectoration of phlegm, feeling of heaviness, dislike of speaking, cold hands, purple lips, face and nails
t: purple on sides in chest area, swollen with sticky coating
p: wiry, choppy, knotted, slippery phlegm
tx: move heart qi & blood, eliminate stasis, open chest, resolve phlegm, expel cold, calm the mind
sx: palpitations, feeling of distention and slight pain in the chest, depression, sighing, feeling of lump in throat, slight shortness of breath, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, slightly purple lips, pale complexion, tight chest, irritable
t: slightly pale purple on the sides in chest area
p: empty but very slightly overflowing on left front position
tx: move qi in chest, regulate pericardium & heart calms the mind
fm: ban xia hou po tang (pinellia magnolia decoction)
sx: feeling of distension or wandering pain in hypochondriac, epigastrium, or abdomen or chest, hiccups.
melancholy, mental depression, moodiness, fluctuaion of mental state
nausea, vomiting, epigastric and/or abdominal pain, poor appetite, sour regurgitation, belching
unhappiness, lump in the throat, feeling of difficulty swallowing, stuffiness of the chest, sighing
irregular periods, painful periods, distension of breasts before periods, premenstrual tension and irritability
t: thin white coating (pricking pain in costal and hypochondriac regions or palpable masses: purplish spots)
p: string-taut
tx: smooth the liver & move the qi
sx: same signs of liver qi stagnation + slight oppression of chest, heat, red face, thirst, propensity for anger, heavy periods
t: red on sides
p: wiry, specially on left sides, slightly rapid
tx: smooth the liver, move qi, lightly clear heat
sx: epigastric pain and distention, belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, irritability
t: no particular signs, in severe cases maybe red on sides or in middle
p: wiry, right middle position
tx: move stomach qi, eliminate stagnation, restore the descending of stomach qi
fm: zuo jin wan (left metal pill)
sx: abdominal distension and pain, constipation with bitty stools, irritability, depending upon mood could be aggravated
t: normal or slightly red on sides
p: wiry on both rear positions
tx: move qi in large intestine
sx: nausea, belching, vomiting and hiccups, difficulty swallowing
t: no change
p: tight or wiry on right middle position
tx: subdue rebellious qi & stimulate the descending of stomach qi
fm: huo xiang zheng qi san (agastaches upright qi powder)
sx: nausea and vomiting, belching, poor appetite, anorexia, epigastric fullness, pain and distension better by vomiting, foul breath, sour regurgitation, insomnia, loose stools or constipation
t: thick, sticky coating
p: rolling
tx: resolve retention of food & stimulate the descending of stomach qi
fm: bao he wan (preserve harmony pill)
sx: hypochondriac or epigastric distention, hiccup, sighing, nausea, vomiting, belching, churning feeling in the stomach, irritability, women breast distention
t: mild, tongue body may not change, severe may be red sides
p: wiry, more so on lv/st positions
tx: smooth liver, subdue liver qi
fm: chai hu shu gan tang (bupleurum soothing liver decoction), si ni san (frigid extremities powder)
sx: poor appetite, stuffiness or fullness of chest, epigastrium & abdomen, feeling of cold in epigastrium which improves with warmth, tiredness, lassitude, heaviness of body and/or in the head, edema, sweet taste in mouth or absence of taste, nausea, sticky saliva, no thirst, dull-white complexion, loose-thin stools, white vaginal discharge
t: white sticky coating
p: soft
tx: resolve dampness & expel cold
fm: ping wei san (calm the stomach powder)
sx: chronic cough coming in bouts, profuse white sticky sputum which is easy to expectorate, white-pasty complexion, stuffiness of the chest, feeling "clogged up", shortness of breath, wheezing, nausea, feeling of heaviness, muzzy and dizziness of head, gurgling & sputum in throat, dislikes lying down
t: white sticky coating
p: rolling
tx: resolve dampness & phlegm, restore descending of lung qi
fm: er chen tang (two cured decoction)
sx: cough with white watery sputum, breathlessness, splashing sounds in chest, vomiting of white watery & frothy sputum, chilly, cough could be elicited by scare, heaviness, muzzy head, cold feeling, chest oppression, dizziness
t: pale with a thick sticky white coating
p: fine, slippery, or soggy or wiry
tx: resolve phlegm, tonify spleen, lung & kidney yang
sx: cough with white watery sputum easily expectorated, condition aggravated cold, cold hands, phlegm in throat, dizziness, oppression of chest, feeling cold in chest, heaviness, muzzy and dizziness in head
t: swollen and wet with sticky white coating
p: slippery, slow
tx: resolve phlegm, expel cold, warm yang, restore descending of lung qi
sx: dry cough, occasional difficulty to expectorate sparse sputum, oppression of chest, sparse phlegm in throat, shortness of breath, heaviness, muzzy head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, pasty-dry complexion
t: swollen with a dry sticky coating
p: fine, slippery
tx: resolve phlegm, nourish fluids, nourish lung yin, restore the descending of lung qi
fm: bei mu guo lou san (fritillaria-trichosanthes powder)
sx: frequent and urgent urination, difficult urination (stopping mid-stream), feeling of heaviness in hypogastrium and urethra, pale and turbid urine
t: white-sticky coating on root
p: slippery, slow, slightly wiry on left rear position
tx: resolve dampness, expel cold, remove obstruction from the lower burner water passages
fm: ba zheng san (8 upright powder for rectification)
sx: jaundice, dull-yellow eyes and skin, hypochondriac pain, fullness & distension, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, dull-yellow sclera, turbid urine, lack of thirst, sticky taste, dull headache, heaviness of body
t: thick, sticky, white coating, either both sides in two stripes or one side
p: slippery, wiry
tx: resolve dampness, clear gall bladder, promote the smooth flow of liver qi
sx: frequent and urgent urination, sand or stones in the urine, possible lower abdominal (hypogastric) distension and pain, burning urination or burning urethra, dribbling urine, difficult urination (stopping mid flow), dark yellow and/or turbid urine, blood in urine, lumbago, fever, and thirst but without desire to drink, feeling of heat
t: yellow sticky coating
p: rapid
tx: resolve dampness, clear heat, open water passages of lower burner
fm: ba zheng san (8 upright powder for rectification)
sx: hypochondriac pain and distension, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, yellow complexion, scanty and dark yellow urine, fever, thirst without a desire to drink, bitter taste, dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, heavy body, numbness of the limbs, swelling of the feet, loose stools or constipation, alternating hot and cold, yellow sclera, feeling of heat. (gallstones in gall bladder)
t: thick, sticky, yellow coating, either bilateral in two strips or only on one side
p: slippery, wiry, rapid
tx: resolve dampness, clear heat in gall bladder, stimulate the smooth flow of liver qi
sx: fullness of hypochondrium, abdomen or hypogastrium, bitter or sticky taste, poor appetite, nausea, heavy body, yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vulva eczema or sores, mid-cycle bleeding and/or pain, redness & swelling of scrotum, genital, papular or vesicular skin rashes, urinary difficulty, burning or dark urine, dysuria
t: yellow sticky coating
p: sting-taut, rapid
tx: resolve dampness, clear liver & clear heat
fm: long dan xie gan tang (gentiana long dan cao decoction to drain the liver)
sx: barking cough, profuse sticky yellow or green sputum or bloody sputum, that is foul-smelling, dry mouth, flapping of the ala nasi, shortness of breath, asthma, stuffiness in the chest, constipation, yellow urine, oppression of the chest, phlegm in the throat, feels heat, thirst insomnia, agitation, heaviness, muzzy head and dizziness
t: red, with yellow sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid
tx: resolve phlegm, clear heat, stimulate the descending lung qi
fm: wen dan tang (warm the gall bladder) qing qi hua tan tang (clear the qi and transform phlegm pill)
sx: stuffiness of the epigastrium & lower abdomen, poor appetite, feeling of heaviness, bitter taste, fatigue, thirst with no desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, sticky mouth, epigastric and abdominal pain, loose stools with offensive odor, burning sensation of the anus, scanty dark yellow urine, low grade fever, headache; dull yellow face like tangerine peel, yellow sclera, oily sweat, itchy skin/skin eruptions, sweat that does not reduce the fever or heat
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: soft, rapid
tx: resolve dampness, clear heat
sx: abdominal pain not relieved by bowel movements, fullness in abdomen, diarrhea, mucus and blood in stools, or yellow watery stools, offensive odor of stools, burning sensation in anus, tenesmus, scanty dark urine, fever, sweat that does not decrease fever, thirst without desire to drink, feeling of heaviness & heat
t: yellow, sticky coating
p: rolling, rapid or soft, rapid
tx: clear heat, resolve dampness, stop diarrhea
fm: bai tou weng tang (pulsatilla decoction)
sx: feeling of fullness and pain of epigastrium, heaviness, facial pain, blocked nose or thick sticky discharge, thirst without desire to drink, nausea, feeling of heat, dull-yellow complexion, a sticky taste
t: red with sticky yellow coating
p: slippery, rapid
tx: resolves dampness, clears heat, restores descending of stomach qi
sx: headache on temples, eyes, or lateral side of head, dizziness, flushed face, red face, tinnitus, deafness, dry mouth & throat, insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep, irritability, sore and weak low back, poor memory, shouting in anger, blurred vision, stiff neck, vertigo, palpitations
t: red
p: string-taut, thready, rapid
tx: tian ma gou teng yin (gastrodia & uncaria decoction)
sx: high fever, neck rigidity, convulsions & tremors, opisthotonos, upward staring; severe case: coma & lockjaw
t: deep-red
p: string-taut, rapid
tx: cool blood, nourish yin, extinguish wind
sx: tremors, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness and tingling of the limbs, poor memory, and insomnia
t: pale, thin
p: wiry, fine
tx: subdue liver yang, extinguish wind, nourish liver blood
sx: tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness tingling of limbs, poor memory, dry eyes
t: normal without coat
p: wiry, fine
tx: subdue liver yang, extinguish wind, nourish liver yin
sx: tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness tingling of the limbs, poor memory, backache, scanty urination, night sweating
t: normal color without coat
p: wiry, fine
tx: subdue liver yang, extinguish wind, nourish liver & kidney yin
fm: zhen gan xi feng tang (sedate the liver and extinguish wind decoction)
sx: fine tremor, facial tic, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty menses
t: pale, thin
p: wiry fine
tx: nourish liver blood, extinguish wind
sx: dry cough, dry skin, dry throat, dry mouth, thirst, hoarse voice
t: dry
p: empty, especially on right front position
tx: moisten lungs, nourish fluids
fm: bai hu gu jin tang (lily bulb decoction to preserve the metal)
sx: cough, chills and fever, itchy throat, no sweating, stuffy nose or runny nose with clear-watery mucus, sneezing, aversion to cold, absence of thirst, occipital headache, body aches and slight breathlessness
t: thin white coating
p: superficial, tense
tx: release exterior, expel cold, stimulate descend & diffuse lung qi
sx: cough, fever, aversion to wind or cold, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose with yellow mucus, sneezing, headache, body aches, possible heat sensation of the whole body, slight sweating, slight thirst, swollen tonsils
t: thin yellow coating
p: superficial, rapid
tx: release exterior, clear heat, stimulate the descending & diffuse lung qi
fm: sang ju yin (mulberry leaf & chrysanthemum decoction)
sx: sudden swelling of eyes and face and gradually spreading to the whole body, bright shiny complexion, scanty and pale urination, aversion to wind, fever, cough, slight breathlessness
t: white-sticky coating
p: floating-slippery
tx: release exterior, expel cold, resolve dampness, restore descending of lung qi, open water passages
sx: cough, nasal flaring, slight breathlessness, feeling of heat, thirst, red face, and tight chest
t: red with yellow coating
p: rapid, overflowing
tx: clear lung heat, restore the descending of lung qi
sx: dry stools, which are difficult to evacuate, constipation, dry mouth and throat, thin body, foul breath and dizziness
t: red with little moisture or dry yellow coating
p: thready
tx: promote fluids in large intestine
fm: ma zi ren wan (hemp seed pill)
sx: chronic diarrhea, prolapse of anus, hemorrhoids, tiredness after bowel movements, cold limbs, no appetite, mental exhaustion, desire to drink warm liquids, desire to have the abdomen massaged
t: pale
p: fine, weak, and deep
tx: tonify stomach & spleen, raise qi
fm: bu zhong yi qi tang (tonify the middle and augment the qi decoction)
sx: lower abdominal twisting pain which may extend to the back, bearing down pain in the testes referring to lumbar, acute pain, abdominal distension, dislike of pressure on abdomen, borborygmus, flatulence, abdominal pain relieved by emission of wind
t: white coating
p: deep, string-taut
tx: move small intestine qi, promote smooth flow of liver qi
sx: violent abdominal pain, abdominal distension, dislikes pressure, constipation, vomiting, borborygmus, flatulence.
t: thick, white coating
p: deep, wiry
tx: remove obstruction from lower burner, move qi of small intestine
sx: abdominal pain and distension, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion
roundworms: abdominal pain, vomiting of roundworms, cold limbs
hookworms: desire to eat strange objects such as soil, wax, uncooked rice, or tea leaves
pinworms: itchy anus, which is worse in evening
tapeworms: constant hunger
t: n/a
p: n/a
tx: acupuncture not applicable, herbal formulas work
zang fu mixed syndromes
sx: alternating constipation & diarrhea, irritability, abdominal distention and pain, tired, fullness and pain in costal & hypochondriac area, mental depression, poor appetite, stools sometimes bitty and dry, loose stools, flatulence
t: thin tongue coating
p: string-taut
tx: subdue rebellious qi and tonify spleen
fm: xiao yao san (rambling powder)
sx: epigastric fullness, empty uncomfortable feeling in stomach, sour regurgitation, belching, hiccup, nausea, sighing, vomiting, irritability, distension & pain in epigastrium, costal & hypochondrium, mental depression, weak limbs
t: thin tongue coating
p: string-taut
tx: subdue rebellious qi and tonify stomach
fm: ju pi zhu ru tang (tangerine peel and bamboo shavings decoction) ban xia hou po tang (pinellia magnolia decoction) + zuo jin wan (left metal pill)
sx: breathlessness, fullness and stuffiness or burning pain of the chest, costal and hypochondrium, asthma, cough with yellow or blood tinged sputum, headache, dizziness, red face, blood shot eyes, thirst, bitter taste, scanty-dark urine, constipation. severe cases, quick temper, irritability, restlessness, and heat sensation in chest
t: red tongue with thin yellow coating
p: string-taut, rapid
tx: clear liver, drain fire, subdue liver qi, stimulate descent of liver qi
fm: long dan xie gan tang (gentiana long dan cao decoction to drain the liver)
sx: hypochondriac pain, nausea, vomiting, fullness, and distension, inability to digest fats, yellow complexion, scanty dark yellow urine, fever, thirst without desire to drink, bitter taste, dizziness, heavy body, numb limbs, tinnitus, yellow sclera, feet swelling, hot urination, difficulty in urinating, heavy yellow vaginal discharge, loose stools or constipation, alternating hot and cold, feeling heat, genital papular skin rashes & itching, swelling and heat in scrotum, irritability
t: thick sticky yellow coating, either bilateral or one side only
p: slippery, wiry, rapid
tx: resolve dampness, clear heat, clear liver & gall bladder, promote smooth flow of liver qi
fm: long dan xie gan tang (gentiana long dan cao decoction to drain the liver)
sx: vertical or dull occipital headache, insomnia, numbness and/or tingling of limbs, malar flush, dizziness, blurred vision, soreness of lower back and knees, tinnitus, night sweating, feeling of heat of palms and soles, difficult sensation in chest, brittle nails, dry vagina, eyes, throat, skin and hair, deafness
t: red tongue with little coating
p: thready, rapid
tx: nourish liver & kidney yin
fm: zuo gui wan (restore left kidney pill)
sx: mental restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, soreness of low back, nocturnal emissions with dreams, feeling of heat in evening, night sweating, scanty-dark urine, dry throat at night, thirst with a desire to drink in small sips, anxiety, five-palm heat, dry stools
t: red with redder tip without coating, midline heart crack
p: floating-empty, rapid. or deep weak on both rear positions and overflowing on both front positions
tx: nourish kidney and heart yin, clear empty heat, calm mind
sx: dry cough that is worse in evening, dry mouth and throat, breathlessness on exertion, low backache, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, scanty urine, night sweating, thin body
t: red tongue with little coating
p: thready, rapid
tx: nourish lung & kidney yin, nourish body fluids
sx: asthmatic breathing, shortness of breath, and more exhalation than inhalation, always worse on exertion, low voice, cold limbs, could have blue complexion, spontaneous sweating, incontinence, urine due to severe cough
t: pale with thin coating
p: weak
tx: tonify kidney and lung qi
sx: low back ache, cold & weak knees, and back, weak legs, bright-white complexion, impotence, tired, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, cold and thin sperm, decreased libido, abundant clear urination, scanty urination, night urination, edema of lower body, infertility of women, poor appetite, desire to lie down, early morning diarrhea, chronic diarrhea, slight abdominal distention, depression, loose stools, apathy, lassitude, facial puffiness
t: pale swollen delicate tongue, thin white coating
p: deep, weak
tx: tonify & warm spleen & kidney yang
fm: li zhong wan (regulate the middle pill) + jin gui shen qi wan (kidney qi pill from the golden cabinet)
sx: pale complexion, spontaneous daytime sweating, poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, loose stools, weak voice & limbs, tendency to obesity, slight breathlessness, cough with profuse diluted white sputum, dislike speaking. severe - facial puffiness, foot edema, lassitude, propensity to catch colds
t: pale with white coating
p: weak
tx: tonify lung and spleen qi
fm: si jun zi tang (four gentlemen decoction)
sx: numbness of limbs, dizziness, dull-pale complexion, tiredness, loose stools, poor appetite, slight abdominal distension, blurred vision, weak limbs, thin body, scanty periods, amenorrhea, insomnia, floaters, poor night vision, pale lips, cramps, dry hair and skin, slight depression, feeling of restlessness, withered and brittle nails, lassitude, muscular weakness
t: pale, paler on sides. could have orange color on sides in severe cases.
p: choppy, fine
tx: tonify spleen qi, nourish liver blood
fm: gui pi tang (restore spleen decoction)
sx: palpitations, dull/pale complexion, insomnia, tiredness, poor memory, dream-disturbed sleep, reduced appetite, pale lips, abdominal distension, anxiety, propensity to be easily startled, dizziness, loose stools, scanty menses, weak muscles
t: pale with thin white coating
p: thready and weak
tx: nourish blood, tonify heart & spleen, calm mind
fm: gui pi tang (restore the spleen decoction)
sx: palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, depression, propensity to be startled, slight night blindness, dull-pale complexion, pale lips, blurred vision, floaters in eyes, numbness or tingling of limbs, scanty periods or amenorrhea, cramps, muscular weakness, dry hair and skin, feeling of aimlessness, withered and brittle nails
t: pale thin, slightly dry
p: choppy, fine
tx: nourish blood, tonify heart & liver, calm mind, settle ethereal soul
fm: gui pi tang (restore the spleen decoction)
sx: feeling of heaviness, dry mouth without desire to drink, sallow complexion, epigastric & hypochondriac distention & pain, stuffiness and fullness of epigastrium, nausea, no appetite, loose stools, bitter or sticky taste, pain, irritability
t: thick-sticky-yellow coating
p: slippery, wiry
tx: resolve dampness, promote smooth flow of liver qi, clear heat
fm: ping wei san (calm stomach powder), huo xiang sheng qi san (agastache powder to rectify the qi) + mu xiang (rx. aucklandiae lappae), xiang fu ( rz. cyperi rotundi)
sx: slight shortness of breath, palpitations, slight coughing, weak voice, bright-white complexion, propensity to catch colds, tiredness, depression, dislikes speaking, spontaneous sweating, sighing
t: pale
p: empty especially on both front positions
tx: tonify qi, strengthen heart & lung, calm mind
fm: si jun zi tang (four gentlemen decoction + huang qi (rx. astragali) sheng mai san (generating the pulse powder)
sx: poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of limbs, loose stools, uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, lack of taste sensation
t: pale
p: empty, especially on right middle position
tx: tonify stomach & spleen
fm: si jun zi tang (four gentlemen), shen ling bai zhu san (ginseng, poria, and atractylodes macrocephala powder)